When the nationalities of the multiethnic Austrian Empire began to demand national self-determination "on their own territory“, they
started the struggle for the national "Besitzstand“. The great nations like the Magyars, Czechs, Poles and Croats claimed for their historical "Staatsrecht“. The Austrian governments answered with the concept of national autonomy in national homogeneous districts on the basis of the existing historical "Kreise“. Palacky on the Krensierer Reichstag, Stadion in the Reichsverfassung of 1849, Ernest von Körber in the context of his deliberations to solve the "Bohemian question“ presented concepts for realization. When the
governments of Stürgkh, Clam Martinic and Seidler/Hussarek declarated the "Kreisordnung“ for Bohemia, there was no chance for acceptance, because the question of the settlement of a Czechoslovak State was decided., Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou, and V křestním jméně pod názvem je chybně napsáno Helmt místo správného Helmut
Kniha se zabývá mýtem Karla Marxe pěstovaným v rámci sociálně demokratického prostředí v předlitavské části habsburské monarchie. Zachycuje zrod mýtu a jeho rozšíření mezi rakouské socialisty, dále funkce, které v rámci sociálně demokratického prostředí zastával, konkrétní podoby, jichž nabýval, jeho vývoj ve sledovaném čase a konečně rozdíly v rámci zvolených národních organizací strany. Práce je postavena zejména na literárním základu k jednotlivým stranickým organizacím a dále na pramenné bázi především stranické provenience, tedy programech, protokolech ze sociálně demokratických sjezdů, propagačních i osvětových brožurách a oficiálních stranických periodikách. ,The book is focused on the phenomenon of the myth of Karl Marx in the social democratic milieu in the Cisleithanian part of the Habsburg monarchy. It analyses the creation of the myth and its spread among the Austrian socialists, the main functions of the myth, the basic shapes of the myth, its changes during the time, and finally the differences among the three chosen national organizations. The thesis is primarily based on historical literature of the three national socialist organizations and the sources of party provenance: programs, protocols of social democratic congresses, propagational books and brochures, and official party newspapers.
The Austro-Prussian War (1866) marked a new development in the European power struggle. While Prussia demonstrated that it was one of the strongest powers, Austria's defeat revealed the problems in its internal-political as well as international position. Italy exploited Austria's weakness to make territorial gains. In his reports, the nuncio in Vienna mentioned some important issues: the ongoing national controversies within the monarchy, the danger from German communities wishing to join with Germany, and the spectre of a European war. In many cases his concerns would become reality.
The paper explores the process of constructing the negative image of the Habsburg monarchy in the USA during the first year of WWI. My case study tackles an issue of transatlantic relations from the perspective of wartime propaganda. It is considered as one of the means of shaping the public opinion and influencing the policy decisions. In my presentation I will first evaluate the contribution of different actors involved in this process. Then I will assess the "response" of the Habsburg diplomacy to the propaganda campaign launched against the Danube monarchy. More precisely, I will explore not only the strategy their representatives developed, but will assess whether this strategy achieved its political ends or not. To put it simply, I will assess in what way the anti-Habsburg propaganda campaign in the USA influenced the relations between the USA and Austria-Hungary. In my paper I will rely mainly on the American periodical press, which, as contemporary Hungarian historiography points out, was an important factor in the American foreign policy.