Klíšťata sají obrovské množství krve, která je jejich jediným zdrojem živin a energie. Přesný enzymatický mechanismus zpracování krve ve střevě klíšťat však kupodivu nebyl donedávna vůbec znám. Náš komplexní molekulární model trávení hostitelského hemoglobinu u klíštěte obecného (Ixodes ricinus) poprvé odhalil analogii enzymatického aparátu s krevsajícími ploštěnci a hlísticemi, a zároveň tato znalost představuje zásadní poznatek pro účinný boj s klíšťaty a jimi přenášenými patogeny., Ticks (in this case Ixodidae and Argasidae) feed on enormous amounts of host blood, which provides their ultimate source of energy and nutrients. There has been only limited evidence on the exact molecular mechanisms of blood digestion in ticks. For the first time, our complex enzymatic model of proteolytic digestion in the Common Tick (Ixodes ricinus) reveals the analogy of tick intestinal proteolysis with bloodfeeding platyhelminthes and nematodes and presents a future application potential in tick or tick-borne pathogen interventions., and Daniel Sojka.
Je předložena první část plánovaného souboru malých prací, určených pro tento časopis. Práce se týká věcí, podle našeho názoru důležitých pro analytickou kvalitu v klinické laboratoři. Celý soubor prací se bude zabývat tématy metrologie (charakteru předmětů měření), statistikou, vnitřní kontrolou kvality, externím hodnocením kvality a kritickými postřehy v uvedených oblastech. Příspěvky jsou napsány s maximální snahou po jednoduchosti podle konceptu ASAP-„as simple as possible“. V prvním příspěvku byl aplikován tento přístup pro odvození požadavků na analytickou kvalitu z hodnot biologických variabilit: je diskutována situace při měření koncentrace Na v krevním séru. Analytická kvalita tohoto měření je akceptovatelná, pokud dlouhodobě sledované výsledky vykazují stabilitu v rozmezí 1 %. Této stability je možné dosáhnout., This is the first article in a series of small, „loose“ contributions to this journal. The articles touch, what we think, is important about analytical quality in the medical laboratory The articles will address topics such as metrology (philosophy of the measurand), statistics, internal quality control (IQC), external quality assessment (EQA), critiques to the discipline. All contributions follow the ASAP-concept, meaning As Simple As Possible. Here, we explore the „ASAP“ concept for analytical quality specifications derived from biological variation. The application of the concept results for the great majority of the mainstream serum-, plasma-, and blood-analytes in CVa values within boundaries of 0.4 – 15 % and for Delta-SE within boundaries of 0.2 – 10 %. The take-home message is: analytical quality in the medical laboratory must NOT be viewed in absolute terms („a CVa of 2 % is good“), BUT in relative terms. A CVa of 2 % is good for S-cholesterol analysis, but NOT for S-Na analysis!, Stepman H., Stöckl D., and Literatura 11
The aim of this study was to find the principal parameters of surface tension of the blood and verify its possible correlation with some of the commonly assessed laboratory indicators that are affected by diseases with the expected possible changes in the surface tension of the blood. The surface tension of the blood was assessed in 150 patients. At the same time, the basic biochemical and hematological parameters were determined in these patients. The results have shown a close correlation between the surface blood tension and the activity of plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase. We assume that this relationship is based on the changes in concentration of bile acids in the blood during liver or bile duct afflictions., A. Kratochvíl, E. Hrnčíř., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Cíl: Cílem pilotní studie bylo zjistit, zda dochází v průběhu klokánkování ke snížení srdeční a dechové frekvence u nedonošených novorozenců, zjistit zda klokánkování ovlivní periferní saturaci krve kyslíkem a délku hospitalizace nedonošených novorozenců na Jednotce intenzivní a resuscitační péče o novorozence. Dále zjistit, zda klokánkování ovlivňuje interakci matka - dítě. Metodika: Metodou studie byl experiment. Technikou sběru dat k posouzení efektu klokánkování bylo měření fyziologických funkcí. Interakce mezi matkami a jejich dětmi byly měřeny dotazníkem - Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS). Ke statistickému zpracování byl využit t-test pro dva výběry, neparametrický Wilcoxonův test, chí test a Fisherův exaktní test. Statistické testy byly hodnoceny na hladině významnosti 5 %. Výsledky: Z fyziologických funkcí byl signifikantně potvrzen vzestup tělesné teploty. Při porovnání intervenční a kontrolní skupiny před klokánkováním nebyl v interakcích matek k jejich dětem zaznamenán žádný signifikantní rozdíl. Před propuštěním (resp. po klokánkování) byl zájem o dítě u matek klokánkovaných dětí významně vyšší (p = 0,0354) oproti matkám, které své dítě neklokánkovaly. Ve všech položkách MPAS byla úroveň připoutání ke klokánkovanému dítěti před propuštěním vyšší než u neklokánkovaných novorozenců. Závěr: Klokánkování prokázalo pozitivní efekt na nedonošené novorozence v oblasti vzestupu tělesné teploty, zvýšeného zájmu o potřeby novorozence a silnějšího připoutání matky k novorozenci., Objective: The pilot study aimed at determining whether kangaroo mother care decreases heart and respiration rates