Studie se věnuje dialogu Anselma z Canterbury De grammatico. Tento spis byl samotným autorem označen jako úvod do dialektiky. V dobové dialektice zastával klíčové místo Aristotelův spis Kategorie. Tento článek se proto pokouší interpretovat Anselmův dialog jako určitou pedagogicky koncipovanou podobu komentáře k Aristotelovým Kategoriím. V návaznosti na Anselmův spis jsou postupně představeny jednotlivé teze z Aristotelových Kategorií (jak tzv. antepredicamenta, tak pojednání o substanci, kvalitě a částečně i vlastnictví) a způsob, jakým s nimi Anselm pracoval. and The paper deals with the dialogue De grammatico written by Anselm of Canterbury. The author of the dialogue himself described the work as an introduction to dialectics. In that epoch, the leading role in the given art belonged to Aristotle's Categories. As a result, the article aims to interpret Anselm's dialogue as a commentary to Aristotle's Categories conceived in a pedagogic form. Following Anselm's treatise, the paper analyses particular theses from the Categories (firstly the so-called antepredicamenta, then the categories of substance, quality, and partly also having) and the approach Anselm employed in working with them.
V této studii se pokouším předložit postoj Margaret Cavendishové (1623-1673) ke zkoumání přírody ve druhé polovině 17. století. Pro tento účel jsem analyzovala především dílo Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666), které představuje nejucelenější filosofický výklad přírody této autorky. Prostřednictvím něho postihuji ontologické i epistemologické námitky Cavendishové k charakteru zkoumání přírody členy nově založeného vědeckého společenství – Royal Society. Z tohoto důvodu se zaměřuji rovněž na dílo Micrographia (1665) Roberta Hooka, který pro autorku tuto společnost reprezentuje. Cílem studie není rehabilitovat osobu a dílo Margaret Cavendishové, nýbrž charakterizovat způsob, jímž se pokusila zhodnotit myšlenky nové experimentální, tj. zkušenostní vědy. and The object of this study is to present the attitude of Margaret Cavendish (1623-1673) to the research of nature in the second half of the 17th century. For this purpose I analysed primarily work Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (1666), which represents the most comprehensive philosophical interpretation of nature of this woman author. Through this work I introduce Cavendish's ontological and epistemological objections to the research of nature, which practised members of the newly established scientific community – Royal Society. In connection with this research I also concentrate on work Micrographia (1665) of Robert Hooke, who represents this company for Cavendish. The aim of my work is not to rehabilitate the status of Margaret Cavendish, but to characterize the way she tried to evaluate ideas of new experimental, i.e. empirical science.
Hans Blumenberg is often considered an intellectual solitaire, an "invisible philosopher" and a modern hieronym in the hermitage. But for Blumenberg's scientific work of the 1960s, the picture is very different. Julia Amslinger introduces Hans Blumenberg's interdisciplinary engagement within the research group Poetics and Hermeneutics that was founded in 1963.
The essay attempts to point out the benefits of reading Peter Sloterdijk's works from the perspective of German studies. In the course of the paper, Sloterdijk is introduced in his various individual roles. First, his early steps in German studies are described, followed by an assessment of the influence of his German-studies works on the formulation of philosophical problems and stances. After that, Sloterdijk is presented as an exponent of certain typical development, as a diagnostician of problems that post-war Germany faced in its transformation into a civic society. The final part consists of reflections on his observational abilities in descriptions of interdisciplinary misunderstandings and in the creation of transdisciplinary analogies.