Die polnischen Absagebriefe während der Kriege mit dem Deutschen Orden
Die polnischen Absagebriefe während der Kriege mit dem Deutschen Orden The Polish letters of feud declaration during the wars with the Teutonic Order Polské odpovědní listy ve válce s řádem německých rytířů
A medieval war demanded an officially written declaration. Polish war declarations from the time of war with the Teutonic Order are an integral part of war and political culture of that time. In construction the declarations were written analogically to ones in neighbouring countries. They were written in Latin, sometimes in German. In 1454 a gauche Polish language made its presence. In the last war of the Order (1519–1521), the documents were uniformly in Polish and the royal chancellery attempted with some success to establish a uniform model for the drafting of war declarations.