V tomto článku je formou teoretického prehľadu i výskumne analyzovaný vzájomný vzťah medzi zdravou komunikáciou, sebaúctou a vybranými osobnostnými črtami partnerov v manželských pároch. V teoretickej časti sme uvedené konštrukty definovali a poukázali na ich vzájomné vzťahy. Výskumu sa zúčastnilo 60 manželských párov (t. j. 120 respondentov) vo veku od 22 do 80 rokov. Testovacia metóda pozostávala z nami zostavených dotazníkov na mapovanie zdravej komunikácie a sebaúcty, ďalej z Rosenbergovej škály sebahodnotenia, sémantického diferenciálu a osobnostného dotazníka NEO-FFI. Cieľom nášho výskumu bolo zistiť špecifiká v používaní prvkov zdravej komunikácie v manželských pároch a hľadať ich vzájomné súvislosti s osobnostným profilom partnerov, ich sebaúctou, vnímaním seba samého, vnímaním partnera, s kvalitou komunikácie a tiež s vekom. V manželských pároch sa potvrdil signifikantne pozitívny vzťah medzi kvalitou komunikácie a úrovňou sebaúcty, prívetivosťou a svedomitosťou. Signifikantný vzťah bol zistený aj medzi osobnostnými črtami (neuroticizmus, extraverzia, svedomitosť) a sebaúctou. Potvrdil sa aj vzťah medzi manželmi vo vnímaní seba, partnera a kvality komunikácie. and The article, in both theoretical and research approach, analyses reciprocal relationships among effective communication, self-esteem and specific personality factors of spouses in married couples. In the theoretical part, we defined this three constructs and referred to their reciprocal relationships. There were 60 married couples (i.e. 120 respondents) between 22 to 80 years that took part in our research. Testing methods consisted of questionnaires for effective communication and self-esteem made by us, Rosenberg self-esteem scale, semantic differential scale and personal questionnaire NEO-FFI. The goal of our research was to find out specifics of using elements of effective communication in married couples; and also to enquire after their connections with personal profiles of spouses, their self-esteem, self-perception, perception of a spouse, quality of communication, and age. A significantly positive relation between effective communication and Self-esteem, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness in married couples was confirmed. The significant relationship was found between personal factors (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness) and Self-esteem. A relation between spouses in the perception of self, a spouse and quality of communication was also confirmed.
This article examines whether there are any differences in the way in which married couples and unmarried cohabitating couples manage their incomes. Using data from the ISSP 1994 and the ISSP 2002 the author attempts to answer the question of whether over the course of the 1990s in the Czech Republic the character of unmarried cohabitation changed, and whether the economic arrangements of unmarried couples with children resemble those of married couples. Crosstabulation indicates that unmarried couples manage their respective incomes separately more often than married couples do. However, if we take into account the different socio-demographic and socio-economic structures of these couples, the differences in income management connected with marital status vanish. The results of a logistic regression show that separate financial management occurs more often among childless couples, people less satisfied with their family life, and those who have experienced the break-up of a partnership before. In the case where an unmarried couple is raising children, the household income arrangement of the partners is similar to that of married couples.
Manželství v současné době silně konkuruje nesezdané soužití, proto jsme se převážně z demografického a sociologického hlediska zabývali problematikou zmapování změn v manželském chování u respondentů starších 20 let. Pro obšírnější přehled postojů obyvatel ČR k manželství jsme zvolili následující oblasti: subjektivně vnímané funkce manželství, podmínky před sňatkem, motivaci k manželství, očekávání od manželství, komunikaci o potřebách a přáních a rozdělení rolí v manželském vztahu. Ke sběru dat byl použit dotazník vlastní konstrukce založený na důkladné rešerši převážně tuzemské literatury. Získaná data byla testována analýzou hlavních komponent, jednofaktorovou analýzou rozptylu a Tukeyovým testem. Byly zjišťovány signifikantní rozdíly u respondentů 20-39 let a 60 a více let, přičemž tyto intervaly vychází z rozdělení dospělosti od Marie Vágnerové.
Vzorek tvořilo celkem 199 respondentů, z toho 149 žen a 50 mužů. V manželství bylo 105 respondentů, svobodných 54, vdovec/vdova 10 respondentů, 12 bylo rozvedených a 18 respondentů mělo druha/družku. Výsledky analýz ukázaly statisticky významné rozdíly mezi respondenty 20-39 let a 60 a více let ve vnímaných funkcích manželství, v podmínkách před sňatkem, očekávání od manželství a rozdělení rolí v manželství. and Marriage is currently in a strong competition with cohabitation, that’s why we focused on demographic and sociological aspects of changes in marital behavior among respondents older than 20 years. To get more comprehensive overview of the attitudes of the Czech population to marriage, we chose the following areas: a subjectively percieved function of marriage, the conditions before marriage, the motivation for marriage, the expectations of marriage, the communication about the needs and wishes and distribution of roles in the marital relationship. Data were collected using a questionnaire of our own design based on a thorough research of mainly local literature. The obtained data were tested by the principal component analysis, one-way analysis of variance and the Tukey test. We detected significant differences among respondents 20-39 years and respondents 60 and over, where these intervals are based on a division of adulthood by Marie Vágnerová.
