Aleister Crowley is the most notoriously transgressive figure in modern Western esotericism, and his best known precept is "Do what thou wilt". This article seeks to elucidate the place of Crowley's precept in the history of esotericism and transgression. More specifically, it seeks to make two points. First, it shows, through an investigation of its sources and influences, that the precept had highly transgressive overtones in the period when Crowley adopted and popularised it. These overtones extended to sexual excess, religious deviancy and fascist politics. Second, it argues that the precept was repurposed in a major way in the latter part of the twentieth century. The precept became domesticated, as the founders of the Wicca movement subsumed it into their own ethical maxim, the "Wiccan Rede". This development serves as an example of how some of the more transgressive and problematic elements of the Western esoteric tradition have come to be softened and obscured in contemporary mass-market, suburban forms of practice such as Wicca.
This paper deals with the problem of mobilization of the society in favor of governmental foreign policy actions in Austria within 1808–1809. The Austrian government during the period of 1805–1809 had the aim to restore its influence in Germany and Austria. Under the leadership of foreign affairs minister Philipp von Stadion the discussion on state and social reforms, and on the new war against France becomes active. To get a positive reply from the public opinion, the mass media become an instrument of Stadion's administration and his supporters within the court in turning the public in favor of actions against France. One of the examples of such media was the newspaper Vaterländische Blätter für Österreichischen Staat. Historiography of the topic is limited and mostly presented in German language and published in Austria.
The aim of this article is to highlight the experiences of 11–12-year-old students at a Norwegian primary school regarding their use of Minecraft in mathematics classes and explore the consequences for their motivation. The present research was carried out as a single case study. This implies an in-depth investigation of a contemporary phenomenon, an intervention, studied in its real-life context, the classroom. The object of the intervention in the participating class in 2015 and the spring of 2016 was to use Minecraft as an attempt to restore motivation for mathematics. The teacher found his students were motivated to work with Minecraft, but a question emerged about students' motivation to perform the given tasks. This study suggests that formative interventions in which the researcher is present in a school context implicates the possibilities for the study of externalisation processes. These processes provide an opportunity to obtain an understanding of what happens when a popular digital game from youth culture is applied to tasks in mathematics to achieve pedagogical goals.
This article draws from a study on the construction of authority relations among K-2 students across 20 videos of collaborative mathematics partnerships, from three classrooms in one elementary school. Drawing on positioning theory, we explore how authority relations between children affected collaborative dynamics. In particular, we trace how children drew on both adult and peer sources of authority and the effects on peer interactions during collaboration. Through three vignettes, we show how students' deployment of adult authority through the perceived threat of getting in trouble can overpower peer resistance and shut down possibilities for shared work. We also show how peer resistance was productively sustained when the threat of getting in trouble was less directly connected to the teacher, and instead students positioned themselves and one another with intellectual authority.
The fable entitled "The faithful dog" has been transmitted by means of a manifold sample of versions, from which Pausanias' is the oldest, according with a sure chronology. It is commonly said that the Greek version afforded by the Book of Syntipas the philosopher is a mere XIth century translation of the hypothetically reconstructed original Indian text. Our contribution suggests that the text of the Syntipas' version does not follow the grammatical patterns of literary translation. Just on the contrary, it shows a striking lexical coincidence with the text given by Pausanias. Therefore, we conclude that the Syntipas' version of "The faithful dog" is an original text which has to be inserted into a Greek tradition.
Science centers throughout Europe offer package deals to nearby schools and preschools in order to enhance scientific education through theme-related exhibits and activities. This article focuses on a group of preschool children as they visit such a center in Sweden, where they were presented with a multimodal illustration of a life jacket. By drawing on sociocultural and multimodal perspectives, the meaning that the children made of the illustration was studied as well as the illustration itself. The analysis builds upon Engebretsen's (2012) concepts of multimodal cohesion and tension and his three interactional dimensions: material, semantic, and performative dimension. The results show that high levels of tension between and within modes in an illustration seem to obstruct the meaning-making processes for young children. The concluding reflection offers a discussion about the need for attention both to the content's accuracy and to the ways in which illustrations are presented in science centers as well as in education elsewhere.
The article presents an interpretation of three narratives collected from three young professionals who volunteer as clowns for the young patients of a pediatric ward in a northern Italian hospital. Through their narratives, the clowns illustrate the role that imagination has in offering a different perspective on a given condition and context (in this case, illness and medical rules), and thereby in contributing to the strengthening of patient resources. The narratives, together with the notes from participant observation, trace the processes whereby the narrators came to identify with, and problematize, the characters of the whiteface clown and the Auguste type clown that the author first encountered during her fieldwork among Italian travelling entertainers, and then researched in the productions of artists (writers, musicians, painters, actors, and film directors).
Chameria is the region in the Northern Greece that was inhabited by Albanian ethnic minority after the Second World War. It is often considered as the part of so-called Ethnic Albania side by side with Kosovo, Preševo valley (in Serbia), South Montenegro and Western Macedonia. Nationalistic politicians, journalists and historians create many myths of Chameria. The expedition of graduated students of Perm State and Sankt-Petersburg State Universities was organized in the main centers of historic Chameira in August 2009. The strictly Greek ethnic and national identity of Albanian-Greek bilingual population was fixed. Albanian migrants in Greece consider the region as alien land. These facts contradict the discourse of Chameria not only in political texts, but also in academic albanological ones.
This article deals with the literary and publishing activity of Dmitry Sverchkov, a member of the Executive Committee of the Petersburg Soviet of Workers' Deputies, 1905. It is connected with his memory of the creation, activity and termination of the Soviet. Based on archival documents and the published works, it is shown that during the period after the revolutionary events of 1917, Sverchkov sought to keep the memory of the Soviet in works of prose and in cinema. The plots of his script "October Revolution 1905 and the first St. Peterburg's Soviet of Workers' Deputies" (1924) and his play "But Are Not Defeated!" (1931) are analyzed. The most important point is that the writer shows the people as participants of the revolutionary events in 1905. The article is also based on shorthand reports of Sverckov's speeches at The Vseroskomdram's Plenums. and Статья посвящена литературной и публицистической деятельности Дмитрия Сверчкова, члена исполнительного комитета Петербургского Совета рабочих депутатов 1905 г. Эта деятельность связана с его памятью о создании, деятельности и поражении Совета. На основе архивных документов и опубликованных работ показывается, что в течение периода, последовавшего за революционными событиями 1917 г., Сверчков стремился сохранить память о Совете посредством прозаических произведений и в кинематографе. Анализируются сюжеты его киносценария "Октябрьская революция 1905 года и первый Санкт-Петербургский Совет рабочих депутатов" (1924 г.) и его пьеса "Но не побеждены!" (1931 г.). Наиболее важным в данном случае представляется то, что писатель показывает народ как участника революционных событий 1905 г. Кроме того, статья написана с привлечением стенографических отчётов речей Д. Ф. Сверчкова на Пленуме Всероскомдрама.