Entomologická nomenklatura obsahuje nesčetné množství názvů odvozených od jmen antických mytologických postav. Zoologové již od doby Carla Linného s oblibou přidělovali takováto jména zvláště motýlům a broukům. Jména bývala často tvořena bez motivu, jindy entomologové brali ohled na vztah živočicha a mýtické postavy (vzhled, chování, region). Pátý díl seriálu představuje alespoň výběr příkladů., Entomological nomenclature contains an enormous number of names derived from the names of ancient mythological characters. Ever since Carl Linne's times zoologists have liked giving such names to butterflies and beetles. The names were often formed without any motives, other times entomologists considered the relationship between the animal and the mythological character (appearance, behaviour or region). The fifth part of the series presents at least some selected names of insects., and Tomáš Pavlík.
Flowers of dicotyledonous plants host communities of arthropod species. We studied the community associated with dandelion (Taraxacum section Ruderalia), a complex of apomictic micro-species abundant in central Europe. Identification of microspecies in the field was impracticable. These plants produce an abundance of flowers that host arthropod communities that are not yet fully documented. We investigated species occurrence, its diurnal and seasonal variation and some of the factors that determine the abundance of the dominant species. Insect and spiders were collected from 2010 to 2012 at a locality in Prague. Whole capitula were harvested at weekly intervals and resident arthropods were identified. Diurnal variation in insect presence and the effect of pollen and microclimate on some of the species were also examined. The insect community (> 200 species) consisted mainly of species of Hymenoptera (86 spp.), Coleoptera (56 spp.), Diptera (46 spp.) and Heteroptera (23 spp.). The most abundant were Thysanoptera (2 spp.). Pollen eaters/collectors and nectar feeders dominated over predators and occasional visitors. From April to mid-August, the insect community was dominated by Coleoptera, and later by Diptera and Hymenoptera. Except for Meligethes spp. and species breeding in the capitula, the insects occupied flowers during the daytime when the flowers were open (10-12 h in spring and only 2-4 h in late summer). The presence of Meligethes spp. in particular flowers was associated with the presence of pollen; the occurrence of Byturus ochraceus with pollen and flower temperature. Although pollination is not necessary, dandelion plants produce both nectar and pollen. The community of arthropods that visit dandelion flowers is rich despite their being ephemeral.The composition of local faunas of flower visitors, presence of floral rewards and flower microclimate are important factors determining the composition of the flower community., Alois Honěk, Zdenka Martinková, Jiří Skuhrovec, Miroslav Barták, Jan Bezděk, Petr Bogusch, Jiří Hadrava, Jiří Hájek, Petr Janšta, Josef Jelínek, Jan Kirschner, Vítězslav Kubáň, Stano Pekár, Pavel Průdek, Pavel Štys, Jan Šumpich., and Obsahuje bibliografii
To date, thousands of microRNAs (miRNAs) and their precursors (pre-miRNAs) have been identified in insects and their nucleotide sequences deposited in the miRBase database. In the present work, we have systematically analyzed, utilizing bioinformatics tools, the featural differences between human and insect pre-miRNAs, as well as differences across 24 insect species. Results showed that the nucleotide composition, sequence length, nucleotides preference and secondary structure features between human and insects were different. Subsequently, with the aid of three available SVM-based prediction programs, pre-miRNA sequences were evaluated and given corresponding scores. Thus it was found that of 2633 sequences from the 24 chosen insect species, 2229 (84.7%) were successfully recognized by the Mirident classifier, higher than Triplet-SVM (72.5%) and PMirP (72.6%). In contrast, four species, including the domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori L., the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, the honeybee, Apis mellifera L. and the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), were found to be largely responsible for the poor performance of some sequence matching. Compared with other species, B. mori especially showed the worst performance with the lowest average MFE index (0.73). Collectively these results pave the way for understanding specificity and diversity of miRNA precursors in insects, and lay the foundation for the further development of more suitable algorisms for insects., Li, Jisheng ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Tato studie pojednává o rané fázi mikroskopického zkoumání přírody, které ve svém díle Micrographia (1665) představil Robert Hooke (1635–1703). Vzhledem k obsáhlosti díla se zaměřuje na pasáže, které Hooke věnoval výzkumu hmyzu. Předmětem analýzy je především metodologie Hookova výzkumu: způsob, jakým tento experimentátor využíval mikroskop ke zkoumání mravenců, much, komárů a jiného hmyzu. Dále je pozornost věnována způsobu, jakým Hooke představoval výsledky svého pozorování, tedy popisům a ilustracím hmyzu. A konečně, příspěvek se také pokouší vyložit vybrané záznamy mikroskopických pozorování v Micrographii a objasnit jejich vazbu na filosofickou a náboženskou interpretaci přírody sedmnáctého století., The aim of the study is to discuss the early microscopic examination of nature, introduced by Robert Hooke (1635–1703) in his work Micrographia (1665). Considering the complexity of his work, the paper focuses on passages concerning Hooke’s research of insects. The object of analysis is above all Hooke’s methodology of research: the way in which the experimenter used the microscope to study ants, flies, mosquitoes and other insects. Attention is also paid to the way in which Hooke presented the results of his observation, i.e. to his descriptions and illustrations of insects. Finally, the study also tries to interpret selected records of microscopic observations in Micrographia and clarify their relation to philosophical and religious interpretations of nature in seventeenth century., and Monika Bečvářová.
