The article approaches the transformation of mobile elite’s
political imagination, linking the emergence of a federative ideology to the impossibility of accommodating minorities. While referring to the case of the Hungarian revolutionary emigration in the middle of the 19th century as an example, the paper examines the categories of “inclusion in” or “exclusion from” a “core-group” as elements determined by the shared imperial legacies and a “minority” status of the public actors. Addressing Harris Mylonas’s scheme of accommodation of minorities within nation-states and combining
it with the concept of “Imperial biographies”, the paper claims that the projects for a Danubian confederation were the results of an inability to address non-homogeneity by a none-core group on a quest for building a nation-state. Driven into exile, Hungarian intellectuals preferred to opt for the incorporation of the other
none-core groups of the Habsburg Empire and their neighbors into a possible confederation that could allow not only to satisfy their aspirations for a national emancipation, but to turn “minorities”
into “majorities”. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
Audiovisual archives with an advanced communication infrastructure are a rapidly developing tool whose unique potential in the realm of education has not been sufficiently explored yet. Archive system technologies already incorporate numerous collaborative functions. This paper aims to present quantitative and qualitative results of a research project undertaken at the Film and TV School at the Academy of Performing Arts. Through several focus groups - users of new media-oriented web portal, professionals working with audiovisual archives and students of FAMU, usage of audiovisual material in the particular groups was examined. The research was based on selecting the best tools for scientific collaboration in terms of audiovisual content and in researching the utilisation of their certain groups, such as functions for annotating audiovisual content and personal knowledge organisation. These days the cooperation between education and research does not rest in transfer of completed knowledge but in the capability of their sharing in the process of their formation which enables a dialogue and translation between the various specializations. This leads to new knowledge and a more effective solution of problems. The objective thus was to find such a combination of technologies and a working methodology that would facilitate unique talent and interests as well as strengthen the sense of cooperation and communication in a heterogeneous collective. and Michal Klodner, Lucia Udvardyová.
There are at least two significantly different approaches to the conceptualisation of social capital. Advocates of the most influential stream define social capital primarily as an attribute of societies, as an innate characteristic of the social environment based on the high degree of interpersonal and institutional trust facilitating people's co-operation. Adherents of the other stream define social capital in terms of mutually beneficial exchanges based on social connections and informal networks allowing individuals to achieve their own particular goals. The former approach prevails in 'western' countries, while the latter one prevails in the study of social change in post-communist societies where social capital drawing from interpersonal trust seems to be rather low. The aim of this article is to contribute to the conceptualisation and measurement of social capital, with a special emphasis on its role in post-communist societies. The authors attempt to develop a measurement model for the two distinct dimensions of social capital mentioned above. The measurement model for the two dimensions of social capital is developed and tested by confirmatory factor analysis. The authors proceed by testing the hypothesis that social capital defined as trust is only weakly linked to social stratification, while social capital defined as a person's involvement in mutually beneficial exchanges shows significant variation between groups defined by relevant stratification variables. The analysis was performed on the data from the Social Networks survey carried out in the Czech Republic in 2001 under the International Social Survey Programme.
Stať představuje jednoduchý nástroj měření konceptu tzv. přemosťujícího sociálního kapitálu (PSK) pomocí baterie otázek dotazujících odlišnosti v okruhu přátel adaptovanou pro podmínky dospělé populace v ČR. Tato baterie byla použita ve výzkumu veřejného mínění Naše společnost 2007-04 (CVVM). Nejprve ověřujeme konvergentní a diskriminační validitu nástroje pomocí explorační a konfirmační faktorové analýzy, ve které sledujeme, zda je koncept vícedimenzionální. Výsledky ukazují, že o přemosťujícím sociálním kapitálu je třeba uvažovat ve třech různých dimenzích: odlišný životní způsob, okrajové skupiny a odlišné zájmy. Dále ověřujeme pomocí strukturního modelu konstruktovou validitu. Vycházíme z teoretického modelu pozitivních efektů strukturní dimenze sociálního kapitálu (diverzita v přátelských vazbách) na jeho kulturní dimenzi (tolerance, důvěra). Pozornost věnujeme také položkové reliabilitě škál PSK. Závěrem navrhujeme doporučení pro využití baterie PSK v dalších výzkumech., Jiří Šafr, Julia Häuberer., tabulky, obrázky, and Obsahuje bibliografii
This article analyzes the test-retest reliability of network size and density measures originally implemented in face-to-face surveys, but implemented in this research in a telephone survey for examining “Social Relationships among Czech Citizens.” For this purpose we can divide family and friendship networks. Network size is measured with the number of family members; respondent’s friends at work, in the neighbourhood, as well as other friends. Network density is operationalised as frequency of contact with family members and friends. The analyses show a high test-retest reliability of the network size and density measures of the family network, but very low reliability for the measures of the friendship network. More detailed analysis reveals that the low reliability of network size, density of friends at work, and contact frequency with friends, can be explained in terms of respondent characteristics. In contrast, the low level of reliability exhibited by other variables is independent of respondent characteristics., Julia Häuberer., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
a1_strukturu a míru vnímané sociální opory u dětí a dospívajících po léčbě onkologického onemocnění a porovnat ji s oporou kontrolní skupiny. Soubor a metoda. Ve studii byla použita data od 101 dětí a dospívajících po léčbě onkologického onemocnění a data od 231 jedinců z běžné populace. Všem respondentům byl předložen Dotazník sociální opory QOLOP, který byl sestaven pro účely projektu QOLOP (Quality of Life Longitudinal Study in Oncology Paediatric Patients). Hypotézy. Vnímaná sociální opora od rodičů je u dětí a dospívajících po léčbě onkologického onemocnění vyšší než u jedinců z běžné populace. Sociální opora poskytovaná kamarády je nižší u dětí a dospívajících po léčbě onkologického onemocnění v porovnání s jedinci z běžné populace. Výzkumné studie / 339 Statistická analýza. Analýza dat (deskriptivní statistika a faktoriální analýza rozptylu) byla provedena v programu SPSS., a2_Výsledky. Největším zdrojem vnímané sociální opory u obou skupin jsou rodiče (zejména matka). Jako další důležité zdroje opory byli uváděni prarodiče, kamarádi a sourozenci. Děti a dospívající po léčbě onkologického onemocnění pociťují větší míru opory od matky, učitelů, prarodičů, sourozenců i kamarádů, než jedinci z běžné populace. Určité rozdíly ve vnímané sociální opoře byly nalezeny také mezi věkovými skupinami a mezi pohlavími. Omezení studie. Ve studii nebyl sledován zdravotní stav kontrolní skupiny. V rámci skupiny dětí a dospívajících po léčbě onkologického onemocnění nebylo přihlíženo k věku při diagnostikování onemocnění a délce remise., b1_Objectives. The purpose of this study is to describe the structure and the level of perceived social support in childhood cancer survivors and compare it with the support of control group. Sample and settings. Data from 101 childhood cancer survivors and 231 individuals from the general population were used. To determine the structure and level of social support Questionnaire of social support QOLOP which was originally designed for the QOLOP (Quality of Life Longitudinal Study in Oncology Paediatric Patients) project was used. Hypotheses. Perceived parental social support in childhood cancer survivors is higher than in the general population. Social support provided by friends is lower in childhood cancer survivors than in the general population. Statistical analysis: The statistical analysis (descriptive statistics and factorial analysis of variance) was performed using SPSS., b2_Results. Parents (especially mothers) were the most important sources of perceived social support for both groups. Grandparents, friends and siblings were mentioned as relevant sources of social support, too. Childhood cancer survivors perceived higher level of social support from mothers, teachers, grandparents, siblings and friends. Specific differences in perceived social support were also found depending on age and gender. Study limitation. The health status of control group was not monitored. In the group of childhood cancer survivors, the age in time of diagnosis and the time since the end of the treatment were not taken into account., Veronika Koutná, Marek Blatný, Tomáš Kepák, Martin Jelínek, Tereza Blažková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This study reviews existing research devoted to the topic of social support in childhood cancer survivors, the structure of their social network and its influence to selected characteristics of childhood cancer patients and survivors according to the source of support. Parents, siblings, friends, medical staff, classmates and teachers are analyzed as support sources. Positive as well as negative social support outcomes are reported. Among the positive outcomes, lower levels of anxiety, loneliness and pain, quality of life improvements and strenghtening of coping strategies can be named. Negative outcomes can be represented for example by excessive paren tal care, lack of privacy and feeling of being left out after the end of treatment. The limits of existing research are discussed, too., Tereza Blažková, Veronika Koutná., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The study focuses on privacy in online social networks. It presents an empirical analysis of youtubers, a group that has not yet been studied in the Czech social sciences. Using interpretive phenomenological analysis and in-depth interviews, we show that there is a typical ‘career’ trajectory that youtubers proceed along, whose structure is determined by experiences of breach of privacy and by mechanisms of reparation. These mechanisms and practices must be employed in order to resolve a fundamental tension between the demand for self-disclosure, arising out of confessional culture and the ideology of authenticity, and the parallel demand for retaining privacy. Breach of privacy is conceptualised as a violation of the equilibrium of its three constitutive elements: content, border, and context. Such situations are experienced as threats to the identity of the youtubers, who seek to avoid these threats by means of reparation practices, changes in how they perform privacy, and the use of what we call tools of controlled (in)accessibility. Unlike normative critiques that lament the loss of privacy on social networks, this article concludes that youtubers are highly competent guardians of their own performed privacy.