The main characteristics of the Antimüllerian hormone from the points of view of biochemistry, molecular genetics, physiological functions and importance for diagnostics in reproductive endocrinology and related biomedical fields are reviewed. The role of the hormone in male and female development, its participation in oocyte maturation including selection of a dominant follicle are summarized, as well as its changes under various pathological situations in both sexes. The physiological changes of serum AMH leves in the life span in both sexes and their alterations under various pathological conditions are provided, too., R. Hampl, M. Šnajderová, T. Mardešić., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Duponchelia fovealis Zeller is a polyphagous insect that has been recently reported attacking strawberry plants (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne). Despite its economic importance there are few studies on this pest because it is difficult to rear it in the laboratory. With a constant supply of insects, studies on alternative methods of pest control can be conducted. This study aimed at developing an artificial diet for rearing D. fovealis with biological characteristics similar to those reared on their natural diet. This study was carried out in a climate-controlled room (25°C ± 2°C, RH 70% ± 10%, and 14L : 10D). The natural diet consisted of 'San Andreas' strawberry leaves (D1), while the artificial diet (D2) was developed in which beans, casein, soy protein, yeast and wheat germ are used as sources of protein. Five instars were identified. D. fovealis completed its life cycle in 38 and 40 days when fed D1 and D2, respectively. Survival was highest for the larvae fed the artificial diet. Females fed D1 lay a mean of 300.2 ± 62.3 eggs, while those fed D2, 220.3 ± 41.8 eggs. The artificial diet is suitable for the continuous rearing of D. fovealis in the laboratory., Maria A. C. Zawadneak, Rodrimar B. Gonçalves, Alex S. Poltronieri, Bráulio Santos, Adélia M. Bischoff, Aline M. Borba, Ida C. Pimentel., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Anthropogenic environmental pollutants affect many physiological, biochemical, and endocrine actions as reproduction, metabolism, immunity, behavior and as such can interfere with any aspect of hormone action. Microbiota and their genes, microbiome, a large body of microorganisms, first of all bacteria and co-existing in the host´s gut, are now believed to be autonomous endocrine organ, participating at overall endocrine, neuroendocrine and immunoendocrine regulations. While an extensive literature is available on the physiological and pathological aspects of both players, information about their mutual relationships is scarce. In the review we attempted to show various examples where both, endocrine disruptors and microbiota are meeting and can act cooperatively or in opposition and to show the mechanism, if known, staying behind these actions., Richard Hampl, Luboslav Stárka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Velká část hmyzu má v temperátní či mediterrání oblasti jednoletý vývojový cyklus, který je dán výraznou sezonní proměnlivostí tohoto prostředí. Mezi druhy s jednoletým cyklem patří i chrobáci rodu Lethrus, kam patří i na Moravě vymizelý chrobák révový (L. apterus). Při pokusech o chov těchto chrobáků bylo zjištěno, že část jedinců pocházejících z volné přírody upustila v pokusných podmínkách od aktivní fáze života a zahrabala se na dno chovných boxů, kde přežila více jak rok a půl od jejich odchycení v terénu. Po jejich násilném probuzení, začali někteří brouci aktivovat a přijímat potravu. Zda se jedná o náhodné pozorování nebo o strategii, při které se brouci rozhodují, zda v danou sezonu aktivovat či nebo „přeležet“ do následujícího roku zůstává nejasné a je předmětem dalších výzkumů., The genus Lethus (Geotrupidae) is believed to be a typical representative of a beetle with one-year life cycle. The adults mate and dig maternal chambers between the end of March and May. The larvae develop inside these chambers and pupate within a few months of eclosion. The inactive imago remains inside the burrow until spring. In our breeding experiments several wild caught beetles abandoned the active phase of life, burrowed themselves, and were inactive for more than a year and half. Some beetles resumed foraging and remained active for another three months after they were dug out., and Petr Šípek, Dana Drožová, Petr Janšta, David Král.
Článek popisuje tzv. závislý způsob zakládání kolonie u mravenců. Ten má několik stupňů závislosti - od závislosti na cizím mraveništi pouze v počátku vzniku kolonie (dočasná závislost) až po trvalé soužití dvou mravenčích druhů. To má několik stupňů, počínaje prostým hostováním (xenobióza) a konče příležitostným (fakultativním) otrokářstvím - tzv. inkvilinie, nebo trvalým (obligatorním) otrokářstvím - tzv. duloze. Trvalé otrokářství je spojeno s nutností pořádat otrokářské výpravy za plodem pomocných mravenců (otroků). Mimo jiné je jich využito i pro založení nové kolonie otrokářů., Dependent ways of nest foundation in some ant species are described. These include various types of social parasitism ranging from temporary parasitism to both optional and obligatory slavery. The latter is the strongest form of dependence of the slave-making ant on its slaves and is accompanied by the inability of the slaver species to survive without its slaves. On the other hand, slave-making ants are famous for their orientation in the field and movement over long distances. These abilities are used, e.g., by the European Amazon Ant (Polyergus rufescens) in its special strategy of nest foundation based on cooperation between workers and the freshly inseminated queen during a slavery raid., and Pavel Amcha.
