In this article, the author describes sweeping changes in the gender system and ofers explanations for why change has been uneven. Because the devaluation of activities done by women has changed little, women have had strong incentive to enter male jobs, but men have had little incentive to take on female activities or jobs. he gender egalitarianism that gained traction was the notion that women should have access to upward mobility and to all areas of schooling and jobs. But persistent gender essentialism means that most people follow gender -typical paths except when upward mobility is impossible otherwise. Middle-class women entered managerial and professional jobs more than working -class women inte grated blue-collar jobs because the latter were able to move up while choosing a “female“ occupation; many mothers of middle-class women were already in the highest-status female occupations. he author also notes a number of gender-egalitarian trends that have stalled., Paula England., Poznámky, Přeloženo z angličtiny, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Abstrakt a klíčová slova anglicky
Čím lépe se ve vědě chceme uplatnit, tím dokonalejším rozhledem po mezioborových a společenských vazbách bychom měli být vybaveni. Ke splnění takového cíle přispívá i znalost vývoje jednotlivých vědních oborů. Historická zkušenost může být pro naše rozhodování poučná i inspirativní., Ivo Kraus., Obsahuje seznam literatury, and Text doplněn dvěma medailonky nobelistů Lenarda a Starka pod čarou
In this issue, we feature an essay by Professor Jaroslav Pánek from the Institute of History of the ASCR originally presented as an address a the University of Pardubice on the occasion of his receiving an honorary doctorate. In this essay, Professor Pánek presents his views on the increasing influence of Islam in Europe and highlights the role of Jan Amos Comenius, "the teacher of nations", whose consummate lifetime work is being recalled through an exhibition at the Pedagogical Museum of J. A. Comenius. and Jaroslav Pánek.
The text examines school failure and the underachievement of boys in the light of the wider context of gendered, un/equal opportunities in the education system and process. Recent findings from international research reports are raised in a discussion to confirm or refute theories of the marginalization of boys and young men. Based on relevant Czech statistical data, the article contributes to opening up Czech sociological debate on gendered educational and life courses., Iva Šmídová., tabulky, and Obsahuje bibliografii