A richly annotated and genre-diversified language resource, The Prague Dependency Treebank – Consolidated 1.0 (PDT-C 1.0, or PDT-C in short in the sequel) is a consolidated release of the existing PDT-corpora of Czech data, uniformly annotated using the standard PDT scheme. PDT-corpora included in PDT-C: Prague Dependency Treebank (the original PDT contents, written newspaper and journal texts from three genres); Czech part of Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank (translated financial texts, from English), Prague Dependency Treebank of Spoken Czech (spoken data, including audio and transcripts and multiple speech reconstruction annotation); PDT-Faust (user-generated texts). The difference from the separately published original treebanks can be briefly described as follows: it is published in one package, to allow easier data handling for all the datasets; the data is enhanced with a manual linguistic annotation at the morphological layer and new version of morphological dictionary is enclosed; a common valency lexicon for all four original parts is enclosed. Documentation provides two browsing and editing desktop tools (TrEd and MEd) and the corpus is also available online for searching using PML-TQ.
PDT 3.0 is a new version of Prague Dependency Treebank. It contains a large amount of Czech texts with complex and interlinked morphological (2 million words), syntactic (1.5 MW) and semantic annotation (0.8 MW); in addition, certain properties of sentence information structure, multiword expressions, coreference, bridging relations and discourse relations are annotated at the semantic level. and the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic: grants P406/12/0658 "Coreference, discourse relations and information structure in a contrastive perspective", P406/2010/0875 "Computational Linguistics: Explicit description of language and annotated data focused on Czech", 405/09/0729 "From the structure of a sentence to textual relationships", and GPP406/12/P175 (Selected derivational relations for automatic processing of Czech);
the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic: the KONTAKT project ME10018 "Towards a computational analysis of text structure" and the LINDAT-Clarin project LM2010013;
the Grant Agency of Charles University in Prague: GAUK 103609 "Textual (Inter-sentential) Relations and their Representation in a Language Corpus" and GAUK 4383/2009 "Methods of coreference resolution".
The Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 is the 2018 edition of the core Prague Dependency Treebank (PDT). It contains all PDT annotation made at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics under various projects between 1996 and 2018 on the original texts, i.e., all annotation from PDT 1.0, PDT 2.0, PDT 2.5, PDT 3.0, PDiT 1.0 and PDiT 2.0, plus corrections, new structure of basic documentation and new list of authors covering all previous editions. The Prague Dependency Treebank 3.5 (PDT 3.5) contains the same texts as the previous versions since 2.0; there are 49,431 annotated sentences (832,823 words) on all layers, from tectogrammatical annotation to syntax to morphology. There are additional annotated sentences for syntax and morphology; the totals for the lower layers of annotation are: 87,913 sentences with 1,502,976 words at the analytical layer (surface dependency syntax) and 115,844 sentences with 1,956,693 words at the morphological layer of annotation (these totals include the annotation with the higher layers annotated as well). Closely linked to the tectogrammatical layer is the annotation of sentence information structure, multiword expressions, coreference, bridging relations and discourse relations.
PDiT 2.0 is a new version of the Prague Discourse Treebank. It contains a complex annotation of discourse phenomena enriched by the annotation of secondary connectives.
In 1905 Bertrand Russell took on the problem of definite descriptions, and his analysis became the standard up until 1950 when Peter Strawson criticised Russell’s solution as inadequate. Since then many opponents as well as proponents of the Russellian solution have been involved in a long-term debate on definite descriptions. In this paper I show that both sides of the contention are partly right and partly wrong, because sentences of the form ''The F is a G'' are ambiguous. However, the ambiguity does not concern reference shift of the description ''the F''. Rather, the ambiguity consists in different topic-focus articulations of a given sentence involving occurrences of ''the F''. I demonstrate that when ''the F'' is used as part of the topic of such a sentence the existence of the object denoted by ''the F'' is not only entailed by but also presupposed by the sentence. On the other hand, ''the F'' used in the focus of a sentence triggers merely existential entailment. Thus sentences differing only in their topic-focus articulation should have assigned different logical forms. In order to make such hidden features explicit, I apply the procedural semantics of Transparent Intensional Logic (TIL), furnishing sentences with hyperpropositions that are precisely defined in terms of TIL constructions. These are procedures assigned to sentences as their context-invariant structured meanings. Moreover, I generalise the phenomenon of the topic-focus distinction to sentences of any form, proposing an adequate analytic schema of sentences that come with a presupposition., V 1905 Bertrand Russell přijal problém konečných popisů a jeho analýza se stala standardem až do roku 1950, kdy Peter Strawson kritizoval Russellovo řešení jako nedostatečné. Od té doby mnoho oponentů stejně jako zastáncové Russellian řešení byli zapojení do dlouhodobé debaty o konečných popisech. V tomto příspěvku dokazuji, že obě strany sporu jsou zčásti správné a zčásti špatné, protože věty tvaru ,,F je G'' jsou nejednoznačné. Nejednoznačnost se však netýká referenčního posunu popisu ,,F''. Nejednoznačnost spočívá spíše v různých tematických okruzích dané věty, která zahrnuje výskyty ,,F''. Prokazuji, že když je ,,F' používáno jako součást tématu takové věty, existence předmětu označeného ,,F'' není pouze podmíněna větou, nýbrž také předpokládána. Na druhé straně ,,F'', který je používán v ohnisku věty, vyvolává pouze existenciální existenci. Věty lišící se pouze v jejich artikulaci zaměřené na téma by tedy měly mít přiřazeny různé logické formy. Aby byly tyto skryté rysy explicitní, aplikuji procedurální sémantiku Transparentní Intenzionální Logiky (TIL), poskytující věty s hyperpropozicemi, které jsou přesně definovány z hlediska TIL konstrukcí. Jedná se o postupy přiřazené větám jako jejich kontextově invariantní strukturované významy. Dále zobecňuji fenomén rozlišování mezi tématem a věty jakékoli formy,, and Marie Duží