ForFun is a database of linguistic forms and their syntactic functions built with the use of the multi-layer annotated corpora of Czech, the Prague Dependency Treebanks. The purpose of the Prague Database of Forms and Functions (ForFun) is to help the linguists to study the form-function relation, which we assume to be one of the principal tasks of both theoretical linguistics and natural language processing.
A prototypical question to be asked is "What purposes does a preposition 'po' serve for" or "What are the linguistic means in the sentence that can express the meaning 'a destination of an action'?". There are almost 1500 distinct forms (besides the 'po' preposition) and 65 distinct functions (besides the 'destination').
So-called quantificational accounts explicate logical consequence or validity as truth-preservation in all cases, cases being construed as admissible substitutional variants or as admissible interpretations with respect to non-logical terms. In the present study, which is the first from three successive studies devoted to quantification accounts, I focus on the beginning of systematic theorizing of consequence in Aristotle‘s work, which contains the rudiments of both modal and formal accounts of consequence. I argue, inter alia, that there is no evidence for the claim that Aristotle propounded a quantificational account, and that for a full-fledged quantificational approach in a modern style we need to turn to Bolzano’s substitutional approach, whose motivation, structure and problems are explained in the second part of this study., Takzvané kvantifikační účty vysvětlují logický důsledek nebo platnost jako zachování pravdy ve všech případech, případy jsou vykládány jako přípustné substituční varianty nebo jako přípustné interpretace s ohledem na nelogické pojmy. V této studii, která je první ze tří po sobě jdoucích studií věnovaných kvantifikačním účtům, se zaměřuji na začátek systematické teorizace důsledků v Aristotelově díle, která obsahuje základy modálních i formálních popisů důsledků. Mimo jiné tvrdím, že neexistuje žádný důkaz pro tvrzení, že Aristotelés navrhl kvantifikační účet, a že pro plnohodnotný kvantifikační přístup v moderním stylu se musíme obrátit k Bolzanovu substitučnímu přístupu, jehož motivace, struktura a problémy jsou vysvětleno ve druhé části této studie., and Ladislav Koreň
An instrument Form Talysurf series 2 is mechanical ''contact'' inductive profilometer. Instrument is controlled by Ultra software, it incorporates calibration and measurement functions too. It includes roughness analyze and counting of the roughness (waviness and form) parameters of measured profile. 3D measurements are analyzed via PC using the TalyMap software. The package includes data manipulation tools such as high-resolution zooming, filtering, levelling by least square line removal, symmetries, rotations, threshold setting and cylindrical, spherical or polynomial form removal, profile extraction. Parameter sets include area and volume, counting and sorting, roughness and waviness in both 2D and 3D and automatic step height calculation. Data presentation tools include photo-realistic images in full color, meshed axonometric projections and contour diagrams.