in preterm newborns, affects saturation of peripheral oxygen and length of newborns’ hospital stay at a neonatal intensive care unit, and influences mother-child interaction. Methods: The method of study was an experiment. To assess the effect of kangaroo mother care, physiological functions were measured. Mother-child interaction was assessed using the Maternal Postnatal Attachment Scale (MPAS). Statistical analyses were carried out with a two-sample t-test, non-parametric Wilcoxon test, chisquare test and Fischer’s exact test. The statistical tests were evaluated at a significance level of 5%. Results: Of the physiological functions studied, only body temperature was confirmed to be significantly increased. There was no significant difference in mother-child interaction prior to kangaroo care between the study and control groups. After kangaroo care (i.e. prior to hospital discharge), interest in their babies was significantly higher (p=0.0354) in mothers providing kangaroo care than in the controls. In all MPAS items, pre-discharge levels of maternal bonding were higher in the group of children provided with kangaroo care than in the controls. Conclusion: Kangaroo mother care was shown to have a positive effect on preterm newborns, as manifested by higher body temperature, increased interest in newborn’s needs and a stronger mother - child bond., Lucie Sikorová, Monika Suszková, and Literatura 19
The effects of acute exposure to cadmium (Cd) on the blood antioxidant defense system, lipid peroxide concentration and hematological parameters, as well as the possible protective role of vitamin E were studied. Male Wistar albino rats (3 months old) were treated with cadmium (0.4 mg Cd/kg b.m., i.p., 24 h before the experiment) or with vitamin E + Cd (20 IU Vit E/kg b.m., i.m., 48 h + 0.4 mg Cd/kg b.m., i.p., 24 h before the experiment). The hematological parameters were assessed: red blood cell counts, hematocrit value and hemoglobin concentration were significantly decreased in the blood of Cd-treated rats. Intoxication with cadmium was also followed by significantly increased lipid peroxide concentrations. We also observed increased activity of antioxidant defense enzymes: copper zinc containing superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase and glutathione-S-transferase as well as concentrations of non-enzymatic components of antioxidant defense system: reduced glutathione, vitamin C and vitamin E. Pretreatment with vitamin E exhibited a protective role on the toxic effects of cadmium on the hematological values, lipid peroxide concentration as well as on enzymatic and non-enzymatic components of antioxidant defense system., B. I. Ognjanović, S. Z. Pavlović, S. D. Maletić, R. V. Žikić, A. Š. Štajn, R. M. Radojičić, Z. S. Saičić, V. M. Petrović., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Steroids are important marker s in pregnancy. Although estimating their levels separately in umbilical arterial (UA) and venous blood (UV) enable more precise insights into the functioning fetoplacental unit compared to using mixed umbilical blood (UM), selective aspiration of UA and UV is technically more demanding than collecting UM. We measured the levels of 67 unconjugated steroids and steroid polar conjugates in UA and UV using GC-MS in 80 women giving birth within weeks 28 to 42 of gestation. The samples were sorted into three groups: women entering labor within weeks 28- 32 (group A, n=19), weeks 33-37 (group B, n=19), and weeks 38-42 (group C, n=42) of gestation, respectively. The preterm labo rs were due to pathologies unrelated to steroid status. Most unconjugated steroids exhibited pronounced arteriovenous differences (AVD). The AVD were less distinct in more stable steroid conjugates. Most steroids positively correlate with gestational age, but unconjugated 5 β -reduced pregnanes show negative correlations, as do testosterone and androstenediol, substrates for the placental synthesis of estrogens. Tight correlations be tween steroids in UA and UV indicate that steroid measurements in UA, UV and UM can be accurately derived from each other, which is important for the diagnostics of steroid related diseases in newborns., A. Pašková ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
The administration of creatine (5 g/day for one month) to 11 young active sportsmen affected their urinary excretion of creatine, creatinine, and thiodiglycolic acid (TDGA) as well as blood levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folates. The probands were divided into four groups, according to the amount of creatine found in urine, and of folates and vitamin B12 determined in blood. The changes of folates and vitamin B12 were mutually reciprocal. Each group utilized CR as donor of one- and two-carbon (1C and 2C) units by means of homocysteine (HoCySH), folates, and vitamin B12, in different metabolic pathways. In 10 men the creatine administration was accompanied by an increase of HoCySH level in blood, while in the last man, with accidentally discovered hyperhomocysteinemia, the HoCySH level dropped by 50 %. Differences between initial and terminal TDGA levels indicate that creatine affects equilibria of redox processes. Creatinine excretion into urine changed in the dependence on the extent of metabolic disturbances., T. Navrátil ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy