Dielo Jána Kollára zohralo svojho času významnú úlohu. Vysoko sa hodnotí Kollárova poézia, ale zaznávajú sa jeho vedecké práce. Jednou z vedecky kontroverzných otázok, o ktorej sa v kollárovskom výskume nehovorí, je Kollárova teória o pôvode Slovanov z Indie. V Slávy dcere sa Kollár o Indii zmieňuje ako o pravlasti Slovanov. Takéto vysvetlenie podal aj v dnes už prakticky zabudnutom spise Sláwa Bohyně a původ gména Slawůw čili Slawjanův (1839). Cieľom príspevku je preskúmať tento spis, poukázať na jeho miesto v dobovom diskurze o pôvode Slovanov, ako aj na jeho relevantnosť pre pochopenie Slávy dcery. and The works of Ján Kollár played an important role in its time. His poetry is held in high esteem but his scholarly work is ignored. One of his scholarly controversial issues which is absent from the Kollár research is Kollár's theory of the origins of the Slavs from India. In Slávy dcéra (The Daughter of Sláva) he mentions India as the homeland of the Slavs. He propounded this explanation also in the now almost forgotten treatise Sláwa Bohyně a původ gména Slawůw čili Slawjanův (The Glory of the Goddess and the Origin of the Name of the Slavs or Slavyans, 1839). The paper aims at exploring this treatise, showing its place in the contemporary discourse on the origins of the Slavs as well as its relevance for the understanding of Slávy dcéra.
Štúdia pojednáva o sociálnych vzťahoch medzi rovesníkmi vo výchovnoinštitucionálnych kontextoch z hľadiska angažovanosti telesných prvkov v ich vzájomných interakciách. Ide o snahu prakticky rozvinúť tzv. etnografiu tela, ktorá namiesto rečovej analýzy zohľadňuje pozorovanie správania a prejavov participantov. Ozrejmené sú špecifické formy telesného kontaktu využívané jednak pri utváraní rovesníckych zoskupení a taktiež aj pri intencionálnom rovesníckom učení sa. and The study reports on social relations among peers in the contexts of various educational institutions. The aim of the study is to emphasize the importance of bodily expressions and their involvement in the constitution of peer-to-peer interactions, with focus on the ethnography of the body, reflecting rather the participants' behaviour than their speech. The author comments on various forms of corporeal contacts as key factors in the creation of peer groups and the intentional peer learning.
There was published a pamphlet called Aké bude Slovensko o sto rokov? (1920), [What will Slovakia be like in 100 years?] just a century ago. It offered a vision of Slovak national state's future – the state flourishing with social welfare, scientific and technological progress and moral maturity of citizens. Adaptation of "happy national home" idea for future, written by engineer Jozef Dohnány (1873 – 1947), carries marks characteristics for utopias. The conference paper approaches to Dohnány's vision as to a branch of modern dynamic utopic phenomenon, creating a communication space, especially in the 19.th and 20.th century, for expressing desires and ideals, testing possibilities of mental borders and calling for social or political mobilization in favour of achievement realistic, or even unrealistic aims. The paper uses interdisciplinary interpretative approach for analysis of Dohnány vision's ideological structure, compares it in relation to More's prototype of utopia and refers to representations of "period's presence" in utopic genre.
This article deals with the problem of male homoeroticism and anal intercourse in two verses of the Book of Leviticus (18:22 and 20:13) belonging to the textual set called the Holiness Code (H). The article comprises two parts. The first represents a philological analysis and interpretation of these two texts, while the second is an attempt to understand the anthropological framework and behavioural patterns lying behind the texts. In the first part, the standard interpretative and translation tradition considering the active (insertive) partner as the primary addressee of the proscription is critically examined. The article inquires into the crucial Hebrew idiom, miškǝvê 'iššāh, "the lying down of a woman", which represents the central clue to a proper understanding of the two texts. The article rejects the mainstream interpretative and translation tradition. Based on a new lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis, it proposes an alternative translation and interpretation which sees the passive (receptive) partner as the addressee of the proscription. The second part of the article discusses the two main interpretative frameworks for the anthropological interpretation of the two texts. The first is "shame and honor dialectics" and the second is the prohibition of the mixing of kinds, in this case the mixing of gender roles. The latter is regarded as principal. It means that the Holiness Code condemns miškǝvê 'iššāh, "the lying down of a woman", with another male, i.e. the acceptance of the receptive sexual role within inter-male anal intercourse, as a culturally relevant expression of "cross-gendering".
This study is a contribution to the lively discussion over the past twenty years comparing the ideas formed by T.G. Masaryk, Friedrich Naumann and M. Hodža during the First World War. The author mainly focuses on comparing ideas from their key well known publications (Masaryk's The New Europe, Naumann's Mitteleuropa, Hodža's Federation in Central Europe). He states that all three politicians agreed that Europe in the future had to be democratic, but their specific ideas about its character and about the importance of nation states differed. Naumann's plan was to create a democratic Central Europe under German leadership, which Masaryk and Hodža refused outright.
Príspevok poukazuje na rôzne podoby vplyvu materskej školy na socializáciu dieťaťa do spoločenských rytmov štruktúrovania času. Jedným z dôsledkov opakovaného styku detí so špecifickými náležitosťami školy, ktorý analyzujeme, je osvojenie si záväznosti časového rámca. Zameriavame sa na skutočnosť, že pre inštitúciu školy je charakteristický presný režim dňa, časová následnosť činností, ktoré sú dennodenne opakované v rovnakom poradí. Udalosti v škole sa neodohrávajú preto, že ich aktéri majú osobný záujem na ich realizácii, ale preto, že nastal čas, aby sa diali. Rozvrh a časové pravidlá školy sú neosobné a neúprosné. Ďalším dôsledkom pôsobenia časovej organizácie školy, ktorému sa v článku venujeme, je dennodenná konfrontácia detí so špecifickými časovými konštruktami, ktorými sa riadi život v škole. Deti sa učia fungovať v časových jednotkách, ktoré sú vymedzené na vykonávanie rôznych aktivít i na odpočinok. Získavajú skúsenosti s výberom podstatných udalostí a informácií z množstva podnetov prichádzajúcich súčasne a upriamovaním pozornosti na podstatné znaky situácie. Škola taktiež uvádza deti do "kalendárového" fungovania spoločnosti, dáva nový význam časovým konštruktom, akými sú napríklad deň, týždeň, víkend, prázdniny. Tieto súčasti školského života priamo i skryto pôsobia počas rokov školovania a podieľajú sa tak na procese "načasovania sa", na procese postupného vnímania, ovládania a podriadenia sa časovému usporiadaniu života typickému pre konkrétnu kultúru. Nasledujúci text sa snaží opísaním a interpretovaním všedných, každodenne sa opakujúcich situácií a fenoménov, týkajúcich sa časovej organizácie života školy, o zviditeľnenie materskej školy a jej úlohy v tomto procese. and This contribution comments on various impacts of the kindergarten on children's socialization into the social rhythms of time structuring. One of the consequences of the repeated contact with such specific school environment is the assumption of an obligatory timing framework. We focus on the fact that school is an institution of rather strict daily routine, with activities repeating day after day in the same order. Events at school do not happen because of their actors being interested that they do, but because it is time for them to happen. The time schedule and the rules of the school are impersonal and inevitable. Another consequence of the organization of time in schools is the everyday confrontation with the specific timing structures governing the school life. Children learn to work in units designed for various activities and resting. They get new experience choosing important events and information from a lot of simultaneous actions, paying attention to the essential features of the situation. Also, school introduces children into the "calendar" of the society, explaining time structures like days, weeks, weekends or holidays. Describing and interpreting everyday situations related to the timing organization of school life, this text is focused on kindergartens and their role in this process.
Príspevok poukazuje na literárnu svojbytnosť slovenskej menšiny v Maďarsku. Stručne charakterizuje peripetie jej literárneho vývinu od konca druhej svetovej vojny až po absolútnu súčasnosť z aspektu jednotlivých publikovaných antológií. V príspevku sa so špecifickým zreteľom analyzuje najnovšia (až 340-stranová) literárna antológia s názvom Naša Dolná zem (2017). Ako metodologické východisko uvádza základné súradnice časopriestoru, ktoré následne objektívno-subjektívnou formou aplikuje a konkretizuje v jednotlivých prístupoch interpretačného procesu. Kardinálnou časťou príspevku je tak interpretácia jednotlivých parciálnych textov danej antológie z aspektu regionálneho aspektu a regionálneho princípu s prízvukovaním najmä minulých, ale aj prítomných atribútov, zvláštností i špecifík tejto časti Dolnej zeme, ktoré sa priamo či nepriamo objavujú v jednotlivých textoch. and The paper examines the literary self-sufficiency of the Slovak minority in Hungary. It briefly characterizes the peripetiation of its literary development from the end of the Second World War to the absolute present from the aspect of various published anthologies. The paper focuses on the most recent (up to 340-page long) literary anthology called Our Lowland (2017). As a methodological basis, the basic coordinates of space-time, which in an objective-subjective form is applied and specified in the various approaches of the interpretation process. The cardinal part of the contribution is thus the interpretation of the individual partial texts of the given anthology from a regional aspect and the aspect of a regional principle, with the emphasis of the past but also the present attributes, peculiarities and specifics of this part of the Lowland that appear directly or indirectly in individual texts.
