Čeleď brukvovitých patří k největším rostlinným čeledím; zahrnuje 49 tribů, 321 rodů a 3 660 druhů. Zájem vědců o tuto rostlinnou skupinu vzrostl především díky ustanovení huseníčku rolního (Arabidopsis thaliana) modelovým druhem a sekvenování jeho genomu. To v r. 2000 odstartovalo mimo jiné bouřlivý rozvoj srovnávací fylogenomiky a cytogenomiky, včetně úspěšného zavedení metody malování chromozomů (chromosome painting) huseníčku a její aplikace na další zástupce brukvovitých (srovnávací malování chromozomů; comparative chromosome painting, CCP). Metoda CCP umožňuje studium chromozomové kolinearity, rozpoznání chromozomových přestaveb, porovnání struktury chromosomů nebo jejich částí mezi jednotlivými druhy a rekonstrukci struktury celých karyotypů. Brukvovité jsou jedinou rostlinnou čeledí, u níž je v tomto rozsahu metoda CCP použitelná. Srovnávací cytogenetické mapy brukvovitých tak představují zcela unikátní typ dat o evoluci rostlinných karyotypů a genomů., Whole-genome sequencing of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has stimulated a rapid development of comparative phylogenomics and cytogenomics, including the invention of chromosome painting in A. thaliana and comparative chromosome painting (CCP) in other species of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family. This is the only plant family in which large-scale CCP is feasible. CCP provides unique insights into the karyotype and genome evolution in plants by comparing chromosome collinearity, identification of chromosome rearrangements, construction of comparative cytogenetic maps, and reconstruction of ancestral karyotype structures., and Terezie Mandáková.
In the present work, we have characterized the chromosomes of 13 Cassidinae beetles, belonging to four tribes, the broad aim being to increase the cytogenetic data and establish the mechanisms involved in chromosome evolution of this subfamily, which appear to be conserved karyotypically, i.e. 2n = 16 + Xyp. The analysis of mitotic and meiotic cells revealed a high diversity of diploid numbers (2n = 18, 2n = 22, 2n = 26, 2n = 32, 2n = 36, 2n = 40, 2n = 42), and the presence of sex chromosome system of the Xyp type in most species, with the exception of two representatives that exhibited Xyr and XY systems. C-banding showed constitutive heterochromatin predominantly localized in the pericentromeric region of the chromosomes, but differences regarding the number of chromosomes with positive C-bands, intensity of the blocks, and presence of additional bands in autosomes and/or sex chromosomes were observed among the species investigated. Our data revealed that the karyotype 2n = 16 + Xyp does not occur in all 13 tribes of the Cassidinae characterized cytogenetically, seeming to be only a shared feature among the species of the Cassidini. Variations in the C-band pattern, mainly in closely related species, suggest that the interspecific karyotype diversification occurred as a result of changes in the quantity and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin. The occurrence of the Xyp sex chromosome system in the tribe Mesomphaliini, which showed the highest diversity of simple and multiple systems among the coleopteran as a whole, reinforces the view that derived systems originated by chromosome rearrangements involving the Xyp ancestral system., Amália T. Lopes, Flávia R. Fernandes, Marielle C. Schneider., and Obsahuje bibliografii
To study 3D nuclear distributions of epigenetic hist one modifications such as H3(K9) acetylation, H3(K4) dimethylation, H3(K9) dimethylation, and H3(K27) trimethylation, and of histone methyltransferase Suv39H1, we used advanced image analysis methods, comb ined with Nipkow disk confocal microscopy. Total fluorescence intensity and distributions of fluorescently labelled proteins were analyzed in formaldehyde-fixed interphase nuclei. Our data showed reduced fluorescent signals of H3(K9) acetylation and H3(K4) dimethylation (di-me) at the nuclear periphery, while di-meH3(K9) was also abundant in chromatin regions closely associated with the nuclear envelope. Little overlapping (intermingling) was observed for di-meH3(K4) and H3(K27) trimethylation (tri-me), and for di-meH3(K9) and Suv39H1. The histone modifications studied were absent in the nucleolar compartment with the exception of H3(K9) dimethylation that was closely associated with perinucleolar regions which are formed by centromeres of acrocentric chromosomes. Using immunocytochemistry, no di-meH3(K4) but only dense di-meH3(K9) was found for the human acrocentric chromosomes 14 and 22. The active X chromosome was observed to be partially acetylated, while the inactive X was more condensed, located in a very peripheral part of the interphase nuclei, and lacked H3(K9) acetylation. Our results confirmed specific interphase patterns of histone modifications within the interphase nuclei as well as within their chromosome territories., M. Skalníková, E. Bártová, V. Ulman, P. Matula, D. Svoboda, A. Harničarová, M. Kozubek, S. Kozubek., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
It is known that chromosomes occupy non-random positions in the cell nucleus. However, it is not clear to what extent their nuclear positions, together with their neighborhood, are conserved in daughter cells. To address specific aspects of this problem, we used the model of the chromosomes carrying ribosomal genes that are organized in clusters termed Nucleolus Organizer Regions (NORs). We compared the association of chosen NOR-bearing chromosomes (NOR-chromosomes) with nucleoli, as well as the numbers of nucleoli, in the pairs of daughter cells, and established how frequently the daughter cells had equal numbers of the homologs of certain NOR-chromosomes associated with individual nucleoli. The daughter cells typically had different numbers of nucleoli. At the same time, using immuno-FISH with probes for chromosomes 14 and 15 in HeLa cells, we found that the cell pairs with identical combinations appeared significantly more frequently than predicted by the random model. Thus, although the total number of chromosomes associated with nucleoli is variable, our data indicate that the position of the NOR-bearing chromosomes in relation to nucleoli is partly conserved through mitosis., M. Kalmárová, E. Smirnov, L. Kováčik, A. Popov, I. Raška., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Štěnice domácí (Cimex lectularius) svým parazitickým způsobem života dohání k šílenství miliony lidí po celém světě. Přes všechny negativní aspekty jsou štěnice velmi zajímavým objektem studia, zejména pak po stránce cytogenetiky. Vyznačují se nezvyklými holokinetickými chromozomy a mnoha dalšími zvláštními modifikacemi průběhu buněčného dělení. Třešničkou na dortu je ohromná variabilita v počtu pohlavních chromozomů., The Bed Bug (Cimex lectularius) with its parasitic way of life is known around the whole world. However, in spite of all the negatives, Bed Bugs are very interesting objects to study, particularly in the field of cytogenetic science. They are characterised by unusual holokinetic chromosomes and many more interesting modifications of cell division. The icing on the cake is the huge variability in the number of sex chromosomes., and David Sadílek, Martin Forman, Jitka Vilímová.