The present study deals with the ways and forms of using the topic of migration for the benefit of political interests. It focuses on how the political scene empowers the theme of migration. Anthropology monitors the causes and forms of migration, its effects, examines the products of the majority – minority interaction, the reflection of migrants in public debate. Our aim will be to clarify how anthropology responds to political and media discussions on migration, how it engages and how it transforms under their influence. Several examples can also be identified in Slovakia. Slovak scientists participate in the „making“ of applied anthropology individually or in groups as an academic community or part of it. Their reaction, interest and commitment is essential.
Previous research indicates that Czechs harbor considerable doubt about the honesty of their political and economic system. One response to this perceived dishonesty has been disengagement, to the extent possible, from their work and public life. Disengagement was, both before and after 1989, the potent weapon used by Czechs in their workplaces to covertly make their wishes known on the factory floor. This behavior has proven problematic for the managers of the „new" private enterprises in the country. The tension between management and workers has resulted in the creation of complex interactions which can begin to be understood through an analysis of transactions in social capital. To accomplish this, this paper will examine two relatively successful companies in the Southern Moravian city of Brno during the period preceding E.U. accession. Through field notes, interview and survey data gathered during more than a year of ethnographic fieldwork, this paper will accomplish three objectives. It will analyze the interplay in those companies of discourses of honesty with the twin goals of managerial legitimacy and worker engagement. It will document the process of negotiation which has resulted in the development of a new moral economy on the workfloor and the growth of powerful worker networks within the enterprise. Finally, it will present a theoretical framework to capture the process of social capital creation and expenditure which is the product of these processes.
Objective. Although Psychological capital has encountered increasing research interest in recent years, the scale for measuring PsyCap is absent in the Slovak language. In the present pre-registered study, the authors provide the initial results of the adaptation of the Revised Compound Psychological Capital Scale to the Slovak language. Method. A cross-sectional study with N = 262 people has been conducted. CPC-12R and measures of theoretically related constructs have been used.Results. With regards to evidence for factor validity, the authors found that the default higher-order model (PsyCap as a second-order factor & four first-order dimensions – hope, optimism, self-efficacy, and resilience) provided an acceptable fit to the data. With regards to evidence for convergent and divergent validity, the authors found that, as hypothesized, CPC-12R was related to a set of variables covering: A) a more specific work-related domain, B) more general well-being, and also C) more stable personality traits. More specifically, the scale correlated with work satisfaction, staying intentions, and three aspects of engagement (namely vigor, absorption, and dedication). Furthermore, the scale correlated with subjectively perceived stress, life satisfaction, and emotional components of habitual well-being. The scale was also related Submitted: 21. 1. 2022; P. K., Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Moyzesova 9, 040 01 Košice, Slovakia; e-mail: pavol.kacmar@upjs.skThis work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency, Contract no. APVV-20-0319, by the grant agency of The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic VEGA Contract no. 1/0853/21, and by the Czech Science Foundation no. GA20-03810S. Open data, analytical code and pre-registration can be found at: Big-five personality domains, such as extra-version, conscientiousness, and negative emotionality, but not to the aesthetic sensitivity facet (considered as evidence for divergent validity). With regard to evidence for concurrent validity, the authors found that CPC-12R was strongly related to PCQ12 and both scales were related to other variables of interest to a similar degree.Limitations. Cross-sectional design and convenience sampling are the main limitations of the present study. and Cieľ. Napriek tomu, že je v posledných rokoch venovanej Psychologickému kapitálu stále viac výskumnej pozornosti, škála, ktorá by tento konštrukt zachycovala v slovenskom jazyku, absentuje. V tejto predregistrovanej štúdii sa autori preto podujali na adaptovanie revidovanej Compound Psychological Capital scale (CPC-12R) do slovenského jazyka a na predstavenie úvodných faktorových, konvergentných, divergentných a súbežných dôkazov validity.Metódy. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 262 účastníkov. Boli využité CPC-12R a ďalšie škály, týkajúce sa rôznych oblastí (sféra práce, duševnej pohody a osobnostných čŕt). Výsledky. Čo sa týka dôkazov validity, týkajúcich sa faktorovej štruktúry, primárny model druhého rádu (PsyCap ako faktor druhého rádu a 4 subfaktory) ukázal predbežne akceptovateľné parametre. Čo sa týka konvergentných a divergentných dôkazov validity, výsledky ukázali, že škála súvisela s premennými z oblasti práce, všeobecnejšie chápanou duševnou pohodou, ako aj stabilnejšimi osobnostnými čŕtami. Presnejšie, škála bola vo vzťahu s pracovnou spokojnosťou (r=.45), úmyslom zotrvať v organizácii (r=.24), ako aj angažovanosťou a jej troma zložkami (r=.52, .36, a .24). Škala sa taktiež ukázala byť vo vzťahu so subjektívne vnímaným stresom (r=-.53), životnou spokojnosťou (r=.56) a viac emočne ladeným aspektom v intenciách pozitívneho (r=.50) a negatívneho (r=-.46) komponentu habituálnej životnej pohody. Okrem toho sa súvis preukázal s črtami modelu veľkej päťky, ako extraverzia (r=.44), svedomitosť (r=.36) a negatívna emocionalita (r=-.59), ale nie s estetickou senzitivitou (r=.02) (dôkaz divergentnej validity). Čo sa týka súbežných dôkazov validity, výsledky poukázali na to, že CPC-12R bolo v tesnom vzťahu s PCQ12 a to aj vtedy, keď autori zobrali do úvahy potenciálnu jazykovú bariéru účastníkov výskumu. Limity. Medzi hlavné limity patria predovšetkým prierezový charakter štúdie a príležitostný výber výskumného súboru. Závery. Štúdia prináša CPC-12R do slovenského jazykového prostredia a ponúka úvodne dôkazy pre viaceré druhy validity.
Stať přináší přehled nejnovějších poznatků publikovaných ve výzkumu syndromu vyhoření a souvisejících konstruktů. Věnuje se souvislostem syndromu vyhoření se sociálně ekonomickým kontextem. Zaměřuje se zejména na související poznatky z oblasti psychologie práce, pracovního stresu a psychologie organizace. Pojednává o nejnovějších výzkumných poznatcích o zapálenosti (engagement) a klíčových otázkách, které by měly být podle předních světových odborníků zkoumány v budoucnu., The paper brings the overview of latest knowledge published in studies on burnout syndrome and related constructs. It deals with links between burnout syndrome and socio-economic context. The study focuses especially on related knowledge from the field of work, work stress, and organizational psychology. It discusses the latest research results concerning engagement and key issues that should be – according to the leading world experts – studied in the future., Vladimír Kebza, Iva Šolcová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury