The official Burgundian historiographer Georges Chastellain (perhaps 1415-1475) left an extensive work of various genres behind. We also find in the Chronicle noteworthy Bohemicalia and Luxemburg passages, concerning particularly the origin of Hussitism. Chastellain saw the roots of this revolution in the lascivious alliance of Prague girls and the monks of one monastery there. To be able to sleep with their lovers, the girls cut their hair and wore monk´s cowls. It was the beginning of absolute chaos and reversal of the established hierarchies in Bohemia. We do not know the direct source of the author´s inspiration, but ideologically the story is close to a number of works of anti-Hussite propaganda, emphasising the destructive role of women in the revolution. It is also not an accident that Chastellain included the chapter on the Prague girls just before the narrative on Joan of Arc, for whom as an author from Burgundy he did not sympathize. Also she changed into men´s clothing and her behaviour led to wars and chaos according to the author. The parallel was to be obvious. At the time when he wrote the passage on Hussitism, Georges Chastellain also considered the mission of historians and their place in the period society. He ascribed a place to them almost on the same level as aristocrats. It was a parallel: like aristocrats use the sword, the tongue must serve men of the quill for the elimination of the injustice of this world. and Martin Nejedlý.
Římské vojenské tažení proti Marobudovi v r. 6 po Kr. představuje nejstarší přesně datovanou historickou událost vztahující se k České kotlině. Při příležitosti dvoutisíciletého výročí této události se autor zamýšlí nad metodickými problémy bádání o starší době římské v Čechách. Na příkladech chronologie archeologických horizontů, migrace etnických jednotek, římských importů a právě římského tažení v r. 6 je v článku poukázáno na fakt, že česká archeologie tradičně upřednostňuje písemné prameny před archeologickými. Mnohé údaje, o které se badatelé opírají, však nejsou v písemných pramenech doložitelné. Často se jedná pouze o domněnky a interpretace historiků. Článek upozorňuje na metodologickou neúnosnost vytváření archeologických konstrukcí, které jsou závislé na takovýchto domněnkách. and The Roman military campaign against Maroboduus in the year 6 AD is the earliest accurately dated historical event linked to the Bohemian Basin. On the occasion of its 2000th anniversary, the author considers the methodological problems attendant upon research into the early Roman period in Bohemia. Taking examples from the chronology of archaeological horizons, the migrations of ethnic units, Roman imports and the Roman campaign of 6 AD itself, the article demonstrates the fact that Czech archaeology has traditionally prioritised written over archaeological sources. Much if the data on which researchers rely, however, cannot be proven in the written record: often, they are merely the conjectures and interpretations of historians. This article highlights the methodological unjustifiability of creating archaeological constructs that are dependent on such conjectures.
The work of Jean Baudrillard has gained for itself large groups of followers and opponents alike. But Baudrillard is often misinterpreted by both camps. The reason for this, apart from anything else, is the characteristic way in which he gets hold of the “objects” of his interest. When reading his work one witnesses a tendency towards non-standard accounts of subject matter. He operates on the border of its significance and, at the same time, he often (quite intentionally) contradicts himself. In the article I present Baudrillard’s view of the productive theory and the dialectical method. I sketch the reasons why he condemns them and replaces them with the seductive theory-fiction or with theoretical terrorism and reversibility or even with symbolic exchange. These are the strategies by which, with passion, he comes to terms with objects. Many hitherto published studies of the theories of Jean Baudrillard tackle and focus on its concrete elements in contexts of the utmost diversity. This article, on the contrary, is concerned with the theoretico-methodological viewpoint, and it thus serves as a certain kind of general introduction to the investigation of the work of Jean Baudrillard. Baudrillard’s idiosyncratic method is introduced and comparisons are made. A characterisation and mutual comparison is made of the productive and seductive way of theorising. The study also points to the content of these, with stress being placed on Baudrillard’s seductive way. Last but not least theory-fiction, as an independent method, is brought into contrast with method of a dialectical stripe., Tomáš Zemčík., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii
Neuroscience is a fascinating discipline – its dynamic progress has led to the emergence of new interdisciplinary research programmes with great potential. One of these research areas is neuroeconomics. As will be shown in this article, this discipline, which is diffi cult to clearly characterize and defi ne, is faced with many problems. Th is paper argues that social scientists should be interested in the problems and tendencies in social neuroscience for several reasons. Neuroeconomics, and other disciplines inspired by neuroscience, will compete with their parent disciplines in many fi elds of interest. On one hand it will be necessary for scientists to defi ne and defend the irreplaceable roles of their disciplines, but also critically evaluate the potential of new approaches on the other. In the context of this discussion, which reopens questions about the scientifi c status of economics and its roles, this paper introduces the main problems related to neuroeconomics. Th is paper concludes that these problems represent a wide domain for social scientists and methodologists of science. and Neurověda je fascinující disciplínou – její dynamický rozvoj podněcuje vznik nových interdisciplinárních výzkumných programů s velkým potenciálem. Jednou takovou oblastí je i neuroekonomie. Jak se ukáže v článku, tato disciplína, kterou je obtížné jednoznačně vymezit a určit její defi nici, se potýká se spoustou problémů. Článek y jj fi argumentuje, že by se společenští vědci měli těmito problémy a tendencemi v sociální neurovědě zabývat, a to hned z několika důvodů. Neuroekonomie, a také další neurovědou inspirované disciplíny, budou svým mateřským oborům konkurovat v mnoha oblastech, přičemž bude nezbytné, aby vědci byli schopni na jedné straně defi novat a obhájit nezastupitelné role svých disciplín, na straně druhé kriticky vyhodnocovat potenciál nových přístupů. V kontextu této diskuze, která znovu otevírá otázky ohledně vědeckého statusu ekonomie a jejích rolí, článek vymezuje základní problémy, s nimiž se neuroekonomie potýká. Práce dospívá k závěru, že tyto problémy představují široké pole působnosti pro společenské vědce a metodology vědy.
Pitfall traps are widely used in terrestrial ecology to capture ground-dwelling arthropods. In order to determine the effect of covers placed over pitfall traps on their efficiency at capturing of spiders, carabid beetles and ants, four types of pitfall trap were sunk into the ground at dry grassland sites: three pitfall traps were not covered, three were covered with white, three with green and three with black plastic covers. The total catch was 9,364 spiders, 4,352 carabid beetles and 4,157 ants. The distribution of species of spiders and carabid beetles, and the total catch of spiders, carabid beetles and ants did not differ significantly among the four types of trap. Therefore, covers do not appear to affect the capture efficiency of pitfall traps.
A Roman-Period bloomery smelting site had been excavated in the Lahn valley at Wetzlar-Dalheim in central Germany during 2006–2012. The production unit consisted of a big rectangular workshop pit with 13 slag pit-furnaces, two waste dumps and a small sunken hut. The stratigraphical sequence, along with abundant pottery and small finds, allows the dating of short-lived smelting activity to a time slot around the third quarter of the first century AD. As a first series of radiocarbon measurements from in-slag charcoal samples resulted in a bewildering date range from the Iron Age right back into the Neolithic, a second dating series has been undertaken. This time exclusively charcoal samples taken from the bottom of the furnace pits have been analysed. The resulting dates fit to the archaeologically derived dating. It is clear that the 14C content of the in-slag charcoal samples must have been altered already during the process in antiquity. With none of the analysed dates younger than the archaeologically fixed date of the bloomery production unit, it is obvious that a contamination with fossil carbon must have taken place. The wide and inconsistent date range suggests that fossil carbon has entered the metallurgical system within the furnace in an uncontrollable manner. The observed phenomenon has wide implications for other metallurgical sites with high temperature processes under strongly reducing conditions. Charcoal samples from such sites, especially from inside slags, might be contaminated to an unpredictable degree and produce seemingly older dates. A first review of previously published data series calls for a reconsideration of the reliability of radiocarbon dates from metallurgical slags. and V průběhu let 2006 až 2012 byla v údolí řeky Lahn ve Wetzlar-Dalheimu ve středním Německu odkryta lokalita s doklady výroby železa z doby římské. Výrobní jednotka sestávala z velké dílenské jámy obdélníkového půdorysu se třinácti pecemi se zahloubenou nístějí, dvěma odpadními haldami a malou polozemnicí. Stratigrafická posloupnost spolu s hojně přítomnou keramikou a drobnými nálezy umožňují datovat krátkodobou výrobní činnosti do zhruba 3. čtvrtiny 1. stol. n. l. Jelikož první série radiokarbonových měření provedená na kouscích dřevěného uhlí, které uvízlo ve strusce, vymezila ohromující časový úsek od doby železné až po neolit, byla provedena druhá datovací série. Tentokrát byly analyzovány výlučně vzorky dřevěného uhlí, které byly odebrány z nístějí pecí. Výsledné datování vykazovalo shodu s datováním archeologickým. Vzhledem k tomu, že kontaminaci po exkavaci můžeme vyloučit, je zřejmé, že obsah 14C ve vzorcích dřevěného uhlí musel být změněn už při výrobním procesu v průběhu starověku. Široký a nekonzistentní časový interval naznačuje, že fosilní uhlík vstupuje do metalurgického systému v peci nekontrolovaně. Pozorovaný fenomén má velký dopad na další lokality s doklady metalurgických aktivit, při kterých vysokoteplotní procesy probíhaly za silně redukčních podmínek. Vzorky dřevěného uhlí z takových lokalit, zejména pak uhlíků ze strusek, mohou být kontaminovány nepředvídatelným způsobem a zapříčinit zdánlivě starší datování. První přezkoumání dříve publikovaných datových řad vyzývá k přehodnocení spolehlivosti údajů z radiokarbonového datování metalurgických strusek.
