Treated water from wastewater treatment plants that is increasingly used for irrigation may contain pharmaceuticals and, thus, contaminate soils. Therefore, this study focused on the impact of soil conditions on the root uptake of selected pharmaceuticals and their transformation in a chosen soil–plant system. Green pea plants were planted in 3 soils. Plants were initially irrigated with tap water. Next, they were irrigated for 20 days with a solution of either atenolol (ATE), sulfamethoxazole (SUL), carbamazepine (CAR), or all of these three compounds. The concentrations of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites [atenolol acid (AAC), N1-acetyl sulfamethoxazole (N1AS), N4-acetyl sulfamethoxazole (N4AS), carbamazepine 10,11-epoxide (EPC), 10,11-dihydrocarbamazepine (DHC), trans-10,11- dihydro-10,11-dihydroxy carbamazepine (RTC), and oxcarbazepine (OXC)] in soils and plant tissues were evaluated after harvest. The study confirmed high (CAR), moderate (ATE, AAC, SUL), and minor (N4AC) root uptake of the studied compounds by the green pea plants, nonrestricted transfer of the CAR species into the different plant tissues, and a very high efficiency in metabolizing CAR in the stems and leaves. The results showed neither a synergic nor competitive influence of the application of all compounds in the solution on their uptake by plants. The statistical analysis proved the negative relationships between the CAR sorption coefficients and the concentrations of CAR, EPC, and OXC in the roots (R = –0.916, –0.932, and –0.925, respectively) and stems (R = –0.837, –0.844, and –0.847, respectively).
In Hungary, during the 2000s, pesticide poisoning became the most important threat for raptors, especially for the globally threatened Eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca). In September 2013, with a focus on carbofuran and phorate, the first poison and carcass detection dog (PCDD) unit was formed in Hungary with a specifically trained detection dog and handler. Two more dogs were subsequently trained and joined the unit in 2017 and 2020 respectively. Between its inception until August 2020, the PCDD unit conducted 1,083 searches in five countries, which revealed 329 poisoned animals of 15 bird and nine mammal species, 120 poisoned baits and five pesticide products. Globally threatened species, including eight Eastern imperial eagles and four saker falcons (Falco cherrug), were among the detected victims. Present at 66.45% of wildlife poisoning events, the unit revealed 37.87% of the victims and 79.70% of the poisoned baits known in Hungary during the period 2013-2020. Compared to human surveys, the PCDD unit demonstrated a significantly higher find rate for poisoned baits. At 22 poisoning events (14.38% of all cases) only the PCDD unit revealed victims or poisoned baits; cases that would probably have gone undetected without the PCCD unit. Of the two focal pesticides, carbofuran was more frequently detected – in 88.56% of the positive samples. The unit played a significant role in detecting and combating wildlife poisoning incidents by deterring potential offenders and facilitating police investigations through retrieval of evidence otherwise difficult to obtain.
The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the usefulness of path dependence theory to explain the convergence of housing regimes among post-socialist countries, both at the beginning and in the later phases of housing-regime transformation. We especially seek to show the selected common traps that were recently created by the legacy of giveaway privatisation and the super-homeownership regime, traps that increase intergenerational inequality, which to now has been effectively mitigated by within-family financial transfers.
Infertility affects approximately 48 million couples globally. Despite the enormous progress of the methods of reproductive medicine that has been made since the first test-tube baby was born in 1978, the implantation rate of day-3 embryos is only around 15-20 % and 30 % of day-5 embryos. Numerous strategies aim to improve implantation rates and prevent repeated implantation failure. However, there is no specific general recommendation leading to satisfying results. One of the many risk factors relevant in this regard is the uterine immunological make-up, mainly the uterine Natural Killer (uNK) cells. They orchestrate the overall immune response during implantation by influencing trophoblast invasion and vascular remodeling and throughout pregnancy, uNK cells are also the main immune cells at the maternal–fetal interface. Previously, uNK count has been correlated with various fertility issues including idiopathic recurrent miscarriage. The present study used endometrial samples collected from 256 patients with recurrent implantation failure (RIF), habitual abortion (HA) and idiopathic sterility. Samples were collected between day 19 and 21 of the menstrual cycle mainly by Pipelle endometrial sampling. The samples were fixed in formalin for 24 hours and further processed for immunohistochemistry using anti-CD56 to visualize this antigen marker of uNK cells. Immunohistochemical counting was performed to assess the low, normal, or elevated count of uNK cells. According to the one-way ANOVA test, the age of our patients did not have any influence on the count of uNK cells. With Spearman correlation analysis, we found statistically significant correlation (p-value 0.05) of -0.133 between prior miscarriage and lower uNK cell count. Using the same analysis we found statistically significant correlation (correlation 0.233 with p-value 0.01) between number of uNK cells and activation status. Patients with higher uNK cells were more frequenty diagnosed with endometriosis (p-value 0.05, correlation 0.130). Patients with an immunological factor of sterility (defined by a clinical immunologist) had a lower chance of gravidity (-0.203 with p-value 0.01). Based on our results, we can confirm that there is a correlation between RIF, HA, idiopathic sterility, endometriosis, and immunological factor of sterility (uNK cell count). The true predictive value with regard to fertility outcomes needs to be addressed in future research.
Cultivated fruits can serve as an important winter food resource for medium-sized carnivores in rural areas that experience heavy snowfall. However, studies on the food analysis of medium-sized carnivores in heavy snowfall areas, particularly on the use of cultivated fruits, are limited. We evaluated the use of cultivated fruits by medium-sized carnivores during winter in a heavy snowfall area by comparing their feeding habits in rural and forest landscapes. We conducted faecal analysis of Japanese martens (Martes melampus) and red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in rural and forest landscapes in north-eastern Japan during periods of snow cover. Based on a faecal analysis in the rural landscape, both Japanese martens and red foxes consumed mammals, birds, fruits, and other plant material. In the forest landscape, mammals and insects were consumed by Japanese martens and mammals, fruits, and other plant material were consumed by red foxes. Our results showed that cultivated fruits, such as persimmons and apples, were a major food source in snowy environments, suggesting a wider range of available resources and overlapping feeding habits. It has been suggested that red foxes in forest landscapes move long distances (several kilometres) to consume cultivated fruits. This study suggests that cultivated fruits may also indirectly feed wildlife, even in areas with heavy snowfall.
Casuistry is one of the most widespread methods of moral reasoning in contemporary bioethics. It is often found in opposition to the dominant theory of principlism. While theoretically, ethical principlism has been elaborated quite often in the Czech bioethical and medical-ethical literature, the theoretical definition of the casuistic method does not appear. This article, therefore briefly presents the theoretical foundations of the so-called casuist method. The historical context of the casuistry method, its advantages, and disadvantages are presented. In particular, it was compared with so-called deductivist approaches and principlism, which appear in contemporary bioethics as basic competing approaches. and Kazuistika či kazuistická metoda (casuistry) je jednou z nejrozšířenějších metod morálního rozvažování v současné bioetice. Bývá často považována za protiklad k dominantní teorii principialismu. Zatímco teoreticky byl etický principialismus v české bioetické a medicínsko-etické literatuře poměrně často rozpracován, teoretické vymezení metody kazuistické se spíše neobjevuje. Tento článek proto krátce představuje teoretické základy tzv. kazuistická metody. Jsou představeny historické souvislosti kazuistické metody, její výhody a nevýhody. Zejména byla porovnávána s tzv. deduktivistickými přístupy a principialismem, které se objevují v současné bioetice jako základní konkurenční přístupy.
The aim of this review is to summarize main aspects of the book Eutanázie: definice, historie, legislativa, etika. and Tento příspěvek je recenzí publikace Eutanázie: definice, historie, legislativa, etika, která vyšla v roce 2019.
Aims. The attachment formed in early childhood affects an individual’s mental and physical health. The aim of the study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Slovak version of the ECR-R questionnaire designed to detect attachment in adulthood, to create a shorter version, and to examine the sociodemographic differences in anxiety and avoidance among Slovak respondents. Sample, settings, and methods. In a cross-sectional study with a representative sample of the adult Slovak population (N=1018, age 46.24, SD 16.56, 48.7% men), data were collected using the Slovak translation of the ECR-R questionnaire. The Slovak version of the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ) was used to assess the convergence validity. Results. The data of the psychometric analysis of the shortened version of the Close Relationship Questionnaire, the ECR-R-SK-14, indicate its better suitability for measuring relationship in adulthood compared to the ECR-R-16 version. Convergent validity was confirmed. Sociodemographic differences in individual groups of the Slovak population, which were expanded to include subjectively perceived loneliness in the last year of life, were described. Summary. The ECR-R questionnaire and its shorter version, the ECR-R-SK-14, are suitable tools for measuring relationships in adulthood, whether scientific or clinical. Limitations. The complete version of the ECR-R questionnaire can be difficult for some respondents to understand due to a large number of reversely formulated questions. and Ciele. Vzťahová väzba utvárajúca sa v ranom detstve ovplyvňuje duševné aj fyzické zdravie jedinca. Cieľom štúdie bolo posúdiť psychometrické vlastnosti slovenskej verzie dotazníka ECR-R na zisťovanie blízkych vzťahov v dospelosti, vytvoriť skrátenú verziu a preskúmať sociodemografické rozdiely v úzkostnosti a vyhýbavosti u slovenských respondentov. Vzorka, rámec a metódy. V prierezovej štúdii s reprezentatívnou vzorkou dospelej slovenskej populácie (N = 1018, vek priemer 46,24, SD 16,56, 48,7 % mužov) boli zozbierané údaje pomocou slovenského prekladu dotazníka ECR-R. Na posúdenie konvergentnej validity bola použitá slovenská verzia Relationship Questionare (RQ). Výsledky. Zo záverov psychometrickej analýzy skrátenej verzie dotazníka prežívania blízkych vzťahov ECR-R-SK-14 vyplýva jeho väčšia vhodnosť na meranie vzťahovej väzby v dospelosti oproti verzii ECR-R-16. Konvergentná validita sa potvrdila. Autori popísali sociodemografické rozdiely v jednotlivých skupinách slovenskej populácie, ktoré rozšírili o položku subjektívne vnímanej osamelosti v poslednom roku života. Zhrnutie. Dotazník ECR-R a jeho skrátená verzia ECR-R-SK-14 sú vhodnými nástrojmi na meranie vzťahovej väzby v dospelosti či už vo vedeckej alebo klinickej sfére. Limity: Dotazník ECR-R môže byť pre niektorých respondentov náročný na pochopenie, vzhľadom na veľké množstvo reverzne formulovaných otázok.