Autorovi jsou vlastní přístupy „nové filmové historie“, které oprošťují psaní o filmu od tradičních kategorií a periodizací a obracejí badatelskou pozornost k ekonomickým aspektům filmového průmyslu nebo k problematice distribučních mechanismů a diváctví. To obnáší interdisciplinární přesahy a nutnost pracovat s velice rozmanitým materiálem. Autor podnikl rozsáhlý průzkum v archivech šesti zemí a jeho výsledky kriticky a organicky propojuje s poznatky z dalších zdrojů včetně svědectví pamětníků. První část metodologicky vzorně koncipované publikace je věnována kulturním transferům v rámci severního trojúhelníku, s dalšími zeměmi sovětského bloku i s kapitalistickými státy. Ve druhé části autor v kontextu stalinismu a následného „tání“ mapuje úlohu filmové distribuce, s jejíž pomocí se režim snažil o sociální integraci občanů. Mimořádně přínosná je podle recenzentky třetí část, věnovaná divácké recepci filmů a podepřená lokální případovou studií o chování a postojích publika v poválečném Brně, Lipsku a Poznani., The author of the book under review uses the approaches of the "new film history", which frees him from writing about film using traditional categories and periodizations, and allows him to turn his attention to economic aspects of the film industry or to distribution mechanisms and audiences. That approach entails overlaps with other disciplines and work with a wide range of material, The author has undertaken extensive research in the archives of six countries, and has critically and organically linked this research together with information from other sources, including eyewitness accounts. The first part of this methodologically exemplary publication is devoted to cultural transfers in the "Northern Triangle" (Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Poland) with other Soviet bloc countries and also with capitalist states. In the second part, in the context of Stalinism and the subsequent Thaw the author looks at the role of film distribution which the régime sought use to integrate its citizens into society. An exceptional contribution of the publication, according to the reviewer, is the third part, which focuses on film-audience reception, supported by local case studies on the behaviour and attitudes of Brno, Leipzig and Poznan audiences after the Second World War., [autor recenze] Alena Šlingerová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The development of knowledge on geodynamic processes is one of the most important issues in the Earth’s science. Over decades, geodetic techniques have been applied to study the geodynamics. The Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) have been reliably used for monitoring geodynamic processes. The satellite gravimetric missions such as GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) and GRACE Follow-On (GRACE-FO) missions have provided numerous valuable information concerning temporal mass variations within the Earth system which can subsequently be converted to surface deformations of the Earth. The main aim of this study is to compare vertical deformations of the Earth's surface over the area of SouthEastern Poland obtained from GNSS data with the corresponding ones determined from GRACE data. The GNSS data for the period between 2008 and 2013 from 25 permanent GNSS stations operating in South-Eastern Poland and the latest release of GRACE-based Global Geopotential Models (GGMs) were used. GNSS data and GRACE-based GGMs were processed with the GAMIT/GLOBK and the IGiK‒TVGMF (Institute of Geodesy and Cartography - Temporal Variations of Gravity/Mass Functionals) packages, respectively. The results obtained indicate that monthly vertical deformations of the Earth’s surface determined using GNSS data are generally in a good agreement with the corresponding ones obtained from GRACE satellite mission data. Coefficients of correlation between these vertical deformations range from 0.60 to 0.90 and standard deviations of their differences are in the range of 2.6 - 5.7 mm., Walyeldeen Godah, Malgorzata Szelachowska, Jagat Dwipendra Ray and Jan Krynski., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We analysed the polymorphism of cross-amplified microsatellite loci in two endangered butterflies of the genus Phengaris, which inhabit warm grasslands. Specimens of P. arion and P. 'rebeli' collected in Poland showed contrasting levels of variability in the investigated loci. All six tested microsatellites were highly variable in P. arion, whereas in P. 'rebeli' one locus was monomorphic and the other four loci showed a rather low level of polymorphism. Genetic differentiation was small or moderate among P. arion populations and high among P. 'rebeli' populations. We hypothesise that these differences reflect: (1) the relatively high genetic variability of P. arion compared with other members of the genus, indicated by previous studies on allozymes; (2) the small, in the majority of cases, genetic differentiation among populations of P. arion, which suggests recent gene flow; (3) a decrease in the genetic variability and increased isolation of peripheral populations of P. 'rebeli'. In both species, the occurrence of "null" alleles was suggested for some loci, which should be taken into consideration in future studies of the population structure. Additional analysis performed on the corrected frequency of alleles indicated that "null" alleles constitute only a minor problem when estimating genetic differentiation, using FST and AMOVA, however they strongly influence estimates of heterozygosity and FIS, and inferences about the number of genetic groups and assignment of individuals, especially in the case of 'P. rebeli'.
