Cell-penetrating compounds are substances that enhance the cellular uptake of various molecular cargoes that do not easily cross the cellular membrane. The majority of cell-penetrating compounds described in the literature are cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs). This review summarizes the various structural types of cell-penetrating compounds, with the main focus on CPPs. The authors present a brief overview of the history of CPPs, discuss the various types of conjugation of CPPs to biologically active cargoes intended for cell internalization, examine the cell-entry mechanisms of CPPs, and report on the applications of CPPs in research and in preclinical and clinical studies., E. Böhmová, D. Machová, M. Pechar, R. Pola, K. Venclíková, O. Janoušková, T. Etrych., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Letos v dubnu uplyne 90 let od narození Josefa Rudingera, který proslul jako zakladatel školy výzkumu peptidů v Československu. Jeho relativně krátký život vyplnila především věda, značně jej ale ovlivnily i politické zvraty v průběhu 20. století, kvůli nimž dvakrát emigroval z Československa. and Jiří Šoukal.
Melatonin plays a key role in the circadian timing system. At present, many other functions of melatonin are known. Question remains whether changes in endogenous melatonin may be associated with food intake. Hence, the levels of melatonin, C-peptide and glucose were followed during a daily regimen (16 hours) including standardized food intake using commercial kits. The diurnal profiles of the hormones and serum glucose were evaluated using ANOVA with Period and Subject as independent factors. Pearson’s correlations and using a multiple stepwise backward regression model consisting of the time factor as a polynomial, and serum C-peptide and glucose assessed the correlations between melatonin and the remaining parameters. Our results showed a significant negative correlation between melatonin and C-peptide. The profile of melatonin was physiological, decreasing after wake-up, showing minor changes during the daytime and increasing in the evening. As documented, lesser alterations were indicated in the course of the melatonin daytime profile, which may reflect periodic food intake. Food intake is not the primary factor influencing the melatonin course. While previous studies have mostly considered the protective effect of melatonin in diabetic subjects, our study brought the results suggesting food intake as a factor contributing to daytime melatonin variation in humans. However, the physiological role of melatonin association with food intake in daytime remains in question and should be further investigated., L. Stárka, M. Dušková, B. Rácz, K. Šimůnková, M. Hill, R. Kancheva., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
A tumor-targeting drug delivery system consists of a tumor recognition moiety and a directly linked cytotoxic agent or an agent attached to a water-soluble synthetic polymer carrier through a suitable linker. Conjugation of a drug with a polymer carrier can change its solubility, toxicity, biodistribution, blood clearance and therapeutic specificity. Increased therapeutic specificity of a polymer drug can be achieved by the attachment of a targeting moiety (e.g. a lectin, protein, antibody, or peptide) that specifically interacts with receptors on the target cells. A large number of tumor-specific peptides were described in recent years. After a short introduction, some important examples of peptide-targeted conjugates will be described and discussed., E. Böhmová, R. Pola., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of Angiotensin II (Ang II) and Arginin-Vasopressin (AVP) on contractility of non-pregnant uterus in diabetic Wistar rats and to explore whether one-week administration of Melatonin (MLT) or Ghrelin (GHR) will change the response of diabetic uterine muscle to AngII and AVP. Uterine horns, prepared by the method of isolated tissues were investigated as w ell as glycemic profile, blood pressure and body weight. The research of smooth muscle contractions was made by a new method of analysis, characterizing in detail the various phases of the myometrial activity. Differences in the development of the peptide-mediated smooth muscle contractions depending on the phase of the estrous cycle were observed. Experimental diabetes had a pronounced negative effect on force and time-parameters of AngII and AVP-stimulated uterine contractions. Administration of GHR or MLT had a beneficial effect on the glycemic status of diabetic rats and partially improved the response of uterine preparations to the peptides. The application of MLT increased both force and time-parameters of Ang II- and AVP-stimulated uterine contractions while treatment with GHR increased power characteristics and shortened contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle process., T. Georgiev, A. Tolekova, R. Kalfin, P. Hadzhibozheva., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Študovali sme interakcie α-helikálneho peptidu acetyl-K2-L24-K2-amid (L24) s lipidovými dvojvrstvami z dimyristoylfosfatidylcholínu (DMCP) v gélovom (T = 288 K) a tekutokryštalickom (T = 310 K) stave za použitia metód molekulovej dynamiky. Ukázali sme, že napriek veĺkým fluktuáciam v koncových oblastiach polárnych částí membrány, v hydrofóbnom jadre membrány zostalo α-helikálne usporiadanie peptidu zachované. Peptid spôsobil zvýšenie neusporiadanosti v gélovom stave, kým v tekutokryštalickom stave došlo k zvýšeniu usporiadania membrány v porovnaní so stavom lipidov vzdialených od peptidu. Tieto rozdiely sú typické pre prvú polovicu membrány, kým v centrálnych častiach nedošlo k zmenám v usporiadaní. Na konci 10 ns simulácie bol peptid naklonený ku kolmici na povrch membrány pod uhlom 13° v gélovom a 33° v tekutokryštalickom stave. Simulácie vykonané v časoch 5 ns, respektíve 10 ns sa výrazne nelíšili., Milan Melicherčík, Ján Urban, Tibor Hianik., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The solid-state NMR measurements play an indispensable role in studies of interactions between biological membranes and peptaibols, which are amphipathic oligopeptides with a high abundance of α-aminobutyric acid (Aib). The solid-state NMR investigations are important in establishing the molecular models of the pore forming and antimicrobial properties of peptaibols, but rely on certain simplifications. Some of the underlying assumptions concern the parameters describing the 15N NMR chemical shielding tensor (CST) of the amide nitrogens in Aib and in conventional amino acids. Here the density functional theory (DFT) based calculations were applied to the known crystal structure of one of peptaibols, Ampullosporin A, in order to explicitly describe the variation of the 15N NMR parameters within its backbone. Based on the DFT computational data it was possible to verify the validity of the assumptions previously made about the differences between Aib and other amino acids in the isotropic part of the CST. Also the trends in the magnitudes and orientations of the anisotropic components of the CST, as revealed by the DFT calculations of the full periodic structure of Ampullosporin A, were thoroughly analyzed, and may be employed in future studies of peptaibols., J. Czernek, J. Brus., and Obsahuje bibliografii
TRH-like peptides are characterized by substitution of basic amino acid histidine (related to authentic TRH) with neutral or acidic amino acid, like glutamic acid, phenylalanin e, glutamine, tyrosine, leucin, valin, aspartic acid and asparagine. The presence of extrahypothalamic TRH-like peptides was reported in peripheral tissues including gastroin testinal tract, placenta, neural tissues, male reproductive system and certain endocrine tissues. Work deals with the biological function of TRH-like peptides in different parts of organisms where various mechanisms may serve for realisation of biological function of TRH-like peptides as negative feedback to the pituitary exerted by the TRH-like peptides, the role of pEEPam such as fertilization-promoting peptide, the mechanism influencing the proliferative ability of prostatic tissues, the neuroprotective and antidepressant function of TRH-like peptides in brain and the regulation of thyroid status by TRH-like peptides., R. Bílek, M. Bičíková, L. Šafařík., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy