1_Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) is one of the economically more important trees in the north of Portugal. Spiders, as generalist predators, are potential controlling agents of pests, yet the composition of the community of spiders associated with this crop is only poorly known. The objective of this study was to determine the spider communities in the canopies of chestnut trees subject to three different soil management practices in northeastern Portugal. Three chestnut groves each subject to a different agricultural practice (grazed, tilled or untilled) were studied in 2008 and 2009. The Araneae communities were sampled by beating the branches and the individuals collected were identified to family and species when possible. To investigate the structure of the spider community in each grove the abundance and family richness of spiders were calculated and compared between managements. In total, 4172 spiders were collected and, in both years, the three most abundant families were Araneidae, Philodromidae and Linyphiidae. In 2008, there was a greater abundance of spiders in the grazed, followed by the tilled and untilled groves, but no significant differences among groves. However, in 2009 there was a greater abundance of spiders in the tilled grove, followed by grazed and untilled groves and the differences between the untilled and the other two groves were significant. Araniella, Oxyopes and Anyphaena were the most abundant genera in the three groves. This study showed that soil management may influence the diversity of spiders, but the effects were weak and not consistent between years., 2_The reduction or absence of a suitable habitat for spiders under the trees in the tilled treatment might have resulted in the spiders migrating up into the canopy. However, based on the weak effects on spider abundance recorded and its potentially adverse effects on soils, tillage is not recommended for managing the incidence of pests in chestnut groves., Jacinto Benhadi-Marin ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article analyzes set of normative sources which regulated the exercise of the profession of painters and sculptors in Brno in the 18th century (guilds’ statutes, government’s decrees, civic regulations, judicial sources etc.). The study interprets the decline of the artists’ guild organization in Brno in the 1750s in a wider perspective of economic and administrative reforms in the Habsburg monarchy. These reforms were marked by several particular initiatives made by the artist’s corporation in Brno, who came up with own unsuccessful proposals of various changes of the traditional city’s guild system. The study states that such initiatives should not be explained simply as symptoms of a changing urban society in Central Europe during the Enlightenment era, or as a consequence of the dynamics of proto-industrialization and the establishment of new economic as well educational institutions, but also as a result of the new product market and the demand shifted towards less expensive and more fashionable goods.
Over the course of the 14th century, Kutná Hora witnessed the constitution of professional organizations of mineworkers. The operation of these corporations, which were founded upon a principal similar to classical trade guilds, was nevertheless marked by certain specificities. A significant portion of literature to date has therefore operated based on the thesis of the fundamental distinctiveness of these corporations from classical trade guilds. This study attempts to prove the validity of this thesis, and this through the background of the most unique and most numerous corporation of Kutná Hora, the mining community. The transformation of its status in the second half of the 15th century thus allows us to approach the character of both types of organizations, and also certain terminological problems linked to the naming of corporations of mine workers.
a1_Einleitend bietet die Studie einen kurzgefassten Überblick über die Handwerkschaft und Handwerkerorganisationen als Objekt heimatkundlich und volkskundlich orientierter Forschungen in dem späten 18. und in dem 19. Jahrhundert. Die Steigerung des Interesses für die ältere Geschichte der Handwerkerschaft in einzelnen Städten und Teilen des Landes wird von der einen Seite mit den sich auch in anderen Ländern zu dieser Zeit durchsetzenden Bemühungen um eine bessere und tiefere Erkenntnis der Geschichte des eigenen Volkes in Zusammenhang gebracht, welche zu einer Festigung des sich rach entwickelnden nationalen Bewusstseins dienlich sein sollte, von der anderen Seite aber mit den Bemühungen der Handwerkerschaften, ihrem schwindenden Prestige durch Schilderungen des früheren Ruhmes und der grossen gesellschaftlichen Bedeutung des Handwerkerstandes allen Handwerkern.
