Для белорусского сообщества ученых-лингвистов в период "белорусизации" 1920-х годов были характерны острые дискуссии, сопровождавшиеся взаимными политическими обвинениями. Эти обвинения привели к исключению Н.Н. Дурново из Белорусской АН и снятию его кандидатуры с выборов в АН ССС. and During the so called period of "belorusizaciya" in the 1920s, the Belorussian scholarly linguistic community was split and deeply involved into fierce disputes folloved by mutual political charges. These charges had led to Nikolai N. Durnovo's exclusion from the Belorussian Academy of Sciences and striking-off his name from the nominees-list for the elections to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
Příspěvek se zabývá odkazem významného zástupce francouzské slavistiky 20. stol. Clauda Kastlera (1936– 2011), který jako představitel slovanské srovnávací jazykovědy přispěl k vědeckému a pedagogickému rozvoji bohemistických studií na Stendhalově univerzitě v Grenoblu (dnes Université Grenoble Alpes). Zájem o češtinu vyvolaly zejména události pražského jara 1968, kdy Kastler byl povolán na univerzitu. Vedle polské a ruské mluvnice svou pozornost zaměřil na komunikační a lingvodidaktický výzkum češtiny jako cizího jazyka, který se odrazil v jeho syntetizující, "praktické a promyšlené" mluvnici La langue tchèque (1995). Jako rusista vynikl monografií Un bolchévique fou de littérature (1995) o ruském prozaiku a literárním kritiku Alexandru Voronském. Svým dílem a pedagogickým působením navázal na silnou tradici francouzské kulturněhistorické a filologické slavistiky (E. Denis, A. Mazon, A. Meillet, L. Leger ad.). and The paper explores the legacy of Claude Kastler (1936–2011), a major figure in the 20th-century Slavonic studies in France whose research and teaching activities as the leading representative of the Slavonic comparative literature made him instrumental in the promotion of Czech Studies at the University of Grenoble (today the Université Grenoble Alpes). His interest in the Czech language was in particular due to the Prague Spring events of 1968, when he joined the University. Besides Polish and Russian grammar, Kastler's researches were focused on the communicative and linguodidactic study of Czech as a foreign language, which is reflected in his synthesising, "practical and well-designed" grammar of La langue tchèque (1995). Thus in both his works and teaching practice, Kastler followed in the distinguished tradition of cultural, historical, and philological studies of Slavonic nations in France (E. Denis, A. Mazon, A. Meillet, L. Leger, etc.).
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Příspěvek pojednává o připravované edici Pražská škola v korespondenci, zahrnující dopisy adresované představitelům Pražského lingvistického kroužku B. Havránkovi, R. Jakobsonovi, J. Mukařovskému, V. Mathesiovi a B. Trnkovi z let 1923-1989. Dokumentární i objevný soubor představuje dopisy jednak od členů Ženevské a Kodaňské školy či plejády dalších evropských strukturalistů, jednak od českých vědců a osobností první i druhé strukturalistické generace působících v Praze., This paper deals with the forthcoming Prague School in Correspondence series, including letters addressed to representatives of the Prague Linguistic Circle, e.g. Bohuslav Havránek, Roman Jakobson, Jan Mukařovský, Vilém Mathesius and Bohumil Trnka from 1923 to 1989. This innovative documentary collection presents letters from members of the Geneva and Copenhagen schools and a pleiad of other European structuralists, as well as from Czech scholars and figures from the first and second structuralist generations working in Prague. (Translated by Melvyn Clarke.), and Překlad resumé: Melvyn Clarke
The analysis of the dynamics of dialects and its close connection with the learning of their genesis, tightly linked up with their history, is considered in the article. The history of the dialect as the central object of the analysis of the dialect genesis gives the information about the ways of the society formation, making and type changing (transformation) of the conversation features, i.e. it is closely related to the external and internal history of the dialect. The facts of the external history are very important for understanding the general character of the dialect, including the information abour the presence or absence of its inhabitants´ contacts with other dialects representatives, which are recorded by historical sources. The internal history of the dialect is identified by the analysis of the information about the state of speaking from different chronological periods (if they are), new-made linguistic events, which record the dynamics ot the system - any synchronized event may be directed into diachrony. Written sources can´t record all the events of the conversation, so the facts from different chronological periods about definite events of the conversation are determined by the volume of the information. We can speak about two interconnected directions of dialect research. They are following: specific research of phonological, morphological, lexical or syntactical changes of dialect systems, and designing general directions of the dialect evolution.
The aim of the present text is to consider 18th century language genealogies, as proposed by Rousseau and Condillac, in relation to the question of gesture and affectivity. For it seems that a certain form of affect - need in Condillac, passion in Rousseau - comes to play a central role in the speculations concerning the possible origin of human communication whose nature is invariably considered to be gestural as well as vocal. Our aim will be to show that the insights both thinkers present on the subject corresponds, quite remarkably, with certain findings of modern linguistics and psychology. It is, of course, impossible to treat the issue in all its complexity; all that we will attempt to do is concentrate on certain significant passages and pinpoint what we consider to be the most remarkable arguments., Josef Fulka., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy