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2. [Rätsch, Christian; Grube, Nikolai K.; Smailus, Ortwin; Landa, Diego de. Bohové starých Mayů]
- Creator:
- Kováč, Milan
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Reviews
- Subject:
- Study of Religions
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
3. [Tuszyńska, Boguchwała. Majowie ; Taube, Karl A. Aztécké a mayské mýty]
- Creator:
- Kováč, Milan
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Reviews
- Subject:
- Study of Religions
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
4. Antóniov lacandónsky panteón a starí Mayovia : porovnávacia štúdia
- Creator:
- Kováč, Milan
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Study of Religions
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The study is based on the field work of the author among the Lacandon Maya in Chiapas, Mexico, in the years 1999 and 2000. The most important informator of him was the religious leader - toohil of the northern Lacandons in the community Naha - Chan K'in Antonio. The study deals with his interpretation of the recent pantheon of the not christianized Lacandons. The author is focused on the iconography of gods, myths, folk etymology of their names, context of rituals and ceremonies, but also marginal notes and commentaries mentioned by Antonio in his descriptions. Following this structure the author further disscuss 11 deities, chosen from the far more numerous Lacandon pantheon on the base of their importancy according to Antonio himself. In fact they are the deities preferred by Antonio, nevertheless they play also an important role in the universal Lacandon pantheon as a whole. In the first part of analysis each of gods is characterized in detailes. In the second part the author searches his pendant in the pre-Columbian sources. The comparison stands upon the traditional approach in this branch introduced by A. M. Tozzer at the beginning of the 20th century and the results of comparative research of Robert Bruce from the second half of the 20th cetury. The author uses also results of own systematic researches combining them with rich consequences of classic and postclassic Maya religion research, which during the last decades turned a new light on some previously accepted facts and brought also many new details. The author's comparative effort brings a double benefit: primarily it helps to understand better some miscelanious Lacandon deities, as for instance K'akoch, Tub, Ak'inchob, Itzana, Itzanohk'uh; secondly the analysis of Lacandon god K'ak or goddesses Akna or Xtabay helps to interpret their too obscure antecedens from the postclassic period. In this connection the author stresses the fact that in such a comparison we face a bridge between the present and past time; this is aunique opportunity to remove white places on both sides. At the very end the author turns attention to the necessity to study Lacandon gods in their dynamic not static context. The Lacandons as a relatively izolated community with quite transparent processes of transformation could serve as a suitable laboratory for the searching of religious change in internal dosed polytheistic systems at all.
- Rights:
- unknown
5. Astronomická a rituálna funkcia mayského architektonického komplexu H Sever v Uaxactúne
- Creator:
- Kováč, Milan and Karlovský, Vladimír
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Uaxactún, Maya, astronomy, story of creation, Orion constellation, quincunce, turtle, agricultural rituals, triadic groups, and Study of Religions
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- In the year 2008, the Slovak Archeological and Historical Institute (SAHI) got the chance to begin excavations at the famous classical Mayan city of Uaxactún. We decided to choose the pre-classical Group H North as the main focus of our project. We had positive expectations, but, in fact, the results exceeded the expectations. The excavations of the first season were focused especially on the Upper platform with structures H I, H III, H V and stucco masks. Then we extended the excavations to the Lower platform, working especially on structures H XV and H XVI. The results were impressive. We found that the buildings on the Upper platform represent the stars of the Orion constellation and also, possibly, the myth of creation. This space was not accessible to the general population, but only to priests and the elite. The whole platform is oriented to the east and was probably used as a residential space for the king himself, his family and nobles. According to the fact that the Orion constellation was, at a particular time of year, right above the structure H I, we can consider that the whole triadic group represents creation, or "the place of three stones". The radial pyramid H XV was used as an observation point, from which Mayan astronomers were able to watch the setting and rising of the Orion constellation. The setting of Orion is very interesting, because it probably signals the start of the rainy season and also events connected with agricultural rituals and the sowing of corn. The unexpected astronomical use of this architectural complex Group H North indicates the Mayan emphasis on a cosmogonic view of the world connected with the worship of kings and public agricultural rituals.
- Rights:
- unknown
6. Mircea Eliade dnes
- Creator:
- Sládek, Ondřej, Chlup, Radek, Lyčka, Milan, Vrhel, František, Hošek, Pavel, Kováč, Milan, Kandert, Josef, Pokorný, Petr, and Václavík, David
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Study of Religions
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
7. Posvätný priestor v náboženskom myslení starej Mezoameriky
- Creator:
- Kováč, Milan
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Study of Religions
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- The study deals with the ways of perceiving the space in the cultures of Ancient Mesoamerica, especially of Mayas and Aztecs. The aim of the contribution is not to document the application of the model of space in the sphere of mythology, ritual, art etc. The author seeks the elementary basis of the concept of sacral space, its basic variants and models. -- In the first part of the study the author follows the close interlacing of space and time in Maya thought manifested for instance on the glyph G in long-counting and its nine variants "Lords of Nights". In the seeking of their celestial pendants the author finds the conception of nine nightly and thirteen daily hours, applicated also in the concept of space. The author documents that the deities which correspond to these celestial and terrestrial levels often occur also both in the celestial and terrestrial pantheons. Identical model follows also the fight of Oxlahún Ti Ku and Bolón Ti Ku as the allegoric representants of both spheres. -- The author does not offer a solution in the form of inspiration in the Christian eschatology. He points out the authentic tradition in which the dark Nine is winning, but not absolutely; at the same time it is prepared the winning of the Thirteen in the future time. The author does not assume the idea of final definitive winner in this process of alteration. ...
- Rights:
- unknown
8. Zomrel zakladateľ slovenskej religionistiky Ján Komorovský (2. jún 1924 až 20. marec 2012)
- Creator:
- Kováč, Milan
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Anniversary Article Obituary
- Subject:
- Komorovský, Ján, and Study of Religions
- Language:
- Slovak
- Rights:
- unknown