During a study 20 hydrophilid beetle species and 2,457 individuals of beetles belonging to 4 genera: Cercyon, Cryptopleurum, Megasternum and Sphaeridium were collected. On the surface of the bodies of 59 beetles (2.40% of the beetles collected) belonging to six species, 174 cases of phoresy [55 deutonymphs of Uropoda orbicularis (Müller, 1776) and 119 pedicels without deutonymphs] were observed. New hydrophilid beetle carriers of phoretic deutonymphs of U. orbicularis are given. Most mites were carried by Sphaeridium species. The population dynamics of both groups of arthropods was also studied. Most cases of phoresy were recorded in May and in the second half of July. However, phoretic deutonymphs were not present on the body surface of hydrophilid beetles throughout the whole period of this study.
Neospora caninum Dubey, Carpenter, Speer, Topper et Uggla, 1988 is a protozoan parasite originally reported as a major cause of bovine abortions worldwide. It is documented that the parasite is widely spread among non-carnivorous cervids. The purpose of this study was to investigate the seroprevalence of N. caninum in moose (Alces alces Linnaeus). Blood samples collected in 2010 and 2012 in the northeastern Poland were tested for antibodies to N. caninum by agglutination test (NAT), a commercial competitive screening enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) and enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA). Sera that gave a positive result were further investigated by western blot (WB) analysis to verify the presence of antibodies. Antibodies to N. caninum were detected in one of seven moose. The antibody titer was confirmed by NAT (1 : 1280), cELISA (I = 91%) and ELISA (OD = 0.736). The main immunodominant antigens detected by WB were 120, 70, 55, 35 and 16 kDa proteins. This is the first evidence of N. caninum seropositivity in moose living in a natural environment in Europe.
The working definition of a “succession crisis” is based on the presumption that stability is a critical factor in a political system. The system becomes vulnerable if something deprives it of its steadiness and pushes it out of balance. A monarch in the medieval political system played the role of the stability factor which was supposed to harmonize contrary interests of different groups and circles in a kingdom. A “succession crisis” erupts when there is no political agreement regarding who should step into the role of a deceased monarch, i.e., who shows the most promise in achieving the goals of stability, harmony and a balance of power. The thrones in Central Europe were emptied nearly simultaneously at the turn of the fourteenth century. Since politics cannot bear a vacuum, these unexpected vacancies opened the field for new candidates to the throne(s). The paper reflects on three subjects. First, it raises the question of a “succession crisis” as a methodological tool for studying politics in the Middle Ages. Secondly, it outlines the stances of the modern Polish historiography on Łokietek’s coming back to power between 1305 and 1314 and his puzzling popularity among the nobility of Little Poland. It also reveals recent opinions of Polish historians about the Bohemian rule in Poland in the turn of the fourteenth century. Finally, the paper applies the concept of “succession crisis” and switch the focus of Łokietek’s attempts for the throne from a political microhistory to a picture of greater regional range. and Wojciech Kozłowski.
The initially phytophagous caterpillars of Maculinea alcon and M. rebeli complete their development in Myrmica ant colonies as social parasites. Recent genetic studies show no differences at the species level among various populations of each butterfly taxa. Usually M. alcon and M. rebeli are identified by habitat and larval food plants (Gentianaceae) and host ant specificity is also considered to be an important feature. However most of the ecological characteristics overlap at least in some parts of their distributions. The developmental and survival characteristics of caterpillars reared by different Myrmica species were compared in laboratory experiments and in the field. Morphologically indistinguishable M. alcon and M. rebeli, which originated from Polish populations, are very similar in terms of host specificity i.e. larvae survived both with M. scabrinodis and M. sabuleti. However they showed different growth characteristics. The earlier flight period of M. rebeli, which is synchronized with the phenology of Gentiana cruciata, resulted from the quick growth of caterpillars in Myrmica nests in the pre-winter phase, when they gained about half of their final body biomass. After the end of winter they recommenced growth almost immediately. M. alcon larvae entered diapause shortly after adoption by ants and began to increase in weight significantly just one month after the onset of spring, which synchronized their development with that of their larval food plant, G. pneumonanthe. Therefore neither population group is transferable between habitats and should still be regarded, at least, as distinct conservational units.
Responses of insects to recent climate change have been well documented in a number of taxa, but not in wasps. This study examined shifts in phenology of the two most important wasp species (Vespa crabro and Vespula germanica) in Poland over the last three decades. Both species showed similar temporal trends, advancing their phenology after the early 1980s, but this pattern was detected only for workers not for the appearance of queens. The appearance times for V. germanica were negatively related to mean April temperature, appearing earlier in years with warmer springs, and positively related to precipitation in April. The studied species advanced aspects of their phenology, but linking this to temperature was not achieved for V. crabro suggesting that we have to pay more attention to the life history traits of the study organisms.
Microseismic monitoring has become a standard technique to map the development of hydraulic fracturing. This study is a case study of a downhole monitoring of the hydraulic fracturing in a lateral well in Northern Poland. The downhole monitoring array detected a large number of microseismic events indicating successful development of a hydraulic fracture. We show evidence that some stages interacted with the pre-existing natural fault system also mapped from surface active seismic imaging. The mapped hydraulic fracture shows a slight asymme try of the developed hydraulic fractures. We show that the observed microseismicity is cons istent with microseismicity usually observed in the North American shale gas stimulations., Eryk Święch, Paweł Wandycz, Leo Eisner, Andrzej Pasternacki and Tomasz Maćkowski., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The study focuses on the early medieval large glass beads from the area of Poland, i.e. specimens whose diameter equals at least 1.5 cm but usually ca. 2 cm or more. The main aim of this study is to define their function, considering precise context of discovery of particular specimens, metric data and microscopic analyses. Another important task of the study is to determine whether large beads were local products or imports, and from which region and in what social circumstances they reached the studied area. Alongside macroscopic and stylistic features, chemical composition of glass that was used for production of the beads can be conclusive in this situation. In our opinion, it is a special category of finds that appeared in this part of Europe during the time of cultural and political transformation in the 11th–13th centuries. and Předmětem studie jsou polské nálezy raně středověkých velkých skleněných korálů, tj. exemplářů, jejichž průměr činí nejméně 1,5 cm, ale obvykle kolem 2 cm či více. Hlavním cílem je přispět k objasnění jejich funkce na základě nálezového kontextu, metriky a výsledků mikroskopické analýzy. Neméně důležité jsou otázky, zda se jedná o místní produkci či o importy, jaká je jejich geografická distribuce a sociální charakteristika prostředí, ve kterém byly nalezeny. Kromě makroskopicky patrných a morfologických znaků autorky hodnotí též chemické složení korálů. Docházejí k závěru, že velké korály reprezentují samostatnou kategorii nálezů a jejich výskyt odráží kulturní a politické proměny středoevropské společnosti v 11.–13. století.