The text summarizes the history and present state of the ethnocartographic research in the Czech Lands. It accentuates the fact that, in spite of the relatively high prestige of ethnocartography in many European countries and in spite of repeated efforts of several representants of our ethnocartography, „classical“ ethnographic atlas was never realized in the Czech Republic and probably will never be realized in the future due to several reasons. The causes of neglect or even negation of ethnocartographic research are mostly due to organizational and ideological reasons. The present-day Czech research must, therefore, face numerous specific tasks and problems that influence the concept and contents of the ethnographic atlas. From the nowadays already anachronistic effort to map the „whole“ of traditional culture the concept of the Ethnographic Atlas of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia moved in the direction of spatial documentation and analysis of partial, selected aspects. The second important feature is the giving up of field research and the general use of questionnaires in the process of the collection of the data, instead of the analysis of written and iconographical sources. The basic conceptual and theoretical-methodological bases of the work on the atlas can be resumed as follows: the consistent application of territorial, not ethnical principle for collection and analysis of the data; the focus on the time period between the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 20th century; liberal choice of localities, preference given to statistical and proto-statistical data; consistent application of modern technological devices – especially geographic information system (GIS).
A formalized classification of Czech thermophilous oak forest vegetation is presented. It is based on the Cocktail algorithm, including the formulation of a set of explicit definitions of vegetation units that are used for unequivocal assignment of relevés to defined vegetation types. Eight out of 10 traditionally distinguished associations of thermophilous oak forests were formally defined: Bohemian warm and dry oak forest (Lathyro versicoloris-Quercetum pubescentis), Moravian warm and dry oak forest (Pruno mahaleb-Quercetum pubescentis), dry-mesic oak forest on basic rocky substrates (Corno-Quercetum), dry-mesic oak forest on acidic substrates (Sorbo torminalis-Quercetum), Moravian dry oak forest on acidic substrates (Genisto pilosae-Quercetum petraeae), dry-mesic oak forest on heavy soils (Potentillo albae-Quercetum), dry-mesic oak forest on sandy soils (Carici fritschii-Quercetum roboris) and dry oak forest on loess (Quercetum pubescenti-roboris). The specific features of Cocktail classifications are discussed. The complementarity of the traditional, imperfectly formalized classifications and modern formalized classifications is stressed.
In the post-Baroque era, science in the developed states of Europe gradually turned from theological scepticism to practical goals. The growing interest in the search for new sources of wealth resulted in the policy of mercantilism that developed in European powers from the Baroque period to the 1830s; this policy directly affected the nature of scholarly research, and in non-colonial states, it focussed, in the form of cameralist system, on the development of state administration and the improvement in and exploitation of economically marginal or directly poor regions. In connection with the Enlightenment ideal of a harmonious society, states aimed at a functional normalisation of relations among individual social strata; the scholarly interest, in the primary pursuit of economic and developmental objectives, focusses for the first time on folk culture, providing valuable reports on it and, last but not least, contributing to the popularization of its selected segments, with which Romantic philosophy as well as anthropology subsequently worked; in the period under study, anthropology was rather a natural science dealing with human evolution, including related cultural expressions. The aforementioned factors brought about the first ethnographic monographs applying the theories and methods that formed the basic building blocks of the future independent discipline; the treatise observes their development up to a noticeable ideological breakthrough in the pre-March period.