The study is based on the field work of the author among the Lacandon Maya in Chiapas, Mexico, in the years 1999 and 2000. The most important informator of him was the religious leader - toohil of the northern Lacandons in the community Naha - Chan K'in Antonio. The study deals with his interpretation of the recent pantheon of the not christianized Lacandons. The author is focused on the iconography of gods, myths, folk etymology of their names, context of rituals and ceremonies, but also marginal notes and commentaries mentioned by Antonio in his descriptions. Following this structure the author further disscuss 11 deities, chosen from the far more numerous Lacandon pantheon on the base of their importancy according to Antonio himself. In fact they are the deities preferred by Antonio, nevertheless they play also an important role in the universal Lacandon pantheon as a whole. In the first part of analysis each of gods is characterized in detailes. In the second part the author searches his pendant in the pre-Columbian sources. The comparison stands upon the traditional approach in this branch introduced by A. M. Tozzer at the beginning of the 20th century and the results of comparative research of Robert Bruce from the second half of the 20th cetury. The author uses also results of own systematic researches combining them with rich consequences of classic and postclassic Maya religion research, which during the last decades turned a new light on some previously accepted facts and brought also many new details. The author's comparative effort brings a double benefit: primarily it helps to understand better some miscelanious Lacandon deities, as for instance K'akoch, Tub, Ak'inchob, Itzana, Itzanohk'uh; secondly the analysis of Lacandon god K'ak or goddesses Akna or Xtabay helps to interpret their too obscure antecedens from the postclassic period. In this connection the author stresses the fact that in such a comparison we face a bridge between the present and past time; this is aunique opportunity to remove white places on both sides. At the very end the author turns attention to the necessity to study Lacandon gods in their dynamic not static context. The Lacandons as a relatively izolated community with quite transparent processes of transformation could serve as a suitable laboratory for the searching of religious change in internal dosed polytheistic systems at all.
Štúdia prezentuje aktuálne metodologické perspektívy interdisciplinárneho výskumu literatúry na hraniciach s audiovizuálnym médiom, keď prepája štúdium adaptácií a kognitívny literárnovedný prístup. Toto spojenie vzniká v neoformalistickej tradícii, ktorá zdôrazňuje často opomínanú motivovanosť umeleckého znaku v celom (technickom aj kognitívnom) procese jeho vzniku. Príspevok najprv objasní, kde a prečo sa vytvára metodologický priestor pre kognitívny prístup k adaptáciám, a následne ponúkne prípadovú štúdiu poviedky Príbeh tvojho života od Teda Chianga a jeho filmovej adaptácie Prvý kontakt s aplikáciou interdisciplinárnej metódy. and The study presents current methodological perspectives of interdisciplinary research on literature at the borders with the audiovisual medium, combining the adaptation studies and the cognitive literary approach. This combination merged through neoformalist tradition, which emphasizes the often neglected motivation of the artistic sign in the whole (technical and cognitive) process of its origin. Paper will explain where and why the methodological milieu for a cognitive approach to adaptations arises, and then offer a case study of The Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang and its film adaptation Arrival with the aplication of interdiciplinary method.
In the year 2008, the Slovak Archeological and Historical Institute (SAHI) got the chance to begin excavations at the famous classical Mayan city of Uaxactún. We decided to choose the pre-classical Group H North as the main focus of our project. We had positive expectations, but, in fact, the results exceeded the expectations. The excavations of the first season were focused especially on the Upper platform with structures H I, H III, H V and stucco masks. Then we extended the excavations to the Lower platform, working especially on structures H XV and H XVI. The results were impressive. We found that the buildings on the Upper platform represent the stars of the Orion constellation and also, possibly, the myth of creation. This space was not accessible to the general population, but only to priests and the elite. The whole platform is oriented to the east and was probably used as a residential space for the king himself, his family and nobles. According to the fact that the Orion constellation was, at a particular time of year, right above the structure H I, we can consider that the whole triadic group represents creation, or "the place of three stones". The radial pyramid H XV was used as an observation point, from which Mayan astronomers were able to watch the setting and rising of the Orion constellation. The setting of Orion is very interesting, because it probably signals the start of the rainy season and also events connected with agricultural rituals and the sowing of corn. The unexpected astronomical use of this architectural complex Group H North indicates the Mayan emphasis on a cosmogonic view of the world connected with the worship of kings and public agricultural rituals.