The functional antagonism between obestatin and ghrelin in the testis is under investigation. We investigated the ability of obestatin to counteract the inhibitory effect of ghrelin on basal and stimulated testosterone (T) secretion in vitro. Testicular strips from adult rats were incubated with 10 ng/ml and 100 ng /ml of obestatin alone, ghrelin alone and obestatin + ghrelin. Obestatin modulation of stimulated T secretion was evaluated by incubation of testicular samples with 10 ng/ml and 100 ng/ml obestatin, ghrelin and obestatin + ghrelin in the absence and presen ce of 10 IU of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). T concentrations in the hCG treated groups were significantly (P<0.0001) higher than those in the control groups. Obestatin caused a significant increase in basal T secretion in a dose-dependent manner; however, obestatin at the both 10 ng /ml and 100 ng/ml significantly (P<0.0001) in creased hCG-stimulated T secretion. In contrast, ghrelin in a dose-dependent manner significantly (P<0.001) decreased both basal and hCG-induced T secretion by testicular slices. Obestatin opposed the inhibitory effect of ghrelin on T secretion under both basal and hCG-stimulated conditions at all doses tested. In conclusions, administration of obestatin was able to antagonize the inhibitory effect of ghrelin on testosterone secretion in vitro ., T. Afsar, S. Jahan, S. Razak, A. Almajwal, M. Abulmeaty, H. Wazir, A. Majeed., and Obsahuje bibliografii
There are 15 members of the Wolf Spiders genus Alopecosa in the Czech Republic, most of which are rare and stenoecious. Although they have been studied for a long time, we do not have much information about their biology and reproduction. Members of this genus show a large variability in courtship and copulatory behaviour., K zajímavým rodům slíďáků náleží rod Alopecosa, na území České republiky známe výskyt 15 druhů rodu. Ačkoli ojedinělé záznamy o biologii a taxonomii rodu máme sice už z 18. stol., jejich studium pokračuje zejména v dnešní době, kdy se do popředí dostává výzkum rozmnožování., and Pavel Just.
Polystomatid monogeneans have a wide diversity of life cycles correlated with the varied ecology and behaviour of their aquatic vertebrate hosts. Typically, transmission involves a swimming infective larva but most hosts are amphibious and invasion is interrupted when hosts leave water. A key life cycle adaptation involves a uterus that, in the most specialised cases, may contain several hundred fully-developed larvae prepared for instant host-to-host transmission. By contrast, one subfamily of the Polystomatidae - the Polystomoidinae, specific to chelonians (freshwater turtles) - has a simplified reproductive system without a uterus. Recently, Polystomoides nelsoni Du Preez et Van Rooyen, 2015 has been described with a uterus containing multiple eggs. The present study explores the exceptional interest of this parasite - for the functional biology of egg production, for the evolution of a reproductive system unique amongst ca 60 species in the subfamily, and for systematic relationships. A new genus is proposed, Uteropolystomoides gen. n., separate from the four currently-recognised genera Polystomoides Ward, 1917, Uropolystomoides Tinsley et Tinsley, 2016, Neopolystoma Price, 1939 and Polystomoidella Price, 1939 which lack a uterus. In addition, U. nelsoni (Du Preez et Van Rooyen, 2015) comb. n. has a suite of distinctive copulatory stuctures: a massive genital bulb with an exceptionally large number of very long genital spines and hyper-development of the vaginal openings. These characters set U. nelsoni apart from all other polystomoidines worldwide except Polystomoides multifalx Stunkard, 1924 and P. stunkardi Harwood, 1931. Missing data for these latter species preclude definitive assessment of inter-relationships but the distinguishing characters of U. nelsoni, especially the unique occurrence of the uterus, suggest a novel evolutionary pathway isolated from other lineages of polystomatids infecting chelonians., Richard C. Tinsley., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Fertilization process is a very clever and unique process comprising some essential steps resulting in formation of zygote. Tetraspanin CD9 is considered to be a serious candidate molecule participating in these events. The importance of CD9 has been discussed in relation to acrosome reaction, sperm-binding, sperm-penetration, sperm-egg fusion and eventually, egg activation. The abundant expression of CD9 oocyte plasma membrane and the presence of CD9-containing vesicles in the perivitelline space of intact oocytes have been confirmed. Despite the fact that majority of authors analyzed CD9 expressed on oocytes, several studies considered the function of sperm CD9, too. To understand CD9 involvement, various conditions of in vitro fertilization (IVF) assays using polyclonal as well as monoclonal antibodies or knockout mice were carried out. However, ambiguous data have been obtained about the importance of CD9 in sperm-egg binding or fusion. Although the current findings did not prove any hypothesis, the indispensable role of CD9 in fertilization process was not excluded and the precise role of CD9 remains unexplained., J. Jankovičová, M. Simon, J. Antalíková, P. Cupperová, K. Michalková., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Slunéčka (Coccinellidae) se páří často a dlouho, přičemž opakované páření zvyšuje jejich plodnost. Spermie vydrží celé měsíce a samice má pak potomstvo s mnoha samci zároveň. První samec v pořadí, samec početnější barevné formy a větší samec mají výhodu většího počtu potomků., Ladybirds (Coccinellidae) mate often and for a long time. Multiple mating increases their fertility. The sperm lasts for months and females lay eggs fertilized by multiple males. The first male in order, the male of the more common colour form and the larger male have a reproductive advantage., and Oldřich Nedvěd.