Čeleď brukvovitých patří k největším rostlinným čeledím; zahrnuje 49 tribů, 321 rodů a 3 660 druhů. Zájem vědců o tuto rostlinnou skupinu vzrostl především díky ustanovení huseníčku rolního (Arabidopsis thaliana) modelovým druhem a sekvenování jeho genomu. To v r. 2000 odstartovalo mimo jiné bouřlivý rozvoj srovnávací fylogenomiky a cytogenomiky, včetně úspěšného zavedení metody malování chromozomů (chromosome painting) huseníčku a její aplikace na další zástupce brukvovitých (srovnávací malování chromozomů; comparative chromosome painting, CCP). Metoda CCP umožňuje studium chromozomové kolinearity, rozpoznání chromozomových přestaveb, porovnání struktury chromosomů nebo jejich částí mezi jednotlivými druhy a rekonstrukci struktury celých karyotypů. Brukvovité jsou jedinou rostlinnou čeledí, u níž je v tomto rozsahu metoda CCP použitelná. Srovnávací cytogenetické mapy brukvovitých tak představují zcela unikátní typ dat o evoluci rostlinných karyotypů a genomů., Whole-genome sequencing of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has stimulated a rapid development of comparative phylogenomics and cytogenomics, including the invention of chromosome painting in A. thaliana and comparative chromosome painting (CCP) in other species of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family. This is the only plant family in which large-scale CCP is feasible. CCP provides unique insights into the karyotype and genome evolution in plants by comparing chromosome collinearity, identification of chromosome rearrangements, construction of comparative cytogenetic maps, and reconstruction of ancestral karyotype structures., and Terezie Mandáková.
The plant stress and plant vigour hypotheses are competing paradigms pertaining to the preference and performance of herbivorous insects on their host plants. Tests of these hypotheses ideally require detailed information on aspects of soil nutrition, foliar nutrient levels and parameters of herbivore fitness, but such studies are uncommon. These hypotheses were tested using the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), reared on its host plant, Brassica napus (L.), grown in an experimental system of five nutrient regimes. Different levels of fertilizer treatments significantly affected the nutrient content of B. napus foliage and this in turn affected the preference and performance of P. xylostella. Ovipositing females discriminated among host plants grown in soils subjected to different fertilizer treatments and selected plants on which pre-imaginal survival was highest, development fastest and longevity of the next generation of adults the longest, even when food was scarce. Plants subjected to herbivory by P. xylostella responded by producing elevated levels of some nutrients (e.g., sulphur), but other nutrient levels declined in infested leaves (e.g., nitrogen). Regardless of the rate of fertilizer application, plants compensated for herbivory by increasing root mass compared to un-infested control plants; plants grown in soils receiving the optimum quantity of fertilizer developed the most robust root systems when infested. The plant stress and the plant vigour hypotheses are likely to be at the opposite ends of a continuum of responses between insects and their host plants. Our investigations indicate a complex set of interactions involving both bottom-up and top-down effects, which interact to affect host plant quality, oviposition site selection by female herbivores and the fitness of their offspring.
The mixture of volatile compounds emitted by Brassica oleracea var. sabauda changed significantly in response to feeding and/or oviposition by Murgantia histrionica (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Volatiles were collected from (1) healthy plants and those with (2) feeding punctures, (3) a combination of feeding punctures and oviposition, (4) feeding punctures and one hatched egg mass and (5) plants bearing only an egg mass. In the case of plants with feeding punctures or feeding punctures plus an egg mass, the volatiles were also collected at different time intervals after plants were subjected to these two treatments (0-24 h, 24-48 h and 48-72 h). Gas chromatographic and gas chromatograph-mass spectrometric analysis showed that the percent emission of several compounds changed significantly from plants subjected to the feeding and oviposition or just oviposition. Percentage of terpenes generally decreased after feeding and oviposition, although the percentage emission of (E)-β-caryophyllene from these plants and those with just feeding punctures significantly increased. Plants with just an egg mass emitted linalool de novo but not (E)-β-ocimene. The emission of jasmonates, mainly methyl jasmonate, increased from plants with feeding punctures plus an egg mass compared to those with only an egg mass. Higher percentages of the volatile glucosinolate derivatives (VGSs), mainly 4-methoxy-3-indolylacetonitrile, were emitted by plants with feeding punctures and an egg mass. The percentage emission of most of these compounds increased during the first 24 h after the treatment and then decreased over the next 24 h, except for methyl jasmonate, which remained high also 48-72 h later. The possible ecological roles of such volatiles in plant interactions with the second and third trophic levels are discussed.
Experimentally produced interspecific hybrids between four Central European species of Rorippa (Brassicaceae), which are wide-spread in the Czech and Slovak Republics (allogamic R. amphibia, R. austriaca, R. sylvestris and autogamic R. palustris), were studied. The hybrid between the allogamic tetraploid species R. amphibia and R. sylvestris can produce hybrid swarms when they occur sympatrically with the parental species. The most plausible mode of formation of the tetraploid hybrid swarms introgressed by diploid R. austrica in nature was confirmed: The chromosome numbers of the offspring resulted from the controlled pollination of the triploid experimental hybrid R. austriaca × R. sylvestris mostly tended to the tetraploid level. Even healthy tetraploid plants, with high quality pollen, developed in the second generation after open pollination of the experimental triploid R. amphibia × R. austriaca. Plants with nearly tetraploid or tetraploid chromosome numbers and sufficiently fertile pollen gave rise to fully fertile tetraploid hybrid swarms, even without the presence of tetraploid R. austriaca. Failure of most experimental crosses of the autogamous tetraploid R. palustris with allogamous species (totally sterile F1 acquired only in combination R. austriaca × R. palustris) indicated that this species is unlikely to have participated in the formation of hybrid swarms in nature.
