Příspěvek pojednává o slovinské recepci Karla Hynka Máchy od druhé poloviny 19. století dodnes. Zvláštní pozornost věnuje těm dimenzím, které souvisejí s kanonizací a kultem českého romantického básníka, rovněž i diskursivním strategiím, které Máchu do slovinského kulturního prostoru začleňují jako "českého Prešerna", slovinskému velikánovi pak dodávaly ekvivalentního národního básníka a kulturního světce bratrského slovanského národa. and This article treats the Slovenian reception of Karel Hynek Mácha from the second half of the nineteenth century till the present day. It places special focus on the dimensions connected to the canonization of the Czech Romantic poet (especially the so-called "Mácha cult"), and the discursive strategies that import Mácha to the Slovenian cultural field as the national poet and cultural saint of the brotherly Slavic nation – the "Czech Prešeren".
osobní bibliografii Františka Knoppa sestavila Stanislava Sýkorová ; uspořádali Pavel Janáček, Petr Šámal, Aleš Zach ; úvodní medailon napsal Vladimír Just., Obsahuje bibliografii, bibliografické odkazy a rejstřík., Anglické resumé, and born digital
This article reflects on three recent publications dealing with broadside ballads in the Czech lands. These include a publication from regional museum collections and two exhibition catalogues. It presents the various ways of comprehending this interdisciplinary phenomenon and current research trends (research into the materiality of the prints, reflection on the musical component, multilingualism and the like). It also presents terminological considerations and reflects on the broadside ballad as part of 18th and 19th century popular culture.
Rudolf Pokorný, český podporovateľ česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti, uskutočnil cesty na Slovensko, ktoré zásadným spôsobom ovplyvnili jeho nasledujúci profesijný vývoj a literárnu tvorbu. Predložená štúdia na základe archívnych materiálov objasňuje pozadie realizovaných príprav, prispieva k poznaniu osobných kontaktov autora a jeho ďalších aktivít. Zároveň sa zameriava na vybrané aspekty zobrazenia česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti v cestopise Z potulek po Slovensku I a II. Text českému čitateľovi objasňoval napríklad slovenskú geografiu a folklór, sociálnu otázku alebo literárne pomery. Aj z pohľadu aktuálneho, aj historického. Slovenské prostredie autor zobrazil ako "iné", ale predsa stále blízke. Zachytené reakcie osobností a dobovej tlače sa stali dôležitým svedectvom o autorových aktivitách. To neskôr ovplyvnilo budovanie česko-slovenskej vzájomnosti, pretože "základný kameň" už existoval. and Rudolf Pokorný, the Czech supporter of Czech-Slovak reciprocity in the 19th century, executed several trips to Slovakia. Those fundamentally influenced his subsequent professional development and literary work. The study clarifies the background of the implemented preparations, contributes to the knowledge of the author's personal contacts and other activities. It also focuses on selected aspects of depicting Czech-Slovak reciprocity in the travel book Wanderings across Slovakia I and II (Z potulek po Slovensku). The text explain Slovak geography and folklore, the social question and literary conditions, specifically intended for the Czech readers (that was the author's goal). The author portrayed the Slovak environment as "different", but still "same". The captured reactions of personalities and contemporary press became an important testimony to the author's activities.
This article deals with the issues of introducing web resources into subject literary bibliographies. This issue is at first analyzed on the general level as the methodological challenge of online sources systematic introduction into the context of managing current bibliography and then case studies follow targeted on specific problems of internet material bibliography treatment. Firstly one discusses the issues related to bibliographical processing of online documents (web pages, online journals, etc.), which are in complex and variable relations to those available in print. An attention is paid to the methodological issues, in particular providing criteria of web resources selection. The need for archivization of bibliographically processed materials which we assess as the crucial element of any systematic bibliographical processing of Internet materials will be also highlighted. In the following part study presents the preliminarily classification of the new specific genres of internet content: blogs and literary forums. Firstly the Polish literary blogosphere is analysed and preliminarily typology of this document type is introduced. Later a phenomenon of literary forums is taken into consideration. Based on an example of poetry forum Nieszuflada.pl more detailed quantitative analysis of this resource type is given and issues of authorship attribution in the digital environment are discussed.