Physiological responses to light availability and soil flooding on Lindera melissifolia (Walt.) Blume were studied. Shrubs were grown under 70, 37 or 5% of full sunlight with either 0, 45, or 90 d of soil flooding. We measured leaf photosynthetic rate (PN) to test the hypothesis that soil flooding reduces PN in L. melissifolia following shrub acclimation to low light availability. Results showed that light availability and soil flooding interacted to affect PN. In the 0 d and
45 d flooding regimes (flood water removed 36-39 d prior to measurement), PN was similar between shrubs receiving 70% or 37% light, and these shrubs had 147% greater PN than shrubs receiving 5% light. Shrubs receiving 90 d of soil flooding had similar low rates of area-based PN regardless of light level. Similar PN between 0 d and 45 d flooded shrubs indicated physiological recovery following removal of flood water., B. R. Lockhart, E. S. Gardiner, T. D. Leininger, M. S. Devall, A. D. Wilson, K. F. Connor, P. B. Hamel, N. M. Schiff., and Obsahuje bibliografii
C3 photosynthesis at high light is often modeled by assuming limitation by the maximum capacity of Rubisco carboxylation (VCmax) at low CO2 concentrations, by electron transport capacity (Jmax) at higher CO2 concentrations, and sometimes by
triose-phosphate utilization rate at the highest CO2 concentrations. Net photosynthetic rate (PN) at lower light is often modeled simply by assuming that it becomes limited by electron transport (J). However, it is known that Rubisco can become deactivated at less than saturating light, and it is possible that PN at low light could be limited by the rate of Rubisco carboxylation (VC) rather than J. This could have important consequences for responses of PN to CO2 and temperature at low light. In this work, PN responses to CO2 concentration of common bean, quinoa, and soybean leaves measured over a wide range of temperatures and PPFDs were compared with rates modeled assuming either VC or J limitation at limiting light. In all cases, observed rates of PN were better predicted by assuming limitation by VC rather than J at limiting light both below and above the current ambient CO2. One manifestation of this plant response was that the relative stimulation of PN with increasing the ambient CO2 concentration from 380 to 570 µmol mol-1 did not decrease at less than saturating PPFDs. The ratio of VC to VCmax at each lower PPFD varied linearly with the ratio of PN at low PPFD to PN at high PPFD measured at 380 µmol(CO2) mol-1 in all cases. This modification of the standard C3 biochemical model was much better at reproducing observed responses of light-limited PN to CO2 concentrations from
pre-industrial to projected future atmospheric concentrations., J. A. Bunce., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The impact of a heterogeneous distribution of actinic light within a leaf chamber for photosynthetic measurements by gas exchange on the photosynthesis-irradiance relationship was investigated. High-resolution light distributions were measured over the area of a commercially available clamp-on leaf chamber equipped with build-in red and blue LEDs, as well as over the area of a custom-made leaf chamber with external light source, using a low-cost digital camera and freely available software. The impact of the measured heterogeneity on the photosynthesis-irradiance response curve was calculated for two realistic scenarios. When the average light intensity over the leaf chamber area was estimated accurately, heterogeneity had minor effects on the photosynthesis-irradiance response curve. However, when the irradiance was measured in the chamber centre, which is common practice, and assumed to be homogeneous, for both leaf chambers the photosynthesis-irradiance response curve was subject to considerable error and led to serious underestimation of the light-limited quantum yield of photosynthesis. Additionally, mixed light sources with different heterogeneity patterns per light source, such as in the clamp-on leaf chamber, potentially increase errors due to heterogeneous physiological responses to light spectrum. High-resolution quantification of the leaf-chamber light distribution enables calculation of the correct average light intensity and already resolves the most pressing problems associated with heterogeneity. To exclude any light-distribution related errors in
gas-exchange measurements a leaf chamber and actinic irradiance source design with a homogeneous light distribution is an absolute requirement. and S. W. Hogewoning ...[et al.].
The radiant energy induced degradation at 293 K of isolated Dl/D2/cyt b559 complexes from spinách was investigated under aerobic conditions by measurements of absorption and emission spectra between 1.1 and 270 K. In the 1.1 K absorption spectrum a bleaching and slight blue shift at 679 nm and a blue shift of the 672 nm band was observed. In the emission spectrum deconvoluted into Gaussian bands, the major fluorescence band referred to as F682 was most susceptible to photodegradation: (7) At all temperatures F682 was blue shifted with respect to the control. (2) The half-width of F682 was temperature independent at T < 10 K and became significantly increased in damaged samples. (3) The temperature dependence of rp6g2 in the range of 10 K < T < 270 K was less pronounced in damaged samples. Our results support the idea of a multistep model of photodegradation with several intermediates in the pathway from the undamaged control into strongly damaged complexes. The temperature dependence of rp6g2 i® explained by contributions owing to static and dynamical inhomogeneous broadening. The static inhomogeneous broadening increases with progressing degradation. Furthermore, our results suggest that aerobic photodegradation of the Dl/D2/cyt 3559 complexes also causes modifications of the electron-phonon interactions. The frequency of the phonon mode dominating the electron phonon coupling decreases in damaged samples.
We aimed to find out relations among nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ), gross photosynthetic rate (PG), and photoinhibition during photosynthetic light induction in three woody species (one pioneer tree and two understory shrubs) and four ferns adapted to different light regimes. Pot-grown plants received 100% and/or 10% sunlight according to their light-adaptation capabilities. After at least four months of light acclimation, CO2 exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured simultaneously in the laboratory. We found that during light induction the formation and relaxation of the transient NPQ was closely related to light intensity, light-adaption capability of species, and PG. NPQ with all treatments increased rapidly within the first 1-2 min of the light induction. Thereafter, only species with high PG and electron transport rate (ETR), i.e., one pioneer tree and one mild shade-adapted fern, showed NPQ relaxing rapidly to a low steady-state level within 6-8 min under PPFD of 100 μmol(photon) m-2 s-1 and ambient CO2 concentration. Leaves with low PG and ETR, regardless of species characteristics or inhibition by low CO2 concentration, showed slow or none NPQ relaxation up to 20 min after the start of low light induction. In contrast, NPQ increased slowly to a steady state (one pioneer tree) or it did not reach the steady state (the others) from 2 to 30 min under PPFD of 2,000 μmol m-2 s-1. Under high excess of light energy, species adapted to or plants acclimated to high light exhibited high NPQ at the initial 1 or 2 min, and showed low photoinhibition after 30 min of light induction. The value of fastest-developing NPQ can be quickly and easily obtained and might be useful for physiological studies., S.-L. Wong, M.-Y. Huang, C.-W. Chen, J.-H. Weng., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Although maize (Zea mays L.) plants utilize light efficiently, the expression of high light-efficient genes and stomatal factors is regulated by light conditions and affects photosynthesis of plants. In this study, we investigated the effects of different light qualities on the expression of the photosynthetic genes, such as pep1, pdk1, ZmSTOMAGEN, and psad1, and on stomatal function in maize seedlings. For both maize genotypes, Zhengdan 958 and Xianyu 335, light with wavelengths shorter than 490 nm enhanced the expression of pdk1 and ZmSTOMAGEN, whereas the expression of pdk1 positively correlated with ZmSTOMAGEN. Light with wavelengths longer than 630 nm or shorter than 490 nm (band pass filter) increased the expression of pep1 and psad1. Although the expression of four genes in Zhengdan 958 was significantly higher than that of Xianyu 335, changes in the expression of ZmSTOMAGEN, pdk1, or pep1 exerted no significant influence on stomatal function and photosynthetic rate. Our results suggest that light with wavelengths shorter than 490 nm promoted the expression of stomatal proteins and pdk1, facilitated the absorption of inorganic elements, and contributed to stomatal function in photosynthesis. Meanwhile, light with wavelengths longer than 630 nm inhibited the expression of pep1 and pdk1. Light with wavelengths longer than 630 nm or shorter than 490 nm promoted the expression of pep1, pdk1, and psad1., T. D. Liu, X. W. Zhang, Y. Xu, S. Q. Liu, X. W. Chen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Oxygenic photosynthesis takes place in thylakoid membranes (TM) of cyanobacteria, algae, and higher plants. It begins with light absorption by pigments in large (modular) assemblies of pigment-binding proteins, which then transfer excitation energy to the photosynthetic reaction centers of photosystem (PS) I and PSII. In green algae and plants, these light-harvesting protein complexes contain chlorophylls (Chls) and carotenoids (Cars). However, cyanobacteria, red algae, and glaucophytes contain, in addition, phycobiliproteins in phycobilisomes that are attached to the stromal surface of TM, and transfer excitation energy to the reaction centers via the Chl a molecules in the inner antennas of PSI and PSII. The color and the intensity of the light to which these photosynthetic organisms are exposed in their environment have a great influence on the composition and the structure of the light-harvesting complexes (the antenna) as well as the rest of the photosynthetic apparatus, thus affecting the photosynthetic process and even the entire organism. We present here a perspective on 'Light Quality and Oxygenic Photosynthesis', in memory of George Christos Papageorgiou (9 May 1933-21 November 2020; see notes a and b). Our review includes (1) the influence of the solar spectrum on the antenna composition, and the special significance of Chl a; (2) the effects of light quality on photosynthesis, measured using Chl a fluorescence; and (3) the importance of light quality, intensity, and its duration for the optimal growth of photosynthetic organisms.
In the present studies, we have found a fragment of amino acid sequence, called TFT motif, both in light-dependent protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (LPOR) and in the L subunit of dark-operative (light-independent) protochlorophyllide oxidoreductases (DPOR). Amino acid residues of this motif shared similar physicochemical properties in both types of the enzymes. In the present paper, physicochemical properties of amino acid residues of this common motif, its spatial arrangement and a possible physiological role are being discussed. This is the first report when similarity between LPOR and DPOR, phylogenetically unrelated, but functionally redundant enzymes, is described., M. Gabruk ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Dark-grown seedlings of Pinus mugo Turra and Pinus sylvestris L. accumulate chlorophyll (Chl) and its precursor protochlorophyllide (Pchlide). Pchlide reduction is a key regulatory step in Chl biosynthesis. In the dark, Pchlide is reduced by light-independent Pchlide oxidoreductase (DPOR) encoded by three plastid genes chlL, chlN, and chlB (chlLNB). To investigate the differences in chlLNB gene expressions, we compared the dark-grown and 24-h illuminated seedlings of P. mugo and P. sylvestris. Expression of these genes was found constitutive in all analyzed samples. We report light-independent accumulation of important proteins involved in Chl biosynthesis (glutamyl-tRNA reductase) and photosystem formation (D1 and LHCI). Chl and Pchlide content and plastid ultrastructure studies were also performed. and K. Breznenová ... [et al.]
The phenomenon of photoinhibitíon, by which all organisms performing oxygenic photosynthesis decrease their photosynthetic activity when exposed to excessive irradiance, depends, at molecular level, mainly on light-induced modifícations of photosystem 2 (PS2). In the last decade a great deal of research has been focused on the molecular mechanisms responsible for these modifícations and some of the processes involved háve been clarified. Inactivation of PS2 and degradation of its components, as well as some of the mechanisms involved in the restoration of PS2 activity can be studied in vitro using preparations characterized by various degree of complexity from entire thylakoid membrane to the simplest preparation of isolated PS2 reactíon centre. Although the in vitro approach contributes essentíal informatíon to our understasiUng of the molecular process underlying photoinhibitíon, extrapolatíon to the in vivo situation is not obvious and many points demand íiirther experimental work.