In the present study hybridization between the decaploid Cardamine enneaphyllos and hexaploid C. glanduligera (both previously assigned to Dentaria) was examined. The study area was located in the West Carpathians in Slovakia, where the distribution ranges of the putative parental species overlap, and they occur sympatrically. The putative hybrid C. ×paxiana was studied in many localities in terms of its morphological variation, pollen fertility and PCR-RFLP patterns. Prior to analyses hybrid individuals were tentatively determined based on three morphological characters reported as diagnostic: flower colour, presence of glands on leaves and length of rhizome internodes. Such tentative hybrid identification was confirmed by strongly decreased pollen fertility and an additive restriction pattern in the nuclear ITS region. The possible sources of the substantial morphological variation of hybrids, revealed by morphometric analyses, are discussed. Based on the results of the PCR-RFLP analysis of cpDNA, bidirectional hybridization occurred, although C. enneaphyllos was usually the maternal parent. Geographic distribution and sterility of hybrid individuals suggest that they are repeatedly generated from crosses between the parental species, and represent F1 or early generation hybrids maintained by vegetative reproduction.
The aim of this work was to determine the impact of allelochemicals (glucosinolates/isothiocyanates) from Brassicaceae (Brassica napus and Sinapis alba) at two trophic levels in relation to biological control efficacy. The impact of these plants on aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) and ladybird Adalia bipunctata (L.) biology can be assessed by observation of several developmental parameters: mortality, development duration and adult weight. Sub-lethal toxicity can also be measured through the reproductive parameters of fecundity and/or egg viability. While both specialist and generalist aphids were positively influenced by Brassicaceae species, mixed effects are recorded in ladybird performances following the aphid species/host plant combinations. Significant differences appeared according to aphid host plant and aphid species. This work enhanced the influence of Brassicaceae plants either as cultivated species (B. napus) or as set-aside (S. alba) on both pests and beneficial insects. The allelochemical presence in plants must be taken into account in programs of integrated pest management due to their direct influence on biological control agents.
Secondary plant metabolites (allelochemicals) play a major role in plant-insect interactions. Glucosinolates (GLS) and their degradation products from Brassica species are attractants and feeding stimulants for Brassicaceae specialist insects but are generally repellent and toxic for generalist herbivores. The impact of these compounds on crucifer specialist insects are well known but their effect on generalist predators is still not well documented. The influence of the prey's host plant on both development and reproduction of an aphidophagous beneficial, the hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus, was determined using the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (a specialist) and the peach aphid Myzus persicae (a generalist) reared on two crucifer plants, Brassica napus and Sinapis alba containing low and high GLS levels respectively.
The prey and its host plant differently influenced life history parameters of E. balteatus. The predator's rates of development and survival did not vary when it fed on the generalist aphid reared on different host plants. These rates decreased, however, when the predator fed on the specialist aphid reared on the host plant with high GLS content plant versus the host plant with lower GLS content. This aphid host plant combination also negatively affected hoverfly reproduction; lower fecundity was observed. As a result, the fitness of the hoverfly was strongly affected. This study illustrates the importance of tritrophic relations in pest management involving predators. The host plant of the prey can have a major influence on the potential of a biological agent to control herbivore species such as aphids.
Recent host records for Gephyraulus raphanistri (Kieffer), a flower-gall midge, show restriction to Raphanus raphanistrum throughout Europe. Gephyraulus raphanistri has never been reported infesting commercially grown Brassica crops. Historical records showing a broad host range appear to have resulted from confusion with new or as yet undescribed Gephyraulus spp. and Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer), a known gall-former of Brassica and other related genera. This study tested host specificity of G. raphanistri in the field in Europe by manipulating host plant phenology of actual and potential hosts in the genera Raphanus and Brassica as part of a risk assessment of the insect as a potential biological control agent of R. raphanistrum, one of the most important weeds of crops in Australia. Raphanus raphanistrum raphanistrum (wild radish), R. raphanistrum landra (coastal wild radish), Raphanus sativus (radish) and Brassica napus (oilseed rape cultivar) were phenologically synchronised for initial flowering and planted out in a flowering time and species block design near a natural population of R. r. landra hosting a natural population of G. raphanistri. Three generation peaks in gall formation were observed in the experiment, with galls developing on all test plants with an apparent preference for R. r. landra. The high field specificity of this gall midge is driven by the synchrony of oviposition and flower availability, not host physiological incompatibility or behavioural unacceptability. Commercially grown Brassica spp. are not suitable hosts for G. raphanistri because in the field they differ in flowering phenology from Raphanus raphanistrum. The overlap in the flowering phenology of the crop and weed in Australia makes this insect unsuitable as a biological control agent.