The sample consisted of 199 respondents (149 women and 50 men). There were 105 respondents in marriage, 54 singles, 10 were widowed, 12 were divorced, and 18 respondents had a companion/mate. Results of the analyses showed statistically significant differences among respondents aged 20-39 years, and 60 or more years in perceived functions of marriage, the conditions before marriage, expectations of marriage and division of roles in marriage.
Family may be defi ned as a relatively durable group of persons which is based on blood relations, is caused by marriage eventually by adoption and its main functions are reproduction, upbringing, but also carry over cultural models. Meaning of marriage institution is very often discussed topic not only in context of this defi nition. These discussions are provoked not only by opinions and questions in terms of marriage as an outworn institution, but also by the results of demographic statistic. In these results we can see trends of decreasing nuptiality, perhaps even weakening of family in the basic word sense (low fertility in general, growth of proportion of extramarital born children etc.). Introductory part of this article aff ords view of continuance of nuptiality during the twentieth century and also outline of some aspects that contribute to current nuptiality situation. The second part is focused on attitudes of Czech public towards marriage and on their ideas about importance and sense of marriage as well as., Michaela Dimitrová., and Seznam literatury
The paper focuses on the union formation in later life using SHARELIFE data from 13 European countries. First, it shows that proportion of single individuals aged 50-69 and the proportion of those who (re)partner vary significantly across European countries. The highest levels of (re)partnering were observed in Scandinavia and the lowest in Southern and Central Europe. Second, it shows that women are much less likely to enter a new coresidential union than men in all studied countries but the relative difference between men and women vary. The smallest difference was observed in Scandinavia and the Czech Republic, the largest in Southern Europe, Austria, and Switzerland. Third, repartnered individuals tend to be younger, more educated, and more likely divorced than widowed comparing to those who stay single., Dana Hamplová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
One of the most important factors contributing to the increasing diversity of family trajectories is the growing prevalence of unmarried cohabitation and extramarital births. Using data from the ‘Social and Economic Conditions of Motherhood’ survey (SEPM) from 2006, this paper explores the factors influencing the probability that an unmarried mother will marry after childbirth. The findings show that for one ‑third of unmarried mothers in the Czech Republic unmarried parenthood is the first phase in the family life ‑course leading to marriage rather than long term family arrangement. Unmarried mothers living in unmarried cohabitation, women with higher education, and women who have postponed marriage due to pregnancy have a higher probability of making the transition to marriage. The analysis does not confirm that the uncertainty of the relationship and a partner’s negative attitudes towards marriage at the time of childbirth have negative effects on the transition to marriage after childbirth., Jana Chaloupková., 3 tabulky, 2 grafy, Poznámky na str. 39 (2), Biografická poznámka o autorce článku na str. 39, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 30
This paper examines the variation in personal values and attitudes towards family and marriage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech and Slovak societies have been characterized by an intensive transformation process since 1989. The political and economic transformation was followed by intensive demographic changes (some even talk about a second demographic transition) that was similar in both societies. Here it is assumed that values are independent variables that have an impact on behaviour, and it is argued that demographic changes have been brought about by changes in values and attitudes concerning the family, marriage and children. Therefore, this article examines if the trends in value observed between 1991 and 2008 were accompanied by similar demographic changes. Data from three waves of the European Value Study (EVS) are used together with official vital demographic statistics.
This paper examines the variation in personal values and attitudes towards family and marriage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czech and Slovak societies have been characterized by an intensive transformation process since 1989. The political and economic transformation was followed by intensive demographic changes (some even talk about a second demographic transition) that was similar in both societies. Here it is assumed that values are independent variables that have an impact on behaviour, and it is argued that demographic changes have been brought about by changes in values and attitudes concerning the family, marriage and children. Therefore, this article examines if the trends in value observed between 1991 and 2008 were accompanied by similar demographic changes. Data from three waves of the European Value Study (EVS) are used together with official vital demographic statistics., Ladislav Rabušic, Beatrice Chromková Manea., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This study analyses the first partnerships of women and men in the Czech Republic and focuses on a comparison of family behaviour before and after the politically and socially important watershed of 1989. The authors investigate the type of first partnership (cohabitation versus marriage) and its timing. It can be assumed that significant changes in partnership behaviour exhibit a different pattern according to educational group, and moreover that differences in the timing and type of first partnership might also be expected from the point of view of gender. Given the increasing proportion of children born outside wedlock, attention is devoted to the impact of pregnancy and childbirth on partnership strategies. The data used in the paper are taken from the ‘Generations and Gender Survey’ carried out in the Czech Republic in 2008. The retrospective character of these data provides information on partnership careers in the context of other significant life events., Anna Šťastná, Jana Paloncyová., Rubrika: Stati, 1 tabulka, 1 schéma, 5 grafů, Poznámky na str. 29 (4), Biografické poznámky o autorkách článku na str. 15, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 16