The article focuses on the problem of „štatl“ of Brno and its inhabitants, the so called „štatlaři“. The term „štatl“ can signify the city of Brno itself, or the city center, but also a certain type of subculture and, in connection with the term „štatlaři“, the specific group of the inhabitants of Brno. The core of the article consists in the analysis of images and meanings connected with štatl and štatlaři, their image and interpretation in memories and the exploitation of their image at present (commercial use in advertising). Besides štatl, the article also reflects the specific language, the so called “hantec” that is inseparably connected with štatl. The chronological frame of the article is from the 1960s to the present, but it mentions also the so called “Brno stove” (plotna) from the beginning of the twentieth century that is often mentioned in connection with štatl. The methodological basis of research consisted in especial in oral history and analysis of documents. The basic sources for the article were interviews, memoirs and published scientific articles. The results of the analysis should serve on the one hand as contemporary interpretation of life of certain group of people in urban setting during the period of socialism, on the other hand for better understanding of the processes that are connected to the contemporary creation of local identities, as well as commercial use of cultural artifacts.
The aim of this study is to find out which characteristics affect the age identity of individuals. The main question is: What determines whether the people in the Czech Republic find themselves young, middle aged or old? Two alternative hypotheses were tested: a) the age identity is mainly influenced by person's family and working roles; b) the age identity is primarily a function of person’s chronological age and his health. While the second hypothesis understands the age identity as an ordinal variable, the first hypothesis views values of youth, middle age and old age as three different nominal constructs. The question is answered by analysis of quantitative data from European Social Survey Round 4. The sample contains 1864 respondents aged 20-95. Author uses binary logistic regression to find models for adopting age identities in different age categories. The second hypothesis of age identity being primarily an effect of age and health is proved. The influence of some family and working roles on age identity are, however, also discussed., Romana Trusinová., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The aim of this study is to find out which characteristics affect the age identity of individuals. The main question is: What determines whether the people in the Czech Republic find themselves young, middle aged or old? Two alternative hypotheses were tested: a) the age identity is mainly influenced by person’s family and working roles; b) the age identity is primarily a function of person’s chronological age and his health. While the second hypothesis understands the age identity as an ordinal variable, the first hypothesis views values of youth, middle age and old age as three different nominal constructs. The question is answered by analysis of quantitative data from European Social Survey Round 4. The sample contains 1864 respondents aged 20-95. Author uses binary logistic regression to find models for adopting age identities in different age categories. The second hypothesis of age identity being primarily an effect of age and health is proved. The influence of some family and working roles on age identity are, however, also discussed.
Smoking becames the important and relevant health and social problem in the Czech republic as well as in the world. Tobacco together with alcohol is the first habit forming substance, which the child contacts or which somebody offers to him. The aim of the research is to map the situation of using of legal drugs, tobacco and alcohol, by the children in the basic schools of the region of South Bohemia. The pupils of the 4th- 9 th classes of basic schools of region of South Bohemia of age 10 – 16 years present the basic group. The methods of questionning, technique questionnaire was used for the primary colection of data. More than the tenth of children - 12 % are the regular smokers – they smoke every day. Regular strong smokers, who smoke regularly more than 10 cigarettes a day, present more then 3 %. The most often beginning of the regular (daily) smoking is about 12 and 13 years. Only 16 % adolescents have never drunk the alcohol, less than half of them did not drink it in the last month. Only 57 % of respondents have never been drunken. The biggest popularity of beverages among the teen-agers has traditionally the beer followed wine and then destillates. The biggest experiences with alcohol had got the questionned people until 10 years of age., Tento článek seznamuje čtenáře s výsledky výzkumu, který byl provedený jako školní studie zahrnující populaci nižší věkové kategorie než u dosud provedených školních studií v ČR, a snaží se díky tomu lépe zachytit nástup užívání a zneužívání legálních návykových látek, tabáku a alkoholu. Cílem výzkumu bylo zmapovat situaci v užívání legálních drog, tabáku a alkoholu, u dětí na základních školách Jihočeského kraje. Výzkum se zaměřuje jak na pravidelné uživatele těchto legálních drog, tak na reprezentativní vzorek mladých lidí, kteří jsou potenciálně (a pochopitelně i reálně) ohrožených legálními drogami., Markéta Kastnerová., and Seznam literatury
Vděčným tématem pro experimentální úlohy fyzikálních olympiád jsou různé polovodičové prvky. Článek představuje dvě experimentální úlohy zadané na mezinárodních fyzikálních olympiádách v 70. letech minulého století. Na závěr je uvedena pro srovnání experimentální úloha domácího kola FO na Slovensku ze školního roku 2009/2010., Jan Kříž, Filip Studnička, Ľubomír Konrád, Bohumil Vybíral., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Výskum exploruje konceptualizácie občianstva a občianskej participácie u bratislavských adolescentov a mladých dospelých (N=58); zameriava sa tiež na vzťah medzi konceptualizáciami občianstva a vnímanou lokalizáciou kontroly. Prostredníctvom Q-metodológie boli identifikované štyri faktory, ktoré vyjadrujú rôzne koncepcie presvedčení o občianstve. Prvý faktor (individuálna zodpovednosť, minimálny štát) tvorili čisto vysokoškoláci, druhý (pasívny negativizmus) čisto stredoškoláci, ostatné dva (občianska vzájomnosť a náš štát, náš pán) boli z tohto hľadiska zmiešané. Zistené boli i štatisticky významné rozdiely medzi jednotlivými faktormi ohľadom lokalizáciekontroly, kedy jedine participanti tvoriaci prvý faktor prejavovali tendenciu k vnútornej lokalizácii kontroly.
V tomto příspěvku se budeme zabývat úlohami fyzikální olympiády zaměřenými na sluneční záření dopadající na povrch Země, které lze považovat za součást kosmického záření. Úloh s touto tematikou nalezneme ve fyzikální olympiádě na různých úrovních celou řadu, my zde představíme dvě teoretické úlohy. První z nich byla zadána na 46. mezinárodní fyzikální olympiádě (MFO) v Indii v roce 2015. I druhá úloha je ze 46. ročníku, ale tentokrát slovenské fyzikální olympiády. Tento ročník proběhl již ve školním roce 2004/05. and Filip Studnička, Ľubomír Konrád, Jan Kříž, Bohumil Vybíral.
Czech “tramping” is primary Czech non-political movement and in the same time a pastime which came into existence at the beginning of the 20th century. It interconnected a stay in the countryside with romanticizing inspiration with American Wild West. Emphasis was placed on personal freedom and small amount of organization. It is also characterized by specific literary, musical and graphic production. This paper attempts to analyze specific features
of current campfire legends as a part of modern folk literature. It is based on material collected during a short survey. It seems that narration appearing in “tramping” environment has heavy though not absolute motivic relation to some more general types of narration of the youth such as the campfire legends and motifs related to legend tripping. However, they are spread in the ways characteristic for the youth by people who are much older. There is also a strong connection to the places visited by “tramps”. The existence of the legends is reflected within the movement. The stories can be turned into literature, parodied, or intentionally newly created as folklorism.