The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between forms of labour market marginalisation, understood here in terms of labour market status and job quality on the one hand, and income disadvantage, material deprivation and social exclusion on the other hand. Public policies that aim to improve labour market position and the income level of people disadvantaged in the labour market are also assessed. The authors draw on data from a survey on social exclusion in the Czech Republic focusing on people who were welfare benefits recipients in 2004 or considered their situation to be comparable to that of welfare recipients. The authors show that labour market marginalisation is transparent not only during unemployment spells (often repeated and longterm) but also in the case of temporary, low paid and poor quality jobs. The income levels of people employed in the lowest segment of the labour market and of the unemployed are similar, while the deprivation of the unemployed is greater with regard to the possibilities open to them to influence the life course and opportunities of them and especially their families. The authors point out the under-use of welfare benefits and identify measures that could improve the standard of living and human capital of people who are disadvantaged. While some disadvantaged people continue to be active in the labour market and perceive work incentives, the authors also identify the poverty traps that emerge for the fraction of them who become discouraged and welfare-dependent.
Článok pojednáva o možnosti chápať dimenzieinternalita/externalita pri vysvetľovanínezamestnanosti ako dve nezávislé atribučné charakteristiky. Na základe faktorovej analýzy možných príčin nezamestnanosti bol identifikovaný interný a externý faktor vysvetľovania, ktoré umožnili vymedziť štyri typy nezamestnaných: 1. umiernený (nízky interný aj externý faktor); 2. externý; 3. interný; 4. ambivalentný (vysoký externý aj interný faktor). Vzájomnásúvislosť dĺžky nezamestnanosti a vysvetľovaniajej príčin ukázala, že dlhodobo nezamestnaní majú tendenciu vidieť ako závažnejšie interné aj externé príčiny, a že z metodologického pohľadu má význam skúmať tieto dve dimenzie, poskytujúce diferencovanejší pohľad na dynamiku kauzálnych atribúcií. Najrizikovejší typ nezamestnaného sa spája s ambivalentnými atribúciami, akcentujúci bezvýchodiskovosť zosituácie, začarovaný kruh sebaobviňovania a obviňovania spoločenských pomerov.
The intersectional perspective represents, in Czech sociology, an untapped opportunity to examine the interaction between the different lines of inequality in the process of constantly changing social structure. This article aims to enrich current Czech sociological research in two ways. Firstly, it analyses and describes the impacts of the economic crisis on labour market relations in the Czech Republic. Secondly, it applies the intersectional perspective in a quantitative analysis of structural inequalities. In this perspective, we analyse the changing structure of the labour market between 2008 and 2012 at the intersection of gender, class (education), age and parenthood, using statistical indicators. Moreover, we use event-history analysis to capture the risk of job loss in the first phase of the crisis (2008–2010). Our analysis shows that the economic crisis deepened existing inequalities in the labour market, further differentiated female labour market prospects by educational attainment, especially in interaction with parenthood, and also rapidly deteriorated the labour market situation of men with low education, including fathers of small children., Alena Křížková, Lenka Formánková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
There is a sharp discrepancy between the emphasis being placed on active ageing and labour market participation in older age and the high unemployment rates observed among older workers. Cross-sectional data in the Czech Republic consistently present evidence of job insecurity and employment vulnerability in older age groups. Aggregated data and statistical indices do not, however, offer a sufficiently detailed picture of the social processes (e.g. exit from the labour market, duration of unemployment, and exit from unemployment) behind the numbers. This article takes a dynamic look at the position of older workers in the labour market by investigating transitions between employment and unemployment using a sub-sample of older workers (50 year and over) from the Czech EU-SILC, who were interviewed repeatedly in a panel survey between 2004 and 2009. The authors use survival analysis methods to study the time-dependence of transitions into and out of unemployment and both with and without covariates. The results suggest that older workers are not at a higher risk of exiting the labour market (compared to other age groups), but once they are unemployed, their odds of getting back into employment are significantly lower. Even when controls (such as education level) are included in the model this disadvantage persists. Interestingly, while education generally protects people from labour market exit, this protective effect is weaker among older workers.
