Tento článek přibližuje čtenáři svět prvních portugalských mořeplavců a jejich setkání s exotickou faunou Asie v 16. století. Důraz klade především na nosorožce a slona, ale neopomíjí ani další živočichy a věnuje se i původu některých drahocenných orientálních látek živočišného původu, pro Evropany dlouho neznámému. Text bohatě využívá citací z pramenů., This article presents the world of the first Portuguese navigators and their encounters with exotic Asian fauna in the 16th century. It primarily highlights the rhinoceros and elephants, but does not omit other animals. It also focuses on the sources of some valuable oriental substances of animal origin, which was unknown to Europeans for a long time., and Karel Staněk.
The development of the nematode Spinitectus inermis (Zeder, 1800), a parasite of the stomach of eels, Anguilla anguilla (L.) in Europe, was experimentally studied. Mayfly nymphs Caenis macrura, Ecdyonurus dispar, Heptagenia sulphurea, Potamanthus luteus and Seratella ignita from Portugal and the Czech Republic were found to serve as experimental intermediate hosts. After ingestion of the nematode eggs by the mayfly nymphs, the toothed first-stage larvae were released and penetrated into the body cavity of the intermediate host. There they moulted twice (on day 4 and 6 post infection [p.i.] at water temperatures of 20-25°C), attaining the third infective stage. The definitive host, A. anguilla, undoubtedly acquires infection by feeding on mayfly nymphs harbouring infective-stage larvae. In an experimentally infected eel, the fourth-stage larva undergoing the third moult was observed 28 days p.i. at water temperature of 20ºC. The larval stages, including moulting forms, are described and illustrated. The prepatent period of S. inermis is estimated to be about two months.
The Portuguese housing market underwent major transformations between 2010 and 2020. Until then, a delicate but resentful stability had long existed, with distorted rent schemes and low annual price increases proportional to the national economy and the income of the Portuguese population. After the financial crisis, several internal and external variables converged to dramatically change this scenario. In recent years, a growing number of researchers have centred their attention on the difficulties that the Portuguese urban middle-class populations are facing in trying to find homes. This paper analyses these challenges and their impact quantitatively, focusing on the affordability of housing for purchase or rent and considering synthetic indicators for average household incomes in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area between the beginning of 2016 and the end of 2019. The results show that the cost of buying or renting a house in the main Portuguese urban system has become much more detached from local incomes. The article concludes with reflections on the structural reasons for the enduring inequalities in the housing markets and the difficulties recognising territorial cohesion and spatial justice as important elements shaping urban and housing policies in Portugal.
Eight species of fishes from rivers of Northern Portugal were examined for cestodes but only one, Barbus barbus bocagei (Steindachner), was infected: river Este (4 of 12 infected, 1,1,4 adult and 37 juvenile cestodes found respectively), Lima (1 of 8 infected, 1 juvenile cestode), Paiva (1 of 5 infected, 57 juvenile cestodes) and Sousa (1 of 13 infected, 1 adult cestode). The cestodes were Caryophyllidea. The fan-shaped scolex had very shallow incisions, with the scolex separated from the hindbody by a neck. The first vitelline follicles started a considerable distance anterior to the testes, with some vitelline follicles along the lateral margins of the cirrus sac, uterine coils and H-shaped ovary. The uterine coils extended forward to the posterior half of the cirrus sac. Transverse transmission electron microscope sections showed cortical vitelline follicles and medullary testes validating Lytocestidae. These features identify Khawia baltica Szidat, 1941, described from tench Tinca tinca (L.) in East Prussia and subsequently reported from barbel B. barbus and T. tinea in Russia, This is a new host and first record from Portugal and western Europe, thus extending the known range of distribution of K. baltica.
a1_V Portugalsku je velmi složitá situace, pokud se týká typového zařazení jednotlivých místních forem jařem, a to z toho důvodu, že se často na jednom jařmu setkáváme s oběma principy zápřahu - kohoutkovým i nárožním. Proto portugalští autoři zvolili pro rozdělení jařem, vyskytujících se v jejich zemi, kritérium formové. Jařma dělí do dvou základních skupin: na jařma desková a trámcová a uvnitř těchto dvou skupin rozeznávají lokální formy. První formou deskovitých jařem je forma d’Ovar s kolíky či žebérky, a to bud' ve dvou párech na každé straně nebo pouze s vnitřními; lato forma má princip kohoutkový i nárožní. Druhá deskovitá forma - de Vila da Feira et Maia - je opatřena jen vnitřními kolíky a nákrčníky; i u ní se uplatňuje princip kohoutkový a nárožní. Další deskovitá forma - du Minho - má oblouky; na jihu této oblasti se kombinuje princip kohoutkový a nárožní, na severu jsou jařma výlučně kohoutková.
Jha trámcová mají tylo lokální formy: na prvním místě třeba jmenovat formu, která je rozšířena ve veliké části Portugalska, především na jihu; je charakteristická dvěma páry kolíků¨a mísí se tu princip kohoutkový i nárožní. Další forma je rozšířena v severovýchodní části země; jde o typické nárožní jho, tedy bez kolíků. A konečně poslední formou trámcových jařem je forma ostrovní; v tomto případě jde o typické jařmo žebérkové, tedy kohoutkové. and a2_Desková jařma jsou rozšířena na severozápadě země a patří mezi nejzajímavější a výzdobně nejbohatší jařma vůbec; na jihu od řeky Doura se uplatňuje i polychromie. Autoři pak popisují podrobně jednotlivé formy jařem, které se liší kromě morfologických znaků rozměry desky, ornamentikou a někdy i malebnou výzdobou.
Pokud jde o jařma trámcová, je zajímavé především jejich regionální rozdělení. Jak jsme řekli, jejich první forma se vyskytuje na rozsáhlém území jižním, pro hornatý severovýchod je charakteristické jho nárožní, opatřené poduštičkou. Kohoutkový typ na ostrovech je nápadný zejména zakřivením trámce. Trámcová jha
jsou jen prostě zdobena, na ostrově Terceira i jednobarevně natřena.
V závěru studie jsou zajímavé údaje o materiálu na výrobu jařem, o výrobcích a jejich nástrojích; portugalská jařma dělali kromě tesařů i schopní jedinci, a to i z řad rolníků. Zdobená deskovitá jařma vyráběli specialisté, zvaní jugueiros, jichž však neustále ubývá.
The present study describes the anatomy and surface topography of the metacercaria of Microphallus primas (Jägerskiöld, 1909) infecting the shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) in Aveiro estuary, northern Portugal. The metacercaria species identification resulted from the combined use of morphological and molecular data, particularly the 28S rDNA gene. The metacercariae encysted preferentially in the host's hepatopancreas and also in the gonads. Isolated cysts were present in two distinct forms, spherical and oval, and were shown to be the identical species by the internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) sequence. Chemically excysted metacercariae were studied by light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Their specific characteristics observed include the particular aspect of the vesiculo-prostatic pouch surrounded by a very thin membrane, the presence of a prominent muscular papilla, and an obvious metraterm. The dorsal and ventral tegumental surfaces of the metacercaria were densely packed with similar squamous spines, which decreased in number and size towards the hindbody. The edges of the posterior and ventral face of the body were coated with numerous microvilli, whose function remains unknown. In order to identify the species of metacercariae, we compared a 28S partial rDNA sequence of the two forms of cysts with the same 28S partial region of M. primas available in GenBank. With this comparison, we determined that the sequences had a 100% similarity and therefore belonged to the same species, i.e., M. primas.
This article aims to explain the effects of the recent economic and financial crisis on housing conditions and the ability of Portuguese families to access housing. It also intends to discuss how the crisis is reconfiguring the housing patterns, in terms of access to housing and changes in public policies, questioning the predominant mode of access to housing based on homeownership. This article also discusses the role of social housing in the Portuguese housing system and the changes and challenges in this sector coming from the economic and financial constraints of families and the state. This article is structured in three parts. The first is an overview of the Portuguese housing system and social housing in particular, highlighting the conditions and reasons that led to a reduced social housing stock and to the predominance of homeownership. The second part discusses the impact of the crisis on families and the state, trying to demonstrate how the constraints on both are translated into (1) worsening housing conditions, (2) a diversification of groups struggling to access housing in the private market and (3) a reduction of affordable housing, pressing the social housing sector. Finally, the third part is a reflection on the changes that the crisis has had in the orientation of housing policies and their instruments, arguing that the patterns of the Portuguese housing system are changing with emphasis on the need to diversify the housing supply to increasingly diverse groups in housing need.
Selected populations of five closely related species of the genus Cicada L. were collected mainly on the Portuguese, Greek and Turkish mainland, as well as on several Aegean islands. Ten morphometric traits of external structures and seven of male genitalia were analysed and the results revealed patterns in morphometric variation for each species. Only C. lodosi was always completely discriminated by both character sets and C. barbara by the male genitalia analysis. For the remaining species there was great overlap between the clusters. Body length, of the external morphological structures, and measurements of the pygophore, of the male genitalia, were the best variables for identifying C. lodosi and C. barbara. The present morphometric analyses revealed that divergence in morphology is much less pronounced than the divergence in acoustic signals and DNA. Thus, the congruence between morphological divergence, namely at the level of the external structures, and both behavioural (acoustic) and genetic divergence is quite low.
The creation of the Portuguese overseas empire began after 1415 in the Atlantic area and gradually transformed itself into a multi-continental phenomenon. Around 1500, there was a period of particular expansion into Asia and Morocco, with a further consolidation of their position in Africa and Brazi. Although the king had tried to isolate the state from contemporary European events and had been engaged exclusively in activities on the world stage, the rather small and sparsely populated country began to run out of steam. The result was the enforced renunciation of her interests in North Africa (1542-1550), which had previously attracted more of the Crown's interest that the Orient. However, thereafter, the privileged position of the East in the Portuguese empire was never questioned, at least not at the ideological level., Karel Staněk., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The nematode Rhabdochona anguillae Spaul, 1927, a specific intestinal parasite of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla (L.), is redescribed and illustrated from specimens collected from eels of the Sousa River, northern Portugal (prevalence 20%, intensity 2-13). The species is characterized by the presence of 14 anterior teeth in the prostom, small non-bifurcate deirids, absence of lateral preanal papillae, by the length (0.460-0.660 and 0.130-0.150 mm) and the shape of spicules, fairly large (0.041-0.054 x 0.025-0.030 mm) mature eggs without filaments, and by the bluntly pointed to rounded tip of the tail. Its morphological features are discussed in relation to other congeneric species. This nematode has hitherto been recorded only from eels in southern Europe (Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria).