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42. "Nezůstane kámen na kameni" : pád Jeruzaléma v Markově evangeliu
- Creator:
- Papoušek, Dalibor
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Jerusalem – siege and destruction – 70 C.E., Temple of Jerusalem, Gospel of Mark, Small Apocalypse (Mark 13), locative and utopian aspects of religion, and Study of Religions
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The fall of Jerusalem in 70 C.E. was referred to in the synoptic gospels. It is thus reasonable to assume that this event influenced the formation of the gospel myth, primarily of the passion story, its setting to Jerusalem, and the early Christian conception of the oldest church history anchored in the primordial Jerusalem church. In this connection, the so-called Small Apocalypse in Mark 13:1-37 represents a text of pivotal importance. While its final redaction within the Gospel of Mark is dated shortly after the fall of Jerusalem, as the introductory prediction of the temple destruction indicates (Mk 13:1-2), the inner structure of this passage shows tensions between redaction and older traditions, between the past and the present, between history and fluid apocalyptic visions. Therefore, the analysis of the Small Apocalypse is primarily focused on the historical identifications of apocalyptic figures which appear in it and originate mostly in the Book of Daniel. These were undergoing gradual transformations and were actualized in different historical contexts, usually those involving fatal threats to the Jerusalem temple (Antiochus, Caligula, Titus). Temple symbolizations, finally integrated into the structure of the Small Apocalypse, are coordinated by Jonathan Z. Smith's dichotomy of locative and utopian aspects of religion, which shows a strong contrast between locative attachments to the Jerusalem temple, typical for the Zealots as well as for the priestly aristocracy, and the strictly utopian program of the Gospel of Mark. In contrast to the demolished Jerusalem temple, Mark brings forward the resurrected Jesus. In this sense, Jesus' prediction of the temple destruction (Mk 13:1-2) represents a keystone of the whole passion story (Mk 13-15), which contrasts the destruction of the Jerusalem temple to Jesus' death and resurrection (cf. Mk 14:58 and 16:6).
- Rights:
- unknown
43. "Nicht ganz schlecht für einen Philosophen": Peter Sloterdijk als Leser der deutschsprachigen Literatur
- Creator:
- Urválek, Aleš
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- philosophy, literature, autobiography, anthropology, post-war time, misunderstanding, inspiration, and Philosophy
- Language:
- German
- Description:
- The essay attempts to point out the benefits of reading Peter Sloterdijk's works from the perspective of German studies. In the course of the paper, Sloterdijk is introduced in his various individual roles. First, his early steps in German studies are described, followed by an assessment of the influence of his German-studies works on the formulation of philosophical problems and stances. After that, Sloterdijk is presented as an exponent of certain typical development, as a diagnostician of problems that post-war Germany faced in its transformation into a civic society. The final part consists of reflections on his observational abilities in descriptions of interdisciplinary misunderstandings and in the creation of transdisciplinary analogies.
- Rights:
- unknown
44. "Nová stredná Európa" u Tomáša G. Masaryka, Friedricha Naumanna a Milana Hodžu
- Creator:
- Kováč, Dušan
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Central Europe, Europe, T. G. Masaryk, F. Nauman, M. Hodža, centralism, federalism, the First and the Second World War, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Slovak
- Description:
- This study is a contribution to the lively discussion over the past twenty years comparing the ideas formed by T.G. Masaryk, Friedrich Naumann and M. Hodža during the First World War. The author mainly focuses on comparing ideas from their key well known publications (Masaryk's The New Europe, Naumann's Mitteleuropa, Hodža's Federation in Central Europe). He states that all three politicians agreed that Europe in the future had to be democratic, but their specific ideas about its character and about the importance of nation states differed. Naumann's plan was to create a democratic Central Europe under German leadership, which Masaryk and Hodža refused outright.
- Rights:
- unknown
45. "Nynější živé řečtině netřeba se učit." : novořečtina v českých cestopisných zprávách přelomu 19. a 20. století
- Creator:
- Loudová, Kateřina
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Greek Studies
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
46. "Odraz odrazu" : folklór na festivalové scéně
- Creator:
- Beneš, Bohuslav
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Slavonic Studies and Czech Studies (literature)
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- unknown
47. "Otroků osvoboditeli!" : sémiotické obrazy Ruska v jihoslovanském obrození
- Creator:
- Kouba, Miroslav
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- South Slavic countries, Russia, the "long" 19th century, national revival, cultural and national identity, Russian-South-Slavic contacts, cultural emigration, Odessa, Yuri Venelin, V. I. Grigorovich, Crimean War, jihoslovanské země, Rusko, "dlouhé" 19. století, národní obrození, kulturní a národní identita, rusko-jihoslovanské kontakty, kulturní emigrace, Oděsa, Jurij Venelin, V. I. Grigorovič, krymská válka, and Balkan Studies
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- This article provides a basic typology of the images, ideas, and symbolic roles connected with Russian politics, education and culture during the Bulgarian-Macedonian national revival. Russia served as a prototype of freedom during the Revival, and during this process, it was represented by a number of ideas and images. The "Russia phenomenon" was however more than just a prototype; it also had a real inluence on fundamental areas of sociocultural life within the Revival. The Russian university towns became centers of Bulgarian culture, enabling the rise of an intelligentsia for the Revival. A large portion of the intelligentsia's representatives from Balkan Bulgaria and Macedonia studied at Russian schools. One part of this aspect of Russian-South Slavic relations was the rise of eforts to acquire universal scientiic knowledge of the Balkan countries. These efforts were partly a natural result of the geopolitical interests of Tsarist Russia both before and after the Crimean war. As a result of all of the above, Russia, as a phenomenon, became a distinctive interpretative model for the South Slavic revival. and Stať podává základní typologii obrazů, představ a symbolických rolí, s nimiž v bulharsko-makedonském obrození vystupovaly ruská politika, osvěta a kultura. Rusko se stalo idealizovaným předobrazem svobody, a proto v průběhu národního hnutí vznikla řada jeho symbolizovaných představ. Fenomén Ruska se však nestal jen stereotypem, ale také kategorií fakticky ovlivňující základní oblasti obrozeneckého života. Ruská univerzitní města se změnila ve skutečná centra bulharské kultury, jež umožňovala vznik obrozenecké inteligence. Velká část jejích představitelů z balkánského Bulharska či Makedonie studovala právě na ruských školách. V souvislosti s touto rovinou rusko-jihoslovanských vztahů se rozvíjely také snahy o všestranné vědecké poznání balkánských zemí, jež byly předurčeny i geopolitickými zájmy carského Ruska před i po krymské válce. Fenomén Ruska a jeho kultury se tak stává svébytným interpretačním modelem samotného jihoslovanského obrození.
- Rights:
- unknown
48. "Politická komedie", nebo "prospěšná záležitost"? : volba poslankyně v roce 1912 jako téma katolického tisku
- Creator:
- Krutílková, Hana
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- gender, politics, political catholicism, Czech lands, Austria, 1912, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Parametres of the opening of the political arena to women were also dealt by the Czech Catholics, especially in 1912, when the first woman-deputy was elected into the Assembly of the Czech Kingdom. The paper asks whether the election of Božena Viková-Kunětická was considered to be "a disgrace" to the catholic vision of women's public activity. The contribution based on the content analysis of catholic political periodicals is going to prove that there was a wide range of opposing approaches from rejection to a neutral and positive attitude on active and passive women's rights.
- Rights:
- unknown
49. "Přehledný místopis země české". Topografické dílo rolníka a politika Jana Bartáka z Kaliště u Ondřejova
- Creator:
- Šulc, Jaroslav
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- Jan Barták (1861–1941), Historical Topography, Bohemia, State District Archive in Prague-West based in Dobřichovice, Auxiliary Historical Sciences, and History
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century was a period of growing interest in historical topography and local history. At that time, two substantial topographical works were being created in Moravia: the collective work Vlastivěda Moravská and the topography of Ladislav Hosák. Although some had intentions, a comparable work was not produced for Bohemia. This article presents one of the few attempts at a topography for the whole of Bohemia, the work of the peasant and politician Jan Barták (1861–1941) from the village of Kaliště near Ondřejov. In the years 1895–1941, Barták wrote and prepared for publication 193 volumes of his topography of Bohemia, based on extensive archival research and study of regional literature. During his lifetime, the author only managed to have one volume published, the one for the Jílové district near Prague. His topographical work, stored today in the State District Archive in Prague-West, based in Dobřichovice, has subsequently fallen into obscurity. The article provides information about Barták himself, his family, education, career, and political views. It focuses on Barták 's motivation for his topographical work, his inspiration, goals, sources, and methods of work. It also describes the scope and content of the work and its destiny after Barták' s death.
- Rights:
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International and unknown
50. "Při takovém pohledu člověk téměř zapomene na tichou vlast." : slovinští spisovatelé – pražští studenti a doktorandi
- Creator:
- Smolej, Tone
- Format:
- text/pdf
- Type:
- Article
- Subject:
- slovinští spisovatelé, Karlova univerzita, Slovene writers, Charles University in Prague, and Slavonic Studies
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Na sklonku 19. století se na Univerzitu Karlovu v Praze přihlásilo několik slovinských studentů, a to zejména díky významu profesora T. G. Masaryka. První doktorské disertační práce předložené slovinskými kandidáty patřily společenským vědám, např. disertační práce věnovaná slovinskému školskému systému v reformačním období vznikla v roce 1910, pod vedením filozofa Františka Drtiny ji připravil publicista Ivan Lah. Volba tématu byla částečně ovlivněna Masarykovým pozitivním pohledem na husitství. Na počátku 20. století byli slovinští studenti druhou největší etnickou komunitou na pražské Právnické fakultě, kterou převyšovali pouze domácí Češi. K význačným právníkům se zařazují dále Anton Leskovec a Anton Novačan (ten získal doktorát v roce 1915). Slovinci pokračovali ve studiu až do dvacátých let v Praze, zejména jako studenti jejich krajana Matiji Murka. Pod Murkovým vedením Ferdo Kozak, další významný autor, vytvořil svou disertační práci Illyrismus a Slovinci (Ilirizem in Slovenci) v roce 1922. and The close of the 19th century saw the enrolment of several Slovene students at the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, mostly owing to the fame of Professor Tomáš Masaryk. The earliest doctoral dissertations submitted by Slovene candidates belonged to social Sciences, but a dissertation on the Slovene school system during the Reformation was produced in 1910, prepared by Ivan Lah, a budding man of letters, and supervised by František Drtina. The choice of the theme was partly influenced by Masaryk's positive views of Hussitism. In early 20th century, Slovene students were the second largest ethnic community at the Prague Faculty of Law, outnumbered only by the Czech. Two outstanding lawyer-writers were Anton Leskovec and Anton Novačan (the latter obtained his PhD in 1915). Slovenes continued to study in Prague well into the 1920s, particularly as students of their fellow countryman Matija Murko. It was under Murko's supervision that Ferdo Kozak, another eminent author, produced his dissertation on Illyrism and Slovenes (Ilirizem in Slovenci) in 1922.
- Rights:
- CC BY-SA 4.0 International and unknown