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2. Bytijnyje predloženija v slavjanskich jazykach
- Creator:
- Savický, Nikolaj P. and Špirudová, Jana
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Slavonic studies, comparative linguistics, and syntax
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- In the existential sentences of Slavonic languages we can find some interesting deviations from the basic type of Indo-European sentences, ie. "Nominative + concordant Verb", for instance Genitive of negation; in some, especially South Slavonic languages there are examples of the main nominal part of positive existential sentence (ie. name of the existing entity) in Genitive or even (as in Slovenian povsod jo je) in Accusative. These deviations can be of interest for the study of the development of Indo-European syntax, as Miklosich and Potebnya already in the 19th century observed. Relevant in this aspect also is the opposition between autosemantic (existential or possessive) esse and (zero or non zero) copula. This phenomena are here studied from the standpoint of the general opposition between polymorphic and monomorphic structures of the syntactical system.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
3. Caused motion: secondary agent constructions
- Creator:
- Kudrnáčová, Naděžda
- Publisher:
- Masarykova univerzita
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- English Studies, angličtina, slovesa, syntax, filozofie jazyka, philosophy of language, English language, and verbs
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The monograph is a contribution to the study of the interactions between semantics, pragmatics and syntax. It offers an analysis of English causative contructions with intransitive verbs of motion (secondary agent constructions), which have been dealt with so far only partially. The analysis is mainly bulit on the material from the BNC and COCA. It identifies several (partially overlapping) constructional subtypes and a set of factors which enable the verbs to enter into them. The monograph is an interdisciplinary work, bringing new insights into cognitive linguistics (especially in the analysis of a causation of motion) and building on insights from psycholinguistics and philosophy of language. The monograph is designed for linguistists and students of linguisitcs. ,Monografie je příspěvkem ke studiu vztahů mezi rovinou sémantickou, pragmatickou a syntaktickou. Na materiálu převážně z Britského národního korpusu a Korpusu současné americké angličtiny analyzuje anglické kauzativní konstrukce s intranzitivními slovesy pohybu (konstrukce se sekundárním konatelem), které byly dosud v literatuře pojednány pouze parciálně. Identifikuje několik (částečně se překrývajících) konstrukčních podtypů a soubor faktorů, které umožňují slovesům vstupovat do daných konstrukcí. Práce má interdisciplinární povahu: přináší nové poznatků z psycholingvistiky a filozofie jazyka. Práce je určena lingvistům a studentům lingvistiky.
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
4. CoNLL 2017 and 2018 Shared Task Blind and Preprocessed Test Data
- Creator:
- Zeman, Daniel and Straka, Milan
- Publisher:
- Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL)
- Type:
- text and corpus
- Subject:
- tokenization, word segmentation, morphology, tagging, syntax, parsing, and universal dependencies
- Language:
- Afrikaans, Arabic, Breton, Bulgarian, Russia Buriat, Catalan, Czech, Church Slavic, Danish, German, Modern Greek (1453-), English, Estonian, Basque, Faroese, Persian, Finnish, French, Old French (842-ca. 1400), Irish, Galician, Gothic, Ancient Greek (to 1453), Hebrew, Hindi, Croatian, Upper Sorbian, Hungarian, Armenian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Northern Kurdish, Korean, Latin, Latvian, Dutch, Norwegian, Nigerian Pidgin, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Northern Sami, Spanish, Serbian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Uighur, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Chinese
- Description:
- CoNLL 2017 and 2018 shared tasks: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies This package contains the test data in the form in which they ware presented to the participating systems: raw text files and files preprocessed by UDPipe. The metadata.json files contain lists of files to process and to output; README files in the respective folders describe the syntax of metadata.json. For full training, development and gold standard test data, see Universal Dependencies 2.0 (CoNLL 2017) Universal Dependencies 2.2 (CoNLL 2018) See the download links at http://universaldependencies.org/. For more information on the shared tasks, see http://universaldependencies.org/conll17/ http://universaldependencies.org/conll18/ Contents: conll17-ud-test-2017-05-09 ... CoNLL 2017 test data conll18-ud-test-2018-05-06 ... CoNLL 2018 test data conll18-ud-test-2018-05-06-for-conll17 ... CoNLL 2018 test data with metadata and filenames modified so that it is digestible by the 2017 systems.
