This article reflects on three recent publications dealing with broadside ballads in the Czech lands. These include a publication from regional museum collections and two exhibition catalogues. It presents the various ways of comprehending this interdisciplinary phenomenon and current research trends (research into the materiality of the prints, reflection on the musical component, multilingualism and the like). It also presents terminological considerations and reflects on the broadside ballad as part of 18th and 19th century popular culture.
The article represents a probe to the godparenting ties in the parish Hlinsko (former region of Chrudim) at the middle of the seventeenth century from the social-religious point of view. On the basis of the analysis of the register of baptisms from the years 1645 to 1650 and the subsequent combination with the Register of subjects according to their religion from the year 1651 it was possible to ascertain the social position of godparents, their religious affiliation (as contrasted to the denomination of parents of the child), the frequency of participation of godparents in baptisms and other facts that contributed to the functioning of the confessionally divided Czech village society of the Early Modern Era., Ladislav Nekvapil., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article analyses popular prayer books preserved in regional museums of Bohemia and described in the Inventory of the 17th and 18th century manuscripts from the Museum collections in Bohemia I-II (they comprise in total 3298 manuscripts from 94 museums). After a short introduction dealing with the principal characteristics of these manuscripts (viewed partly as an instance of entrepreneurial manuscript publication), their potential scribes and the way these books were read and used as magical objects, it classifies them according to the date of origin, the language used and the gender and social status of their scribes and owners.
It is the aim of this work to interpret magical thinking as a strong tendency towards categorization, towards simplification of an infinitely diverse reality and of its modifications, and its reduction to a limited number of static prototypes. In magical thinking and contact (adjacency) are not only crucial principles of the human cognition; moreover they have their ontological dimensions: they direct the course of the world. Numerous examples of human conduct that are motivated by the laws of magic can be found not only in systems and their elements mentioned in canonical studies of magic (Frazer, Mauss) or in Eliade’s phenomenology of religion, but also in texts concerning European medieval and folk culture (Gurevich) or contemporary popular culture (astrology, prophecies etc.). Different phenomena of magical thinking like recurring time, imitations of extra-mundane models or of the past deeds can be described and explained by means of cognitivism. Various forms of popular metaphysics are also based on the tendency towards categorization. It is the tendency to eliminate everything particular and variable, and to inspell what is general and certain. Magical thinking does not acknowledge coincidence or probability, since everything is considered here necessary and can be instantly explained. and Cílem této práce je interpretovat magické myšlení jako výraznou snahu o kategorizaci, o zjednodušení nesmírné rozmanitosti reality a její modifikaci, redukci na omezený počet statických prototypů. Podobnost a dotyk (blízkost) jsou nejen klíčovými principy lidského poznávání; mají také ontologický rozměr, neboť ovlivňují podobu světa. Početné příklady lidského jednání motivovaného magickými zákonitostmi můžeme najít nejen v systémech a jejich součástech, popsaných v kanonických textech věnovaných náboženství (Frazer, Mauss) nebo v Eliadově fenomenologii náboženství, ale také v textech věnovaných evropské středověké a lidové kultuře (Gurevič) nebo současné lidové kultuře (astrologie, proroctví atd.). Různé aspekty magického myšlení, jako je cyklické vnímání času, imitace vzorů z „onoho světa" nebo minulých událostí, mohou být popsány a vysvětleny prostřednictvím kognitivismu. Různé formy lidové metafyziky také vycházejí ze snah o kategorizaci. Pod tímto termínem rozumím tendenci eliminovat vše konkrétní a proměnlivé a zdůraznit vše obecné a stálé. Magické myšlení neuznává náhodu a pravděpodobnost, neboť vše je pokládáno za nutné a objasnitelné.
Jedním z hlavních analytických konceptů kulturalistického přístupu, který studuje užití populární kultury jako specifické jednání, je pojem „kulturní občanství“. Tento text se proto v následujících částech bude zabývat shrnutím významů tohoto pojmu (včetně jeho okolí) a pokusí se jej – ačkoli se s ním dosud pracovalo jen při studiu protiváhy hegemonie ve formálně demokratických společnostech – transplantovat do oblasti užití televizní popkultury v autoritářském socialistickém systému. Jak autoritářský socialismus operoval se samotným pojmem „občanství“? Mělo vůbec užívání pojmu „občanství“ v Československu v období normalizace nějaké opodstatnění? Lze snad najít dokonce nějaké „skuliny“, kudy docházelo k průsaku jednání do sociální struktury tak, že můžeme hovořit o kulturním občanství? Je legitimní očekávat, že pojem „kulturní občanství“ se stane senzitizujícím konceptem a zbystří naši schopnost vidět torza autonomního jednání v rámci struktury autoritářského socialistického systému? To jsou témata, s nimiž se bude tato teoretická stať postupně vyrovnávat., This theoretical essay explores the concepts of cultural and popcultural citizenships in connection with the period of state socialism in 70s and 80s in Czechoslovakia. The main intention is to test the potential of the concept of popcultural citizenship, which is inspired by John Hartley's “do-it-yourself citizenship”. Another aim is to examine textual properties of so called “normalization” television serials with regard to the extent to which it allowed for semiosis to be controlled by the viewers. The article summarizes theoretical debate of the main concepts as a starting point for further audience research., and Irena Reifová.
This article deals with the manuscript of a little known Baroque sermon called "Rurale Ivaniticum" from the Library of the Prague Crusaders. Its author is the forgotten Carmelite P. Ivanus a S. Ioanne Baptista. The main subject is the usefulness of the manuscript for the study of 18th century popular culture in Bohemia. The sermon by P. Ivanus a S. Ioanne Baptista was aimed almost exclusively at the lower class rural population. Hence the "Rurale ivaniticum" manuscript provides quite frequent examples of didactically intended folk sayings, as well as attacks on folk demonology and oneiromancy. It is from these parts of the manuscript that a merger of scholarly and folk culture clearly emerges.
This article deals with the manuscript of a little known Baroque sermon called "Rurale Ivaniticum" from the Library of the Prague Crusaders. Its author is the forgotten Carmelite P. Ivanus a S. Ioanne Baptista. The main subject is the usefulness of the manuscript for the study of 18th century popular culture in Bohemia. The sermon by P. Ivanus a S. Ioanne Baptista was aimed almost exclusively at the lower class rural population. Hence the "Rurale ivaniticum" manuscript provides quite frequent examples of didactically intended folk sayings, as well as attacks on folk demonology and oneiromancy. It is from these parts of the manuscript that a merger of scholarly and folk culture clearly emerges.