Výzkumná studie vychází z problému nezaměstnanosti. Obzvláště obtížná je situace u osob dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných se zdravotním postižením. Jde o osoby, na něž je třeba se zaměřovat především s důrazem na uplatnitelnost na trhu práce. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 240 dlouhodobě nezaměstnaných osob se zdravotním postiţením (minimálně 12 měsíců od registrace na úřadě práce, 120 mužů a 120 žen, průměrný věk 45 let). Data byla zjišťována prostřednictvím metody Sparo. Na základě této metody bylo hlavním cílem výzkumu zjistit podobné osobnostní vlastnosti u této skupiny osob v porovnání s populační normou. Z podstatných zjištění vyplývajících z osobnostních vlastností v závěru předpokládáme, že je u těchto osob reálně spíše nemožné očekávat samostatnou zvýšenou aktivitu při vyhledávání zaměstnání, a proto se jeví jako velmi nutná potřebná zvýšená pomoc ve formě pracovně profesního a psychologického poradenství. and The research study focuses on the issue of unemployment. Particularly difficult is the situation of the long-term unemployed people with disabilities. These are the people we mainly need to focus on, regarding their employability. The research study is based on a sample of 240 respondents who were unemployed and disabled (at least 12 months registered at the Labour Office, 120 men and 120 women, average age 45). The data were obtained through the method called Sparo. Using this method, the main task was to identify similar personality traits of the disabled long-term unemployed compared to the population norms.
Based on the final findings derived from personal traits we assume, that with these people it is almost impossible to expect increased activity from their side while looking for a job and that is why the need for increased help in the form of professional and psychological counseling is needed. For this group we find as very helpful high assistance in professional and psychological counseling.
The article focuses on the development of the labour market in the Czech Republic from the perspective of employment and unemployment between 1998 and 2004. Using data from the Czech Statistical Office, and within a reference framework of EU countries, the authors discuss and analyse the factors that determine unemployment and employment in Czech society. The authors use latent logistic regression to verify the assumption that the odds of unemployment are not evenly distributed across the entire Czech population and to identify three segments of the labour market in the Czech Republic. In each of these three segments the employment and unemployment odds differ, and the factors that determine these odds function differently in each segment.
Stať přináší přehled nejnovějších poznatků publikovaných ve výzkumu syndromu vyhoření a souvisejících konstruktů. Věnuje se souvislostem syndromu vyhoření se sociálně ekonomickým kontextem. Zaměřuje se zejména na související poznatky z oblasti psychologie práce, pracovního stresu a psychologie organizace. Pojednává o nejnovějších výzkumných poznatcích o zapálenosti (engagement) a klíčových otázkách, které by měly být podle předních světových odborníků zkoumány v budoucnu., The paper brings the overview of latest knowledge published in studies on burnout syndrome and related constructs. It deals with links between burnout syndrome and socio-economic context. The study focuses especially on related knowledge from the field of work, work stress, and organizational psychology. It discusses the latest research results concerning engagement and key issues that should be – according to the leading world experts – studied in the future., Vladimír Kebza, Iva Šolcová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Placené zaměstnání se v naší společnosti stalo důleţitou součástí osobní identity, neboť uspokojuje potřebu finančního příjmu, umoţňuje společenský kontakt a strukturuje čas. Nezaměstnanost je vysoce stresující ţivotní událost, která způsobuje dopad nejen na psychické, ale i fyzické zdraví. Můţe tak vyvolávat psychické důsledky úzkosti, deprese atd. Na zdravotní stránce nezaměstnaných osob se významně spolupodílí psychologické faktory s fyziologickou predispozicí k nemocem. S ohledem na významné individuální rozdíly mezi nezaměstnaností a zdravím je obtíţné nalézt jednoznačnou souvislost. Mezi obzvláště ohroţenými jsou osoby s niţším socioekonomickým statusem. Hlavním záměrem této přehledové studie je především upozornit na značnou komplexnost problému nezaměstnanosti v oblasti výzkumu zdraví. and Paid employment is nowadays a very important part of one's identity as it satisfies the need for a wage-earning capacity, facilitates socialization and provides time structure. Unemployment is a very stressful life event that causes psychological but also physical health changes. We can mention feelings of anxiety, depression and so on. There is a very significant interaction between psychological factors and physiological proclivity for illness. There are also a lot of corresponding factors in relation to unemployment and health that cannot be fully described as there are significant differences between people. Especially people with lower socioeconomic status are at a health risk. The main aim of this study is to show the wide complexity of the unemployment problem in the area of health research.