Strong tolerance of freezing is an important strategy for insects living in extremely cold regions. They produce highly effective cryoprotectant systems consisting of ice-nucleating proteins and polyols, which enables tolerable freezing of the body fluid. Therefore, the measurement of the concentrations of polyols and the activity of ice nucleators in the haemolymph is an essential tool for describing tolerance to ice formation in insects occurring in particularly cold places. This study evaluates three parameters: insect body supercooling point (SCP), haemolymph glycerol content and the profile of haemolymph ice nucleating activity that characterize the strategies of cold adaptation and cold hardiness in two previously unstudied beetles, Chrysolina graminis graminis L. and Galerucella nymphaea L., inhabiting Yakutia (Russian Far East, latitude 62°N). The high SCP values, ice nucleating activity and survival of the chrysomelids after freezing indicate that both species are tolerant of freezing. According to the profiles of ice-nucleating activity, the haemolymph from C. graminis graminis is characterized by a higher nucleating potential than that from G. nymphaea. The glycerol level is also higher in C. graminis graminis. The results indicate that both species develop tolerance to low temperatures, but the cold hardiness potential of C. graminis graminis is greater than that of G. nymphaea. This was revealed by the survival test, in which beetles were frozen to a temperature of -22°C for 30 min; 86% of C. graminis graminis and 72% of G. nymphaea survived the test. Thus, the freeze-tolerance of these beetles seems to be based on the production of an integrated cryoprotectant system, the quality of which apparently influences the range of their cold resistance., Natalia G. Li., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Článek představuje dlouhodobý výzkum vodního hmyzu, především jepic (Ephemeroptera), pošvatek (Plecoptera) a chrostíků (Trichoptera), v České republice. V jeho více než stoleté historii jsou určitými milníky období přelomu 19. a 20. stol. a práce F. Klapálka a druhá polovina minulého století, kdy probíhal organizovaný faunistický výzkum vedený V. Landou a M. Zelinkou. Data a materiál nashromážděné během celého tohoto období nyní umožňují provést unikátní porovnání výskytu druhů v současnosti a minulosti na stovkách lokalit po celé České republice. Jeho výsledky přinášejí cenné informace o vývoji společenstev vodního hmyzu., This article presents long-term investigation into aquatic insects, particularly mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Ephemeroptera) and caddisflies (Trichoptera), in the Czech Republic. Within its more than hundred-year history, two milestones can be recognised: the turn of the 20th century with the famous work of F. Klapálek, and the second half of the last century with extended faunistic research conducted by V. Landa and M. Zelinka. The data and material gathered during the entire period enable us to compare species distribution at hundreds of localities covering the whole Czech Republic over the hundred years. The results show valuable information on the development of communities of aquatic insects., and Tomáš Soldán ... [et al.].
Článek přináší poznatky o vznikajících mezidruhových vztazích v ekosystémech po zavlečení nového invazního druhu rostliny – netýkavky žláznaté (Impatiens glandulifera) – a uvádí některé entomologické aspekty jejího masového výskytu v novém prostředí., The impact of aphids on the invasive plant Impatiens glandulifera in the Czech Republic is shown and some entomological aspects of I. glandulifera distribution in local ecosystems are discussed., and Petr Starý, Jan Havelka.
The mouthparts of the spoon-winged lacewing Nemoptera sinuata are adapted for the uptake of pollen and nectar. Form and function of the mouthparts are described, and the technique of food uptake is discussed in context with flower-visiting behaviour and floral architecture of the preferred flowers. The maxillae are the main organs for food uptake. The brush-shaped laciniae, galeae and maxillary palpi form a functional unit which can be extended by the action of the cardo-stipes joint. Video analyses of the mouthpart movements distinguished different patterns of maxillary motions which occur in nectar feeding or pollen collecting. The flower-visiting behaviour and the specialised mouthparts of the Nemopteridae are derived traits which probably evolved from predatory and biting/chewing mouthparts within the Neuroptera.
Hmyzí hormonální soustava se skládá z několika typů žláz produkujících tři různé druhy hormonů – ekdysteroidy, juvenilní hormony a peptidické neurohormony. Struktura, funkční koordinace a vzájemné vztahy v této soustavě představují dobře organizovaný řídicí systém, který v zásadě pracuje stejně jako hormonální soustava obratlovců: řídí prakticky všechny životní projevy hmyzu. Jedna skupina hmyzích metabolických neurohormonů – adipokinetické hormony – hraje důležitou roli v odpovědi organismu na stresové podmínky. Tyto hormony zajišťují mobilizaci energetických zdrojů, stimulují pohybovou aktivitu, zvyšují činnost srdce, aktivují imunitní systém a nedůležité procesy odsouvají na pozdější dobu. Touto koordinovanou činností umožňují hmyzímu organismu vyrovnávat se s nepříznivými podmínkami vnějšího prostředí a podílet se tak na udržování homeostázy vnitřního prostředí., The insect hormonal system consists of several types of endocrine glands which produce three different hormones – ecdysteroids, juvenile hormones and peptidic neurohormones. The structure, functional coordination and mutual relationships within the system are a well organised control system resembling the hormonal system of vertebrates: it controls practically all aspects of insect life. One group of insect metabolic neurohormones called adipokinetic hormones plays an important role in the defence of the insect organism against stress. Those hormones control energy mobilization, stimulate locomotory activity and the heart beat, activate the immune system and postpone less important processes for later. That sophisticated system helps the insect organism to cope with negative environmental conditions and to retain the body homeostasis., and Dalibor Kodrík.