Článek popisuje tzv. závislý způsob zakládání kolonie u mravenců. Ten má několik stupňů závislosti - od závislosti na cizím mraveništi pouze v počátku vzniku kolonie (dočasná závislost) až po trvalé soužití dvou mravenčích druhů. To má několik stupňů, počínaje prostým hostováním (xenobióza) a konče příležitostným (fakultativním) otrokářstvím - tzv. inkvilinie, nebo trvalým (obligatorním) otrokářstvím - tzv. duloze. Trvalé otrokářství je spojeno s nutností pořádat otrokářské výpravy za plodem pomocných mravenců (otroků). Mimo jiné je jich využito i pro založení nové kolonie otrokářů., Dependent ways of nest foundation in some ant species are described. These include various types of social parasitism ranging from temporary parasitism to both optional and obligatory slavery. The latter is the strongest form of dependence of the slave-making ant on its slaves and is accompanied by the inability of the slaver species to survive without its slaves. On the other hand, slave-making ants are famous for their orientation in the field and movement over long distances. These abilities are used, e.g., by the European Amazon Ant (Polyergus rufescens) in its special strategy of nest foundation based on cooperation between workers and the freshly inseminated queen during a slavery raid., and Pavel Amcha.
Various types of artificial ant nests (formicaries) are described. These include simple laboratory types to more complex formicaries whose esthetic design is suitable for flat interiors. Formicaries facilitate not only the observation of natural ant behaviour inside a nest, but also of the remarkable practices used by young queens to appropriate the nest of a host ant species. In such equipment it is even possible to arrange a predatory raid by slave-making ants and observe their behaviour inside the attacked nest. Such observations would not have been possible in natural conditions. and Pavel Amcha.