The methods of spatial statistics were applied to assess the geographical pattern of risk of Lyme borreliosis in Central Bohemia, the Czech Republic, based on retrospective data on disease contractions. The statistical risk was then compared at 15 selected localities with the infection challenge presented by ticks and insects carrying borreliae. Over 5,000 Ixodes ricinus (L.) ticks and 390 hacmatophagous dipterans were screened by direct immunofluorescence method, and the spatial and seasonal variance of infection rates were studied. Infected ticks were found at each locality throughout the warm season; in nymphs, sample infection rates ranged from 4.9% to 23.1% with a mean of 14.5% in spring, from 7.7% to 28.7% with a mean of 16.1% in summer, and from 7% to 20.6% with a mean of 13.6% in autumn. The statistical risk was found to correlate well with an average nymphal infection challenge, i.e. I. ricinus nymphal abundance x infection rate, at a given locality. Statistically significant cumulation of insect-history recalling patients into several, generally wetland, areas was ascertained; borreliae were revealed in 0.5% of the dipterans examined.
The aim of this study was to find the principal parameters of surface tension of the blood and verify its possible correlation with some of the commonly assessed laboratory indicators that are affected by diseases with the expected possible changes in the surface tension of the blood. The surface tension of the blood was assessed in 150 patients. At the same time, the basic biochemical and hematological parameters were determined in these patients. The results have shown a close correlation between the surface blood tension and the activity of plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase. We assume that this relationship is based on the changes in concentration of bile acids in the blood during liver or bile duct afflictions., A. Kratochvíl, E. Hrnčíř., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The seasonal diet composition of otters (Lutra lutra) living by an eutrophic fish pond system, a wetland alder forest, and a slow-flowing stream located in south-west Hungary was investigated by spraint analysis (n = 801, 116 and 234 samples respectively). Both percentage relative frequency of occurrence (O%) and biomass (B%) of food items (calculated by coefficients of digestibility) were estimated. The food composition of the otters living by the three areas differed significantly (PAstacus spp.) was dominant (54 O% and 62 B%). Close correlation was found between relative frequency of occurrence and biomass of food items.
The purpose of the work is to establish the correlation between the change of absolute rotation poles of major tectonic plates based on continuous GNSS stations data. The work investigates 2804 continuous GNSS stations located on Pacific, North American, Eurasian, African, Antarctic, Australian and South American plates during 2002-2021. The components of recent horizontal displacements of continuous GNSS stations have been determined and a map of their distribution pattern has been constructed. The absolute rotation pole in ITRF2014/IGS14 reference frame of the studied tectonic plates has been determined. The obtained values are in good agreement with modern plate models. The definition of average annual rotation poles has been developed and their analysis has been carried out to research the dynamics of their change in time. It has been established that the change in the average annual rotation poles of the North American, African and South American plates occurs synchronously, while their change is asynchronous to the Pacific plate. Simultaneous changes in the average annual rotation poles of Antarctic and African plates were have also been identified.
This project deals with calibration of experimental texturemetre at tensile and compressive loading. We have used the samples of European walnuts for the etalon calibration. We tested compressive loading and on the walnut. Measurements was realised on Stentor Andilog 1000 and on the developed texturemetre. These equipment recorded force and displacement. We could use those data, which were gathered to create dependencies of every device. We created correlations for each measurement. Also we could determine the accuracy of the equipments with apply of the coefficient of correlation. We could determine the linearity of the equipment with the help of the regression method. and Táto práca sa zaoberá kalibráciou vývojového textúrometra pri zaťažení materiálu tlakom. Pre dosiahnutie kalibrácie boli merané vzorky orecha vlašského zaťažené na tlak. Merania boli realizované na zariadení Stentor Andilog 1000 a na vývojovej trhačke. Prístroje zaznamenávali silu a premiestnenie. Z týchto údajov potom boli zostrojené grafické závislosti. Boli vytvorené korelačné tabuľky pre jednotlivé merania. Pomocou koeficientu korelácie sme zistili, že meracie zariadenia sú s vysokou pravdepodobnosťou zhodné. Pomocou regresnej metódy bolo dokázané, že existuje nelinearita pri vyššom zaťažení.
This work describes a quantitative evaluation of interference patterns applied for testing of optical surfaces. The proposed method is based on the correlation between measured and virtual (nominal) interferograms and employment of mathematical nonlinear optimization. In contrast to most of common phase evaluation methods the proposed method does not need a detailed analysis of the interference patterns and phase unwrapping. The deviation of the measured surface from its nominal shape is modeled using a suitable function with unknown parameters, which are calculated by optimization of the merit function. The merit function is the correlation coefficient between measured and nominal interferogram, which characterizes the similarity of both interferograms. The functionality of the method was verified both by computer simulations and practical experiments. The method is applicable for the interferometric testing of flat, spherical and aspherical surfaces. and V práci je popsána metoda kvantitativního vyhodnocování interferenčního pole při kontrole tvaru optických ploch. Navržená metoda využívá korelace mezi měřeným a virtuálním (nominálním) interferogramem a matematických metod nelineární optimalizace. Na rozdíl od většiny běžně používaných metod nevyžaduje navržená metoda detailní analýzu interferenčního pole a odstranění nespojitostí fázových hodnot (tzv. phase unwrapping). Odchylka kontrolované plochy od jejího nominálního tvaru je modelována pomocí vhodné funkce s neznámými parametry, které jsou získány optimalizací meritní funkce. Za meritní funkci je zvolen korelační koeficient mezi měřeným a virtuálním (nominálním) interferogramem, který charakterizuje podobnost obou interferogramů. Funkčnost metody byla ověřena jak pomocí počítačových simulací, tak i na reálných případech měření. Metoda je použitelná pro interferometrickou kontrolu rovinných, sférických i asférických ploch.
Nitric oxide (NO) is an important endogenous mediator with significant role in the respiratory system. Many endogenous and exogenous factors influence the synthesis of NO and its level is significantly changed during the inflammation. Analysis of nasal nitric oxide (nNO) is not validated so far as the diagnostic method. There is a lack of reference values with possible identification of factors modulating the nNO levels. In healthy adult volunteers (n=141) we studied nasal NO values by NIOX MINO® (Aerocrine, Sweden) according to the recommendations of the ATS & ERS. Gender, age, height, body weight, waist-to-hip ratio, FEV1/FVC, PEF and numbers of le ukocytes, eosinophils, basophils and monocytes were studied as potential variables influencing the levels of nNO. The complexity of the results allowed us to create a homogenous group for nasal NO monitoring and these data can be used further as the reference data for given variables. Because of significant correlation between nNO and exhaled NO, our results support the "one airway - one disease" concept. Reference values of nasal NO and emphasis of the individual parameters of tested young healthy population may serve as a starting point in the non-invasive monitoring of the upper airway inflammation., M. Antosova, D. Mokra, I. Tonhajzerova, P. Mikolka, P. Kosutova, M. Mestanik, L. Pepucha, J. Plevkova, T. Buday, V. Calkovsky, A. Bencova., and Obsahuje bibliografii
As to be able to draw up outlook development plans of the integrated water management it is required to define and know much more hydrological parameters of subcatchments, as are available from measurements in outflow profiles of water courses. Thus, a continuous and significant task of hydrology i working out of estimation methods for evaluation of non-existing, or only sporadically monitored hydrologic parameters in selected profiles of water courses. One of the way how to obtain required data is regionalization. The ''regional analysis'' focused in a given territory on elucidation of variations of hydrological regularities (laws). ''Regionalization'' implies interpolation of information, available in given monitoring stations, to the whole concerned territory. and Perspektívne rozvojové plány integrovaného vodného hospodárstva vyžadujú znalost väcšieho množstva hydrologických parametrov ciastkových povodí, než nám poskytujú pozorovania vo vodomerných profiloch tokov. Preto je trvalou úlohou hydrológie vypracovanie metód odhadov pre hodnotenie chýbajúcich alebo občasne pozorovaných hydrologických parametrov vo zvolených profiloch vodných tokov. Jednou z ciest k získaniu potrebných údajov je regionalizácia. Pod ''regionálnou analýzou'' sa rozumie postup, ktorý sa na danom území zaoberá objasnením zákonitostí zmien hydrologických parametrov. Pod ''regionalizáciou'' sa rozumie interpolácia informácií, ktoré sú k dispozícii v daných uzloch monitorovania, na celé záujmové územie.
In this paper, we study a distribution-dependent correlation coefficient based on the concept of scalar score. This new measure of association of continuous random variables is compared by means of simulation experiments with the Pearson, Kendall and Spearman correlation coefficients.
In 1965 the PD-1 mapping borehole was drilled in the classical location in Březno u Loun in the Ohře facies region. It was examined by many authors with various results. In 2006 the re vision of these results was pe rformed in archival samples. Carbonate content and insoluble residue minerals were determined. The gathered data were compared with similarly examined boreholes in the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. The correlation showed that in the western and eastern Poohří region the profiles with different stratigraphy level were compared. After the elimination of this discrepancy the actual stratigraphy of the Poohří region can be easily compared with the other regions of the basin. The Č. Zahálka's statement of the equivalency of the sediment filling of the Ohře facies region and the Jizera formation in the Kokořín region is correct. This fact was validated by the Pd-1 borehole profile, where, due to a tectonic coupling, yet unknown, missing part of the youngest sediments of the Teplice and Březno formations (the real zone Xd) was conserved., Zdeněk Štaffen., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy