Civil Croatia originated as a territory after 1577 and survived as such until the dissolution of the military frontier in the early 1880s. The term is therefore negatively connoted, since one always endeavors the reunification of the medieval Triune Kingdom. Civil Croatia has been practically the smallest territorial unit where Croatian state law was preserved over time. Opposite of it the Habsburg monarchy established the military border. Thus, Civil Croatia was not only a result of the Turkish invasion, but also a proof of the loss of sovereignty. Civil Croatia was thus conceived only in the absence of a better solution. The reliquiae reliquiarum formed the basis for the survival of historical state law and its institutions. The incorporation of those territories first meant the renewal of territorial continuity that had been interrupted since the middle of the 16th century. Croatia and Slavonia, together with Syrmia, now formed a whole, but in the eyes of the Croats it was not yet in harmony with their national requirements. Civil Croatia had to evolve into Greater Croatia, whose maximum extent would include Slovenia, parts of Inner Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, the successive territorial forms – except for the Independent State of Croatia under Ante Pavelić 1941–1944 – never fulfilled this ambition.
The fragment of the book of St. Barbara brotherhood in St. Nicholas Church dating back to 1504–1523 is deposited in the Brno city archive in the collection of furriers' guild with the signature E 24/11. It contains an introductory record, which characterizes the book and mentions important circumstances in the days of its formation, along with the lists of members and accounting entries. The book is written – with the exception of one Czech formula – in German and Latin. Its comparison with other similar books preserved in Bohemia does not show any significant differences in respect of external and internal features. The cult of St. Barbara appears in guilds more often in the late Middle Ages, however, in a quite heterogeneous mixture of trades, even though the metal-working crafts prevail. Thus, it is not possible to say without any doubt that Barbara was the patron saint of a particular craft at that time. St. Nicholas, now in ruins, existed already in the first third of the 13th century. It was a subsidiary church to St. James parish church; therefore it was not a significant church. Since the guild itself and its cult activities at the altar of St. Barbara in St. Nicholas church are documented significantly earlier than the origin of the book, it is obvious that the book is only a residue of a range of books that were kept by the guild. The study is accompanied by an edition of the preserved fragment.
The paper presents a collection of maps by Johann Isidor Jelínek depicting the Šebetov estate in the 18th century. Johann Isidor Jelínek was an assistant surveyor and an apprentice of the architect František Antonín Grimm. His maps of the Šebetov estate capture in detail various formations in the landscape and are a valuable topographic source for exploring the landscape of the mid-18th century.
The paper focuses on the era after the democratic revolution of 1989, analysing the political agents' expectations about the nature of the future economic system. Describing the case of Czech-American economist Jaroslav Vanek and others, it shows that the contemporary debates included ambitious projects, which aimed at making Czechoslovakia a pioneer of new social orders, usually inspired by the ideas of so-called economic democracy. In conclusion, the paper compares these concepts with the actual development of the East European countries in the following decades, as it has been described in the conteporary researches.
Výzkumné šetření se zabývá z působy z pětné vazby v reakci na žákovskou chybu při komunikaci s celou třídou. Zpětná vazba na chybu představuje důležitý moment, který rozhoduje o tom, zda bude chybě věnována další pozornost a jakým z působem bude dále řešena. Cílem studie je tedy popsat podobu z pětné vazby, která na chybu navazuje a dále s ní pracuje. Z hlediska teoretických konceptů je věnována pozornost pojetí chyby v kontextu výuky a práci učitele s žákovskou chybou. Na základě odborného diskurzu je také vzhledem k chybě vymezena tzv. produktivní z pětná vazba. Kvalitativní výzkumné šetření bylo realizováno ve výuce českého jazyka v 9. ročníku základní školy ve čtyřech cíleně vybraných školních třídách. Sběr dat probíhal prostřednictvím pozorování a analyzováno bylo celkem 24 videozáznamů vyučovacích hodin. Jak je z výsledků patrné, ve výuce můžeme identifikovat čtyři typy učitelské z pětné vazby, které se odlišují z hlediska obsažených informací a z působu využití chyby na podporu žákovského učení. and This study examines the possible ways that teachers use to give feedback to their students during whole class communication. Feedback is essential because it determines whether time will be spent on dealing with an error and what method will be used to correct it. The aim of this study was therefore to describe the feedback mechanisms used to react to errors and further work with them. The theoretical part of this study examines the conceptual underpinning of errors from the perspective of teachers' work with student errors. The literature is used to define productive feedback. Qualitative research was carried out in lessons of Czech language and literature taught to four different classes of ninth-grade lower secondary students. Data were gathered through observation, and 24 video recordings of taught lessons were analyzed in total. The results identified four ways of providing feedback that teachers employ that differ in the amount of information that they provide and also in how they make use of errors to support student learning.
La "secte des cathares" est née dans un contexte géographique et chronologique bien précis – en Rhénanie, dans les années 1150-1160, sous la plume d'Eckbert de Schönau. Uwe Brunn a montré à quel point tant le nom cathari que la doctrine des dissidents telle qu'elle est présentée chez Eckbert, y compris leur prétendu dualisme, renouent avec une longue tradition hérésiologique. La réalité historique du "catharisme" en tant que mouvement religieux distinctif s'en trouve quelque peu ébranlée. En effet, on peut se demander si "l'hérésie cathare" n'est pas plutôt une sorte d'enchevêtrement de certains traits d'un christianisme à tendance ascétique radicale qui n'étaient pas (ou ont cessé d'être) soutenus par la hiérarchie officielle. Ainsi, "l'hérésie cathare" serait un négatif de la société chrétienne telle qu'elle a été définie, du point de vue théologique et canonique, au XIͤ-XIIIͤ siècle. Loin d'être une défense pure et simple des prétendus fondements immuables du christianisme, le discours antihérétique met en route plutôt une stratégie offensive et impose systématiquement certaines nouveautés théologiques en définissant leurs adversaires comme des hérétiques.
Das Archiv steht hoch im Kurs. Sowohl als Schauplatz theoretischer Auseinandersetzungen als auch als Gegenstand archivwissenschaftlicher Reflexionen und Neubewertungen bietet es unterschiedliche philosophische, kultur- und archivwissenschaftliche Zugänge, die miteinander korrespondieren oder sich in expliziten Widerspruch zueinander stellen. Was die philosophisch-kulturwissenschaftlichen und die archivwissenschaftlichen Zugänge jedoch verbindet, sind die Fragen nach den Gesetzmäßigkeiten, nach den Zuordnungen und den Vergegenwärtigungen, die im Archiv stattfinden und im Archiv ihren Ort haben. Der Parcours durch die unterschiedlichen Archiv-Konzeptionen, der in diesem Aufsatz unternommen wird, fokussiert auf eben diese Fragestellungen, die in all ihren unterschiedlichen Facetten gedächtnis- und erinnerungspolitische Aspekte implizieren. and The archive is in high demand. As a venue for theoretical discussions as well as the subject of archive-scientific reflections and revaluations, it offers different philosophical, cultural and archival approaches, which correspond with each other or are in explicit contradiction to each other. What connects those different approaches, however, are the questions about the regularities, the assignments and the representations that take place in the archive and have their place in the archive. The course through the different archive conceptions, which is undertaken in this essay, focuses on precisely these questions, which in all their different facets imply aspects of remembrance policies.
In recent years, traditiones were often characterised as "party-neutral authentications" with legal power. But there are arguments against this view, since noblemen tended to register legal acts only occasionally within monastic traditiones. Apparently, they didn't assign them any official credibility. There is also no proof that traditiones were recognised as legal evidence in court. More likely, they were considered as memory aid in oral contracts, even when the notoriousness could guarantee the legal continuity in excess of the witnesses proof.