Štúdia pojednáva o sociálnych vzťahoch medzi rovesníkmi vo výchovnoinštitucionálnych kontextoch z hľadiska angažovanosti telesných prvkov v ich vzájomných interakciách. Ide o snahu prakticky rozvinúť tzv. etnografiu tela, ktorá namiesto rečovej analýzy zohľadňuje pozorovanie správania a prejavov participantov. Ozrejmené sú špecifické formy telesného kontaktu využívané jednak pri utváraní rovesníckych zoskupení a taktiež aj pri intencionálnom rovesníckom učení sa. and The study reports on social relations among peers in the contexts of various educational institutions. The aim of the study is to emphasize the importance of bodily expressions and their involvement in the constitution of peer-to-peer interactions, with focus on the ethnography of the body, reflecting rather the participants' behaviour than their speech. The author comments on various forms of corporeal contacts as key factors in the creation of peer groups and the intentional peer learning.
1_The adult demographic parameters, mobility, nectar choice and how the spatial distribution of males and females of Z. polyxena is affected by the distribution and abundance of host-plants, and adults of the opposite sex was studied in a population of this species inhabiting a dense network of permanent habitats (totalling 8.7 ha). The population size was estimated to be ca. 300 individuals. The average adult lifespan was 4.4 days and the maximum 23 (male) and 20 (female) days. The capture probability was higher for males than females due to the more conspicuous behaviour and bounded area of activity of males. A slow increase was followed by a slow decrease in the sex specific parabolic recruitment curve, indicating slight protandry and long emergence period, probably due to habitat heterogeneity. The spatial distribution of host plants (Aristolochia lutea) is the key factor determining the spatial distribution of adults. There was a strong positive correlation between male and female density at each patch, both of which were dependent on the cover of host plants growing in sunny conditions. In searching for A. lutea plants suitable for oviposition, females fly greater distances and move more frequently between patches than males. The size, shape and orientation of the male home range were influenced by the size, shape and orientation of stands of host-plants in sunny positions, but not by patch area. Such adult fidelity to stands of host-plants in sunny positions indicates that the spatial distributions of oviposition sites, mate-locating sites and larval habitats of Z. polyxena overlap. The better statistical fit and much lower probabilities for long-distance movements generated by a negative exponential function than an inverse power function are probably due to the small size and high habitat connectivity of the site studied. Adults were opportunistic in their use of nectar plants., 2_Traditional management is the key factor for maintaining permanent habitats for this species in a grassland biotope., Tatjana Čelik., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Studies of insect population under field conditions to establish survival rates, longevity and dispersal rates are rare in the literature. These types of studies are important and can be used to inform studies of the effects of landscape composition and configuration on levels of biodiversity. Here the Cantharidae beetle, Rhagonycha fulva is studied under field conditions to derive estimates of daily survival rates for both males and females as well as local dispersal rates. Survival was studied at two sites, one in Wales and another in England, whilst dispersal was examined only at the Welsh site. Beetles were marked using different coloured enamel paints at the mid-point of a 200 m linear transect. The beetles were almost exclusively found (and marked) on common hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium. No difference in survival was found between males and females at both of the sites. The survival rates found at the two sites also did not differ. The overall daily survival rate was 0.771 equating with a median longevity of 4.37 days. Casual observations yielded a small number of marked individuals in excess of 400 m away from the point of marking. Movement of males along the transect differed from females. Marked females were never found far from the point of marking whilst males moved further away with time. This difference in behaviour is discussed in terms of hypothesized insect dispersal behaviour following emergence as mobile adults., Laura E. Rodwell, Jennifer J. Day, Christopher W. Foster, Graham J. Holloway., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We studied a population of the regionally endangered marsh fritillary butterfly Euphydryas aurinia inhabiting a system of loosely connected dry calcareous grasslands in sub-Mediterranean Slovenia. Our goal was to set the basis for a long-term monitoring of this butterfly in four meadows using mark-release-recapture (MRR). We determined its demographic parameters, dispersal, behaviour and utilization of nectar plants in different quality patches. Total population size was estimated to be approximately 347 males (95% confidence interval: 262-432) and 326 females (95% confidence interval: 250-402), with an unbiased sex ratio. The average lifespans were 6.3 and 8.6 days, respectively. Daily population sizes followed a parabola with marked protandry. Both sexes were relatively highly mobile with both occasionally moving over half a kilometre. The spatial distribution of animals seemed to be associated with patch size, host plant densities and nectar sources, resulting in much higher population densities in the largest patch. Adult behaviour differed between the sexes, with females resting more and flying less than males. Behaviour also changed during daytime and with the progression of