Die eigentliche Untersuchung der Freizeitgestaltung des Stadteinwohners im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert und des Anteils der Handwerkerschaften an dieser Gestaltung beginnt mit einer Schilderung allgemeiner Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse und -bedingungen der Handwerkergesellen und der Handwerkermeister. Die hohe wertung der Freizeit von Seiten namentlich der Handwerkergesellen wird mit den unbefriedigenden Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen in kleinen, dunklen und überbevölkerten Wohnungen und Werkstätter der Handwerkermeister in Zusammenhang gebracht, und mit der in der Regel überaus langen Arbeitszeit. Die Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen und die Länge der Arbeitszeit brachten eine bestimmte Ausgelassenheit der Handwerkergesellen bei ihren Vergnügungen mit sich, mit welchen sie die kurzen Stunden ihrer Freizeit werkstags verbrachten, und einen hohen Anteil der Handwerker an der Organisierung verschiedener Institutionen, welche der Gestaltung ihrer Freizeit sonntags dienen sollten., a2_Eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit wendet sich einer Analyse zeitgenössischer Zeugenaussagen zu, welche über die Organisationen der Schützengilden berichten, welche in den böhmischen und mährischen Städten und Städtchen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert das feierliche Preisschiessen veranstalteten und welche sich in wenig veränderten Formen in manchen Gebieten bis in das 19. Jahrhundert hinein erhalten konnten. Die Untersuchung befasst sich von der einen Seite mit der inneren Struktur dieser Gilden, mit den Folgen ihrer inneren Heterogenität für die Gestaltung wechsel und mit ihrer Auswirkungseitiger Beziehungen einzelner Mitglieder innerhalb der Gilde auf ihre Bindngen zu anderen Stadtbewohnern - die im Wettbewerb stehenden Mitglieder der Schützengilde in ihrem "Privatleben" Handwerker verschiedener Handwerke, wurden als Repräsentanten ihres Handwerks angesehen und angeeifert; in der Schützengilde wurde eine Organisation geschaffen, welche quer durch alle zeitgenössische Organisationen verlief und in welcher sich die sich allmählich anbahnende Verschiebung in der Wertung des Individuums vom Status zur Leistung durchsetzen konnte - dem Sieger im Wettbewerb wurde eine besondere Ehre von anderen Mitgliedern der Schützengilde und auch von anderen Einwohnern des Ortes erwiesen, durch seine hervorragende Leitung bei dem Vogelschiessen öffnete er sich auch bestimmte Mögllichkeiten im Betreff seines Handwerks, usw.
Zugleich versucht der Verf. an Hand gerichtlicher Zeugenschaften und anderer Belege der Beliebtheit des feierlichen Vogelschiessens, bzw. des Wettbewerbes der Scharfschützen, welcher noch im 19. Jahrhundert in dem Leben der Städtchen und Städte seinen Platz hatte, mit der Beliebtheit der Ausflüge ausserhalb der Stadt zu verbinden, welche schon in jenen Jahrhunderten belegt ist, und zählt die verschiedenen Einrichtungen auf, welche den Zeitgenossen bei der Gelegenheit des Ausfluges in den umliegenden Dörfern zur Verfügung standen. Seines Erachtens ist auch die Bedeutung der Pfingstzeit als des Termins des feierlichen Vogelschiessens mitzuberücksichtigen, es handelte sich um die Jahreszeit, wo die ersten Ausflüge in die blühende Natur unternommen wurden., and Článek zahrnuje širší poznámkový aparát
Dung beetle assemblages were monitored using baited pitfall traps from January to December 2006 in Northern Tunisia. 4,965 beetles belonging to 37 species were trapped. Aphodius lineolatus and Onthophagus taurus dominated the assemblages. Results showed a significant seasonal variation in assemblage composition, and diversity. There were four periods of activity during the course of the year. Temporal turnover was highest in October and in February. Temporal distribution of species shows seasonal segregation and opposite patterns in the two dominant guilds (Aphodiinae-dwellers and Scarabaeidae-tunnelers). Aphodiidae-dwellers were active from autumn to spring, although they were affected by summer drought. The Aphodius-dweller showed high temporal plasticity and phenological segregation. In contrast, Scarabaeidae-tunnelers were active all year round but mainly in the spring-summer period and less so in winter. Species in this guild showed a high degree of phenological overlap and a short ecological length. Our results suggest that coexistence in dung beetle guilds is facilitated by their phenological patterns, which reflect distinct ecological requirements and biogeographical origin of species. Geotrupidae-tunnelers and Scarabaeidae-rollers were rare and occurred mainly in the summer-autumn period, when individuals of the two other guilds were rare.
1. A study was made by knockdown sampling and branch clipping of the arthropod fauna of the canopy of two native oak species (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) and of two introduced species (Q. cerris and Q. ilex ) in woods near Oxford, UK, and of two native species (Q. pubescens and Q. ilex) in southern France. Sampling was undertaken for five years in the UK and for four years in France. All the specimens from the UK, except Acarina, Collembola and Nematocera were identified to species or, occasionally, to morphotype.
2. In terms of overall numbers, species richness and biomass, the results for Q. robur and Q. petraea in the UK were very similar. Their samples contained over three times the biomass and nearly double the number of species compared with those from the introduced oak species (Q. cerris and Q. ilex).
3. The ordinal composition was very similar on Q. robur and Q. petraea, and that on Q. cerris showed closer concordance to the composition of these trees than to that of Q. ilex in the UK. The ordinal composition of the faunas of the two native oak species in France showed closer concordance to each other than to any of the oak species in the UK. The proportion of Psocoptera was much higher in the UK, and that of Thysanoptera was higher in France.
4. The guild composition in terms of numbers, species richness and biomass were closely correlated on Q. robur and Q. petraea, and on Q. robur in two different woods, which argues for an underlying determinism in the development of community structure. The guild composition on the introduced species (Q. cerris and Q. ilex) was most closely correlated when expressed as species richness.
5. The similarity of the guild composition on the oak species in the UK in terms of the actual species found was tested by a modified Sørensen's Index. This showed that the guilds could be ranked in the following order of decreasing similarity: epiphyte fauna, tourists, scavengers, phytophages, parasitoids-predators.
6. There were distinct seasonal patterns. In terms of species richness the values showed a general trend peaking in summer and early autumn, but biomass peaked in May on the native oak species, mainly due to Lepidopterous larvae. The ratio of prey to predator and parasitoid biomass had a distinct seasonal pattern, there being an excess of prey in May, but almost an equivalence throughout the rest of the season. This may reflect the high population of spiders in the late summer and autumn, which are likely to feed on tourists. Most classical ecosystem models do not allow for this latter important source of food that is not itself dependent on the communities' habitat.
7. The epiphyte dwelling guild (principally grazing Psocoptera) was a major component of the fauna in terms of numbers on the evergreen Q. ilex in UK. This has been reported for other studies of evergreen species in temperate climates.
Foliar gas exchange characteristics, understorey microclimate, and crown irradiation were assessed for saplings of eight canopy tree species in two plots of neotropical rain forest with different degrees of canopy opening. Species studied belonged to different putative guilds: shade intolerants (both short-lived--pioneers--and long-lived), intermediates, and shade-tolerants. A considerable overlap was recorded between species in values of the photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area (PN). The highest median PN (1.26 µmol m-2 s-1) was recorded in the pioneer Croton killipianus, while slightly lower median values were recorded in Simarouba amara and Pentaclethra macroloba, and markedly lower values in two species of Vochysiaceae (Qualea paraense and Vochysia ferruginea), both putative intolerants. Highest median stomatal conductance (gs) was also shown by C. killipianus, while S. amara, P. macroloba, and L. procera exhibited intermediate values, and the lowest gs was shown by V. ferruginea and Q. paraense. Overall irradiance and crown irradiation, PN, and gs of saplings were higher in the plot which had previously received a silvicultural treatment. Most values of photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) were <100 µmol m-2 s-1 in both plots, with shortlived peaks of up to 2000 µmol m-2 s-1 in the treated plot. When the relationship between PN and irradiance (I) was examined by fitting PN/I curves, the degree of fit varied markedly between species, values of the regression coefficient r2 were between 0.09 and 0.51. No significant differences between species were recorded in Pmax and species also demonstrated little variation in the predicted values of dark respiration (RD), values varying between -0.51 and -1.46 µmol m-2 s-1 in Q. paraense and Minquartia guianensis, respectively. Fitted values of apparent quantum efficiency were also fairly uniform, generally falling within the range 0.02-0.03 mol(CO2) mol-1(photon). and N. E. Vera, B. Finegan, A. C. Newton.