- Rights:
- Licence Universal Dependencies v2.2, https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/page/licence-UD-2.2, and PUB
5. Diatheme : a study in thematic elements, their contextual ties, thematic progressions and scene progressions based on a text from Aelfric
- Creator:
- Svoboda, Aleš
- Publisher:
- Univerzita J.E. Purkyně
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- English Studies, Aelfric, opat z Eynshamu, ca 955-ca 1012, opati -- Anglie -- 10.-11. stol., kázání -- 10.-11. stol., jazyková analýza, aktuální členění věty, syntax, téma a réma, and sémantika
- Language:
- English
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
6. Dva pohledy na vývoj českého poválečného syntaktického myšlení
- Creator:
- Karlík, Petr and Panevová, Jarmila
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- syntax, linguistic theory, structuralism, generative grammar, two-level valency syntax, functional generative description, grammar, lexicon, teorie jazyka, strukturalismus, generativní gramatika, dvourovinná valenční syntax, funkční generativní popis, gramatika, and slovník
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The authors present their respective views on the development of the Czech post-war syntactic studies. Their approach is influenced by the fact that they were educated by the different syntactic schools: thus the paper is a combination of Prague’s and Brno´s views. V. Šmilauer´s Novočeská skladba (Syntax of Modern Czech, 1947) is understood as a source of the contemporary research of the Czech syntax. The paper describes the results reached by individual investigators as well as the results of the research teams. According to the authors´ opinion, Two-Level Valency Syntax (represented by F. Daneš and his close collaborators and reflected in the Czech Academic Grammar) and Functional Generative Grammar (developed by P. Sgall and his colleagues) form the main paradigms of the Czech syntax since 1960. Both theories incorporate the results of the classical Praguian functional approach as well as results of the generative paradigm. The authors conclude that the Prague‘s and Brno´s views on the development of Czech syntactic studies are not incompatible but rather complementary and that the methods of formal and corpus linguistics are attractive and useful for the young researchers.
- Rights:
- http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/ and policy:public
7. Emocionálně motivované aktualizace v syntaktické struktuře výpovědi
- Creator:
- Grepl, Miroslav
- Publisher:
- Universita J.E. Purkyně
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- Czech Studies (language), čeština, syntax, and emoce
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
8. ForFun 1.0
- Creator:
- Mikulová, Marie and Bejček, Eduard
- Publisher:
- Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (UFAL)
- Type:
- service and toolService
- Subject:
- form, function, database, and syntax
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- ForFun is a database of linguistic forms and their syntactic functions built with the use of the multi-layer annotated corpora of Czech, the Prague Dependency Treebanks. The purpose of the Prague Database of Forms and Functions (ForFun) is to help the linguists to study the form-function relation, which we assume to be one of the principal tasks of both theoretical linguistics and natural language processing. A prototypical question to be asked is "What purposes does a preposition 'po' serve for" or "What are the linguistic means in the sentence that can express the meaning 'a destination of an action'?". There are almost 1500 distinct forms (besides the 'po' preposition) and 65 distinct functions (besides the 'destination').
- Rights:
- Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/, and PUB
9. Gramatické prostředky hierarchizace sémantické struktury věty
- Creator:
- Grepl, Miroslav and Karlík, Petr
- Publisher:
- Univerzita J.E. Purkyně
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- Czech Studies (language), strukturní sémantika, and syntax
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown and open access
10. Gramatika a lexikon češtiny
- Creator:
- Karlík, Petr
- Publisher:
- Masarykova univerzita
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Book
- Subject:
- Czech Studies (language), čeština, jazykové dovednosti, generativní mluvnice, slovní zásoba, and syntax
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 CZ and open access