the season. Adults were confirmed to be opportunistic feeders, since as many as ten nectar sources were detected. We conclude that demographic parameters differ greatly among regions and habitats, thus conservation aims should be planned accordingly. Although the population studied is apparently in good condition, there are threats that may hamper the long-term persistence of the species in this area: succession, intensification of mowing and overgrazing., Jure Jugovic, Costanza Uboni, Sara Zupan, Martina Lužnik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Linear landscape elements are generally considered beneficial for promoting the movements of species between isolated habitats. However, relatively little consideration has been given to the effect of interconnections (nodes) between these elements: e.g. a simple linear element offers limited options for movement, whereas a network of such structures provides an exponential increase in potential pathways. In this pilot study we compared two experimental landscapes (single versus a lattice of four interconnected linear elements) in terms of their effect on the movement of males of Roesel’s bush-cricket (Metrioptera roeseli) (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Emigration of released bush-crickets from experimental landscapes was greater if there was a single rather than a lattice of linear elements (corridors). In the landscape with a lattice of corridors, 50% of the bush-crickets changed their direction of movement at nodes at least once. There was also evidence that nodes were attractive to bush-crickets; a higher proportion of individuals were found in and around nodes than in adjoining corridors, with the strength of this effect (i.e. aggregation at nodes) increasing with time. Thus nodes may not only affect the direction of movement but may also act as a local attractant. These effects may have an important role in the movement of species and their success in colonizing fragmented landscapes. These results indicate that in future landscape planning more consideration should be given to the connectivity between linear landscape elements as it is likely to be important in determining the movement and distribution of species., Anders Eriksson, Matthew Low, Asa Berggren., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
We studied the demography, movement, behaviour and choice of nectar plants by adults of Aporia crataegi. This study was done in a dense network of different types of habitats (total size of study area 16.26 ha) from open landscape to shrubland, the latter being a result of abandonment of traditional agricultural practices such as extensive mowing and grazing. Total population size was estimated to be approximately 1700 and 2700 for females and males, respectively. Median and maximum distances moved by males were 134 and 3493 m, and by females 138 and 3165 m, respectively. The average lifespan was ca. 7.1 and 7.5 days, with maximum recorded lifespans of 21 and 17 days for males and females, respectively. The greater capture probability recorded for males indicates their high activity, as they spend most of their time in flight patrolling and searching for mates. A parabolic recruitment curve and protandry were also recorded. Both sexes are highly mobile. The spatial distribution of both sexes was roughly similar. The adult behaviour differed in different habitats, with more time spent feeding and resting when nectar plants were plentiful and more time spent flying when they were rare. Although adults utilized nine nectar sources, only two were recorded in over 80% of all the feeding occasions. In order to re-establish open grassland with some shrubland, traditional and mosaic management of the landscape should be revived at least to some extent., Jure Jugovic, Mitja Črne, Martina Lužnik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The goal of this project was to achieve control of the robotic arm by mimicking human movement with the help of Microsoft Kinect. Microsoft Kinect is a piece of hardware that allows to capture a person’s movement with high precision and then allows to control various applications by moving the user’s limbs. In order to achieve this goal, we have connected a PC with Microsoft Kinect and with a robotic arm ŠR-1 ''Miro'' by the serial port RS-232. Then we have created a C# code in the Microsoft Visual Studio programming environment. The robotic arm has the ability to move in three spatial dimensions and mirror the right hand of the user. The user must stand in front of Kinect at a correct distance and hold his left arm in front of him so that robot can start to react. Microsoft Kinect scans the user and sends the data to our program. Our program processes these data and sends movement commands to the robot. The technology that Microsoft Kinect offers can potentially be used for many purposes. and Cieľom tejto práce bolo dosiahnuť ovládanie robota napodobením pohybu človeka za pomoci Microsoft Kinectu. Microsoft Kinect je hardvér, ktorý umožňuje snímať pohyb človeka s vysokou presnosťou a následne umožňuje ovládanie rôznych aplikácii pomocou pohybu končatín. Aby sme náš cieľ dosiahli, prepojili sme osobný počítač s Microsoft Kinectom a s robotickým ramenom ŠR-1 ''Miro'' pomocou sériovej linky RS-232. Následne sme vytvorili program v jazyku C# v programovacom prostredí Microsoft Visual Studio. Robotické rameno má možnosť pohybu v priestore a zrkadlovo nasleduje pravú ruku užívateľa. Užívateľ musí stáť pred Kinectom v dostatočnej vzdialenosti a držať pred sebou predpaženú ľavú ruku, aby robot reagoval. Microsoft Kinect užívateľa nasníma a pošle údaje do nášho programu. Náš program tieto súradnice spracuje a odošle robotovi príkazy na pohyb. Technológia, ktorú Microsoft Kinect ponúka, sa potenciálne dá využiť na mnohé účely, je potreba ju len správne usmerniť.