In this paper author focuses on mental representation of ethnic and racial groups in Gabčíkovo village in Slovakia. The objective is to show, that to explain ethnic and racial classification, we need to regard two factors. The first one is social interactions. It means the social, cultural, historical and political conditions of social phenomenon. The second is the cognitive processes of the mind: in what ways the human mind operates particular external information. To explain ethnic and racial classification, the author uses the framework of cognitive anthropology, in particular theory of folk sociology.
Interrogating the austerity measures introduced by the Czech government under the Prime Ministry of Petr Nečas (2010–2013), this essay wishes to highlight the importance of the translations of the political into the registry of morality, which Chantal Mouffe identifies as features of post-politics, for (re)establishment of social hierarchies and inequalities based in difference. In particular, I demonstrate the strategic importance of “disability” and the racialised concept of “maladaptation” for such post-political reformulations of the political and normative outlines of abled citizenship. After mapping out the ideological deployment of the idea of crisis for the ethics of austerity, the essay concludes by posing questions about possible limits and drawbacks of relying upon crisis as a trope of intersectional feminist critique., Kateřína Kolářová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
In this article, the author describes sweeping changes in the gender system and ofers explanations for why change has been uneven. Because the devaluation of activities done by women has changed little, women have had strong incentive to enter male jobs, but men have had little incentive to take on female activities or jobs. he gender egalitarianism that gained traction was the notion that women should have access to upward mobility and to all areas of schooling and jobs. But persistent gender essentialism means that most people follow gender -typical paths except when upward mobility is impossible otherwise. Middle-class women entered managerial and professional jobs more than working -class women inte grated blue-collar jobs because the latter were able to move up while choosing a “female“ occupation; many mothers of middle-class women were already in the highest-status female occupations. he author also notes a number of gender-egalitarian trends that have stalled., Paula England., Poznámky, Přeloženo z angličtiny, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Abstrakt a klíčová slova anglicky
Uvedená štúdia je rámcovaná z hľadiska miesta, času a predmetu. Zameriava sa na právnepostavenie židovského obyvateľstva v Nemecku po roku 1933 so zreteľom na právne postavenie Židov voverejnej službe, slobodných povolaniach a robotníckych zamestnaniach. Štúdia pozostáva z troch častí.Prvá časť sa zameriava na ideologické postuláty, z ktorých vychádzalo nemecké protižidovské zákonodarstvo,teda predovšetkým na národ, rasu a rasový antisemitizmus. Druhá časť sa venuje diskriminačnej legislatíve v rokoch 1933–1935 so zreteľom na zákon o obnove profesionálnej štátnej služby zo 7. apríla 1933a zákon o pripustení k advokátskej činnosti. Tretia kapitola je zameraná na vznik partikulárnej právnej úpravy voči židovským štátnym príslušníkom.Dôraz sa tu kladie primárne na zákon o ríšskom občianstvea jeho vykonávacie predpisy a sekundárne aj na tzv. norimberské zákony v širšom slova zmysle. Osobitná pozornosť je v príspevku venovaná aj ustanoveniam o výnimkách z protižidovskej legislatívy. Záver prácepredstavuje určité zovšeobecnenie nemeckej protižidovskej legislatívy, vyvodenie konkrétnych vlastnostítejto legislatívy najmä vo vzťahu k protižidovskej legislatíve niektorých európskych krajín v období2. svetovej vojny. and This paper focuses on the legal status of Jews in Germany after 1933 with regard to their legal status in civil service, liberal professions and other workers’employment. The paper consist of three parts. The first part focuses on the ideological basis of the German anti-jewish legislation, mainly on the nation, race and racial antisemitism. The second part concentrate on discriminatory legislation in the years 1933–1935 with regard to The Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service and to The Law for Admission as a Professional Lawyer. The third and last chapter focuses on the creation of a particular legislation against Jewish as a nationals. Emphasis is primarily layed on Reich Citizenship Law and its directives and secondary on Nuremberg Laws in a broader sense. Special attention is paid to the provisions on exemptions from anti-Jewish legislation. In the summary
of the paper we focuses on the generalization of the German anti-Jewish legislation in particular in relation to anti-Jewish legislation in some European countries during World War 2.