Masaryk's interpretation of faith and religion presented a challenge both for the so-called Masaryk Slovaks and his critics. This paper focuses on a few reactions from selected authors, from the most famous follower of Masaryk's ideas on philosophy – s. Štúr – to the theologians J. Lajčiak and F. Jehlička. This particular issue – the interpretation of faith and religion in the lives of individuals as well as the whole of society – forms part of the presentation of Masaryk's ideas in a Slovak context.
Since the end of the 18th century, in times of proto-industrialization and the industrial revolution in the Austrian-Hungarian empire, the factory authorizations have become a new type of documents. They were accorded by the king and later by the highest administrative office, the Moravian guberniya, to entrepreneurs on the basis of their written request. The purpose of these documents was to ensure law norms in favour of entrepreneurs and their businesses in their dealings with the government offices. Since the beginning there were two types of factory authorizations – the lower type, called simple factory authorization, which was a licence for the business and the higher type, called formal territorial factory authorization, which guaranteed advantages like establishing selling warehouses with goods in the capital cities of Austrian-Hungarian provinces, freedom from having to house the military forces and from recruiting qualified employers and also the freedom from the constant supervision of the guilds over the factory production and the education of the apprentices. The factory authorizations were being accorded until the introduction of the new trade codification inn 1859. The author is concerned with the development of the factory authorizations until their cancellation, with the practice of according these authorizations and with the analysis of their text, using the samples of factory authorizations which were returned to the offices by their owners after their businesses were terminated.
The aim of the study is to acquaint the reader with the importance of celebrations, holidays and anniversaries related to prominent figures of socialism in the school environment. On the one hand, it is possible to talk about official school parties, celebrations and events for parents and the general public. The second meaning was largely hidden and is described in the study as education by example, the aim of which was to educate students exactly according to the actions of selected personalities and their character traits. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin's personality was chosen for the case study.
Communist Czechoslovakia was looking for opportunities for ideological action in western countries at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. It should have the widest possible range, at the same time it had to be however so inconspicuous so that it did not prompt a negative reaction of local authorities. Purpose-built updating of selected anniversaries of historical events was an interesting tool of Czechoslovak propaganda. In the case of France, particularly events related to Germany were remembered. Actually, the aim of that propaganda was – first of all – to point out the alleged danger arising from the cooperation of western countries with the Federal Republic of Germany, which resulted for example in the Élysée Treaty in 1963.
The aim of this work is to map the investigative procedure, using an example of a case in today Břeclav district. Special focus is placed on the information from the interrogation protocols and their influence on individual acts during the investigation. It also examines which authorities conducted the investigation of crime and which authorities were assisting them.
Der CDB enthält zahlreiche tschechische lexikalische Elemente ("bohemica"), die sich in lateinisch geschriebenen Dokumenten befinden, und ist deshalb eine wichtige Quelle für die Erforschung des ältesten Entwicklungsstadiums des Tschechischen (11.–13. Jh.). Diese Elemente sind vor allem Anthroponyme (Mojmír) und Toponyme (Bohunici 'ein von Bohuňs Leuten/Untertanen besiedeltes Dorf'), viel weniger schon Appellativa (jalovica 'die Färse'). Sie alle sind ein wichtiges Zeugnis von graphischen, phonologischen, morphologischen und lexikalischen Aspekten des Tschechischen jener Epoche und zeigen die offiziellen Benennungsarten von Menschen und Ortschaften.
The Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia caused thousands of people fleeing the country to the West. In spite of hard times at the beginning of the immigration, most of the refugees have been able to accommodate to the new conditions and build up a career and new life. This study deals with the Czech communities in Austria and Switzerland after 1968. The author uses the content analysis of the periodical press and recorded interviews to describe the Remembrance Culture of members of the communities. The main research question of the paper is whether the year 1968 (which is the milestone in the Czech history) plays any role in collective consciousness of the Czech exile.