We tried to determine as accurately as possible the geocentric coordinates of the Hvar Doppler station in the coordinate system of broadcast and in one of precise ephemerides, on the basis of Doppler observations from the project IDOC-82 and of broadcast ephemerides alone. With this aim in view it was necessary in the first place to calculate for the project IDOC-82 two new variations of multipoint solutions by means of broadcast ephemerides (MPBE), taking into account 11 stations, i.e. 10 suitable stations. Coordinates X, Y, Z for the Hvar station contained in this way were thereupon converted from BE-system by means of
three-dimensional Helmert transformation and by using available identical stations from previous projects EDOC-2, ERIDOC and ALGEDOP-82 for all of which multipoint solutions with precise ephemerides (MPPE) are dsposable.
The density scale height H is determined at low as well as high altitude using the equation of change rate of the orbital period of Dash 2 satellite. The computed values of H are compared with these statistical values obtained by Jacchia-Jacchia´s values of H are given up to altitude 2500 km. We extend Jacchia´s values of H up to altitude 3110.7 km since our values of H are computed from altitude 316.7 km to altitude 3110.7 km. Finally a comparison between our values and Jacciha´s values of H at diffenent altitudes and different MJD are given. For higher altitudes, out values of H are much greater than Jadchia´s values while at smaller altitudes, our values are approximately the same as Jacchia´s values.
Dioptričeskije tablicy zemnoj atmosfery vyčisljajutsja po dannym, polučennym aerologičeskim zondirovanijem v tečenije Meždunarodnogo geofizičeskogo goda i soderžat vse trebujemyje elementy gorizontal'nych traektorij sveta v zavisimosti ot jich minimal'noj vysoty h0 v različnzch točkach etich trajektorij, t.e. dlja različnych vysot h etich toček. Rasčety proizvodilis' na elektronnoj vyčislitel'noj mašine ZUSE 23 dlja geografičeskoj široty ot 70° ju. š. do 70° s. š. i dlja zimnego i letnego periodov. and Tabulky uvedeny na stranách 11-86
Článek představuje dlouhodobý výzkum vodního hmyzu, především jepic (Ephemeroptera), pošvatek (Plecoptera) a chrostíků (Trichoptera), v České republice. V jeho více než stoleté historii jsou určitými milníky období přelomu 19. a 20. stol. a práce F. Klapálka a druhá polovina minulého století, kdy probíhal organizovaný faunistický výzkum vedený V. Landou a M. Zelinkou. Data a materiál nashromážděné během celého tohoto období nyní umožňují provést unikátní porovnání výskytu druhů v současnosti a minulosti na stovkách lokalit po celé České republice. Jeho výsledky přinášejí cenné informace o vývoji společenstev vodního hmyzu., This article presents long-term investigation into aquatic insects, particularly mayflies (Ephemeroptera), stoneflies (Ephemeroptera) and caddisflies (Trichoptera), in the Czech Republic. Within its more than hundred-year history, two milestones can be recognised: the turn of the 20th century with the famous work of F. Klapálek, and the second half of the last century with extended faunistic research conducted by V. Landa and M. Zelinka. The data and material gathered during the entire period enable us to compare species distribution at hundreds of localities covering the whole Czech Republic over the hundred years. The results show valuable information on the development of communities of aquatic insects., and Tomáš Soldán ... [et al.].