Recently described Myotis alcathoe has been recorded in Ukraine for the first time and at eight new localities in three distant and geographically diverse areas of Poland (the mountains, the uplands and the lowlands). This data extends its distribution range in Central Europe and confirms it as a native breeding species in Poland. Specific identification of bats was confirmed by sequencing ND1 gene of mtDNA. In Poland its reproduction has been recorded in Łężczok reserve, Silesian Foothill and in Roztocze National Park. Bats were observed mostly within old broadleaved and mixed forests, near water, at altitude ranging from 112 to 736 m a.s.l. The only known roosting site for the species is a cave which is used both in spring and during the swarming period. In Poland the species co-occurred with both M. brandtii and M. mystacinus or with M. brandtii at all sites.
New information is provided on the distribution of 19 species of lichens belonging to the genus Caloplaca (Teloschistales) in the Czech Republic. Six species are new to this country: C. epithallina, C. erodens, C. inconnexa, C. phlogina, C. polycarpa and C. thuringiaca. The species C. albolutescens, C. cerinella, C. chlorina, C. chrysodeta, C. dichroa, C. flavocitrina, C. herbidella and C. marmorata are reported from the Czech Republic, but little is known about their distribution in this country. Caloplaca biatorina, C. obliterans, C. rubelliana, and C. xantholyta are rediscovered after more than 50 years. The presence of Caloplaca crenulatella, recently reported as new to this country, is confirmed and is actually one of the most common species of this genus. Ecological and chorological data are given for each species, and taxonomic and nomenclatural notes for C. albolutescens and C. chlorina are amended.
Nález kolonie mravence lužního na dubu na hrázi rybníka Vrkoč posouvá hranici recentního výskytu tohoto druhu o 15 km severozápadním směrem. Podle dosavadních terénních šetření jde o izolovanou kolonii, jejíž původ je nejasný. Obývaná lokalita se přitom velmi liší od preferovaného biotopu v podobě lesních porostů, protože jde o solitérní strom. Solitérní stromy či aleje přitom podle starších výzkumů využívá pouze 7 % kolonií tohoto druhu., A new colony of the ant species Liometopum microcephalum was found on the solitary oak tree growing on the dam of the pond Vrkoč near Pohořelice (southern Moravia). This discovery extends its recent distribution in the Czech Republic about 15 km to the north-west. The new colony is isolated and unusual in respect that only 7 % of south Moravian colonies are living on solitary trees or on trees in alleys., Antonín Krása., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Ovsenka skalní (Chondrina avenacea) je plicnatý plž, který žije celoročně na holých vápencových skalách, kde dochází k drastickým denním i sezonním změnám ozáření, teploty, vlhkosti a také dostupnosti potravy. V článku popisujeme fyziologické a biochemické adaptivní mechanismy, které umožňují ovsenkám přežít na jejich extrémním stanovišti., Chondrina avenacea is a pulmonate snail dwelling on exposed rock walls where it experiences drastic daily and seasonal fluctuations of abiotic conditions and food availability. In this paper, we describe the physiological and biochemical adaptive mechanisms that allow the snails to survive in their extreme microhabitat., Vladimír Košťál, Jan Rozsypal, Pavel Pech., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Ectoparasitic Prototransversotrema steeri Angel infected Acanthopagrus australis (Günther) in western (W. Bay) and southern (S. Bay) Moreton Bay with greatest abundance in winter (June - August), and none in summer (December - February). This confirms previous observations on seasonality of P. steeri from a small estuary in New South Wales. Transversotrema licinum Manter, which is a new host and geographical record, infects A. australis in W. Bay but not S. Bay, with large abundances in summer and winter, lowest abundance in spring. Increased size of P. steeri in winter in S. Bay could be explained by increased size offish sampled since fish length and size of each parasite species were correlated positively. Transversotrema licinum increased in size from summer to winter irrespective of fish size. Number of eggs in utero and parasite size were correlated for both species; worms in mid-size range had most eggs, and P. steeri had more eggs (average = 19.2, 0-80) than T. licinum (3.3, 0-21); eggs were similar in length. Number of eggs per parasite, adjusted for parasite size, was greatest in autumn (P. steeri) or summer (T. licinum), i.e. early in infection period. Spawning migration to eastern Moreton Bay did not influence number of eggs per parasite.
Taxonomy, distribution and ecology of Persicaria pensylvanica in the Czech Republic are reviewed. In the Czech Republic, P. pensylvanica is an alien plant which immigrated along the Elbe river. Majority of Czech localities of the species have an ephemeral character but in two localities in the town of Litoměřice, the occurrence is more permanent.
Dolichopodidae (over 6000 described species in more than 200 genera) is one of the most speciose families of Diptera. Males of many dolichopodid species, including Dolichopus, feature conspicuous ornaments (Male Secondary Sexual Characters) that are used during courtship. Next to these MSSCs, every identification key to Dolichopus primarily uses colour characters (postocular bristles; femora) of unknown phylogenetic relevance. The phylogeny of Dolichopodidae has rarely been investigated, especially at the species level, and molecular data were hardly ever involved. We inferred phylogenetic relationships among 45 species (57 samples) of the subfamily Dolichopodinae on the basis of 32 morphological and 1415 nucleotide characters (810 for COI, 605 for Cyt-b). The monophyly of Dolichopus and Gymnopternus as well as the separate systematic position of Ethiromyia chalybea were supported in all analyses, confirming recent findings by other authors based purely on morphology. Within Dolichopus, stable species groups could be assigned to four distinct categories on the basis of their statistical support in 7 phylogenetic analyses: (i) clades significantly supported in all analyses, (ii) clades supported in trees based on DNA and combined data, but only partly in morphological trees, (iii) clades significantly supported in trees based on DNA and combined data, but not in morphological trees, and (iv) clades consistently supported only in morphological trees. The phylogeny generated here provides a better understanding of the phylogenetic relevance of some debated morphological characters used for species and species-group characterizations in the most commonly used identification keys. In this respect, postocular bristle colour proved of little phylogenetic relevance since every group with species featuring black bristles also included species with partly yellow bristles. Entirely or partly infuscated femora explained the nodes of three stable species groups and even revealed an incorrect polarity of this morphological character in three species. Four of 6 complex MSSCs and 5 of 8 more common MSSCs were found consistently in further species groups.
Naše znalosti o ekologii a rozšíření řady druhů hub byly po dlouhou dobu založeny pouze na pozorování plodnic a sporulujících útvarů v terénu a na identifikaci izolovaných druhů hub. Nedávné pokroky a dostupnost metod založených na studiu DNA a jejich téměř rutinní používání v laboratořích rozšířilo naše znalosti o substrátech kolonizovaných různými druhy hub. Na druhou stranu se ukázalo, že některé druhy kolonizují stejný substrát, ale na geograficky velmi vzdálených lokalitách. Některé druhy ani nelze zařadit do jasně vymezené ekologické skupiny, mění svou ekologii v průběhu svého životního cyklu., Our information about the ecology and distribution of particular fungal species has for a long time been based only on observations of fruit bodies and sporulating structures in the field and on identification of isolated fungal strains. Recent developments in molecular methods and their routine use in mycology have revealed that some fungi may colonize different substrates than originally supposed. On the other hand, other fungi colonize their typical habitats in localities that are enormously distant from each other. Some fungi may not be easily assigned to a single ecological group, as they change various life styles during their life cycle., and Ondřej Koukol.