From the year 2000, the environmental state and the impact of human activities on fluvial lakes in the central part of the Czech section of the Elbe River is evaluated. For that reason, three oxbow lakes were chosen: Lake Labiště pod Opočínkem (east of Pardubice), Lake Doleháj (near Kolín), and Lake Obříství (near Mělník). All of them are situated within an area with a well-developed chemical industry and the nearby lowlands are one of the most intensively farmed areas of the Czech Republic. In spite of the identical origin during the river canalization, major differences were found. E.g. very low oxygen saturation in Opočínek (mean saturation 46 %) was determined. Nutrient concentrations and their seasonal dynamics (nitrites, nitrates, ammoniated ions, and phosphates) differed in each lake as well. The lowest concentrations of heavy metals (Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in sediment were found in the Doleháj. In samples from Obříství after a big flood in September 2002, the Index of Geoaccumulation increased only for Pb and decreased for Hg. This result indicated that the pollution has probably not been occurred during such floods. and Od roku 2000 jsou v oblasti středního Labe hodnoceny přírodní podmínky starých labských ramen a posuzován vliv antropogenní činnosti na ně. Z toho důvodu byly pro výzkum vybrány následující tři slepé opuštěné meandry: Labiště pod Opočínkem (východně od Pardubic), Doleháj (v blízkosti Kolína) a jezero Obříství (v blízkosti Mělníka). Všechna tato fluviální jezera leží v oblasti s velmi rozvinutým chemickým průmyslem, přilehlé nížiny jsou též jedny z nejintenzivněji obdělávaných zemědělských ploch v České republice. Ačkoliv jezera vznikla stejným způsobem při regulacích řeky, byly mezi nimi zjištěny značné rozdíly. Například lokalita Opočínek vykazovala značně nízké hodnoty nasycení vody kyslíkem (průměrné nasycení 46 %). Koncentrace živin a jejich sezónní dynamika (dusitany, dusičnany, amonné ionty a fosforečnany) se též v každém případě lišila. Nejnižší koncentrace těžkých kovů (Ag, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb a Zn) v sedimentu byly zaznamenány v Doleháji. Ve vzorcích z lokality Obříství po velké povodni v roce 2002 se zvýšil geoakumulační index jen v případě Pb, naopak hodnota u Hg poklesla. Výsledky proukázaly nepřítomnost výrazného znečištění po této povodni.
The erosion, transport and deposition of sediments in small valley reservoirs represent a significant impact on their operations, mainly with regard to reducing the volume of their accumulation. The aim of this study is a comparison and uncertainty analysis of two modelling concepts for assessment of soil loss and sediment transport in a small agricultural catchment, with an emphasis on estimating the off-site effects of soil erosion resulted in sedimentation of a small water reservoir. The small water reservoir (polder) of Svacenicky Creek which was built in 2012, is a part of the flood protection measures in Turá Lúka and is located in the western part of Slovakia, close to the town of Myjava. The town of Myjava in recent years has been threatened by frequent floods, which have caused heavy material losses and significantly limited the quality of life of the local residents. To estimate the amount of soil loss and sediments transported from the basin, we applied two modelling concepts based on the USLE/SDR and WaTEM/SEDEM erosion models and validated the results with the actual bathymetry of the polder. The measurements were provided by a modern Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) hydrographic instrument. From the sediment data measured and the original geodetic survey of the terrain conducted at the time of the construction of the polder, we calculated changes in the storage volume of the polder during its four years of operation. The results show that in the given area, there has been a gradual clogging of the bottom of the polder caused by water erosion. We estimate that within the four years of the acceptance run, 10,494 m3 of bottom sediments on the Svacenicky Creek polder have accumulated. It therefore follows that repeated surveying of the sedimentation is very important for the management of the water reservoir.
The paper presents the results of the study of the sediments deposition process in a settling basin by using a k-ε turbulence model. The results obtained are than compared with the results obtained by using 1 and 2 D mathematical models and field measurements. In the first step, the settling basin is designed based on the formulae recommended by classical approach. The transition zone at the entrance of settling basin is then adjusted to satisfy more uniform flow at the beginning of the active zone. The flow velocity variation and bed shear stress distribution over the cross section area are furthermore analyzed and questions suggesting further development of mathematical models are identified. For the second step, a schematized settling basin is then modelled in three-dimensional laterally confined model for the purpose of dealing with turbulences that potentially bring more sediment to the side and to the end of settling basin. Finally, recommendations for the design of settling basin are given by analyzing the results obtained by both mathematical and empirical methods. By comparison of the results obtained and field measurements made in Indonesia, useful design recommendations are derived. and Príspevok obsahuje výsledky štúdia sedimentačného procesu v usadzovacej nádrži s využitím modelu turbulencie k-ε. Takto získané výsledky sú porovnané s tými, ktoré boli získané pomocou jedno- a dvojdimenzionálneho modelu a s terénnymi meraniami. Najskôr bol sedimentačný bazén navrhnutý pomocou klasických vzorcov. Prechodová zóna a vstup do usadzovacieho bazénu bol potom upravený tak, aby zabezpečil relatívne homogénne prúdenie na začiatku aktívnej zóny. Boli analyzované zmeny rýchlosti prúdenia a rozdelenie trecích napätí na dne v priečnych rezoch koryta a boli identifikované problémy, ktoré by umožnili ďalší vývoj matematických modelov tohto javu. V ďalšom kroku bol modelovaný schematizovaný usadzovací bazén ako trojrozmerný, na oboch stranách ohraničený model, aby sa dalo manipulovať s turbulenciou, ktorá by mohla potenciálne dopraviť viac sedimentov na strany a na koniec sedimentačnej nádrže. Nakoniec uvádzame odporúčania pre návrh sedimentačných nádrží, vychádzajúc z výsledkov využitia matematických aj emprických metód. Porovnaním týchto výsledkov s výsledkami terénnych meraní v Indonézii boli navrhnuté užitočné odporúčania.
Laboratory studies were conducted to characterise the sorption-desorption behavior of four human pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine, diclofenac, gemfibrozil, and ibuprofen) at three initial concentrations in aqueous solution on one river sediment. The results of the experiments showed that distribution coefficients were either relatively low for diclofenac and ibuprofen or higher for gemfibrozil and carbamazepine. Distribution coefficients (mean Kd values for three initial concentrations), as measured by the batch experiments, were 4.21 ± 0.58 for diclofenac, 4.98 ± 0.29 for ibuprofen, 11.28 ± 1.22 for gemfibrozil, and 44.82 ± 14.89 for carbamazepine. Based on sorption data, migration potential of the pharmaceuticals in surface waters would decrease as follows: diclofenac > ibuprofen > gemfibrozil >> carbamazepine. Only 2.44 ± 1.05%, 3.67 ± 0.35% and 1.79 ± 1.17% of the initially sorbed ibuprofen, gemfibrozil and carbamazepine were desorbed during desorption period of 48 h, respectively. Diclofenac exhibited the highest desorption (15.01 ± 2.59%). Generally, the results indicate that significant amounts of the pharmaceuticals may be eliminated from surface waters via sorption by sediment and that observed low desorption would further limit their migration in surface waters. and Hlavným cieľom štúdie bol výskum sorpcie a desorpcie štyroch humánnych farmaceutík (karbamazepín, diklofenak, gemfibrozil a ibuprofén) pri troch počiatočných koncentráciách vo vodnom roztoku vo vzorke riečneho sedimentu. Výsledky experimentov ukázali, že rozdeľovacie koeficienty boli buď nižšie pre diklofenak a ibuprofén alebo zvýšené v prípade gemfibrozilu a karbamazepínu. Stanovené hodnoty rozdeľovacích koeficientov (priemerné hodnoty Kd pre všetky tri počiatočné koncentrácie) boli 4,21 ± 0,58 pre diklofenak, 4,98 ± 0,29 pre ibuprofén, 11,28 ± 1,22 pre gemfibrozil a 44,82 ± 14,89 pre karbamazepín. Podľa stanovených hodnôt Kd sa bude mobilita skúmaných farmaceutík v povrchových vodách znižovať v poradí: diklofenak > ibuprofén > gemfibrozil >> karbamazepín. Vodou desorbovateľné podiely farmaceutík zo sedimentu boli nízke, pričom len 2,44 ± 1,05%, 3,67 ± 0,35% a 1,79 ± 1,17% z celkového sorbovaného množstva ibuprofénu, gemfibrozilu a karbamazepínu v sedimente sa počas desorpčného experimentu uvoľnilo späť do vody. Diklofenak vykazoval najvyšší rozsah desorpcie zo sedimentu (15,01 ± 2,59%). Všeobecne tieto výsledky naznačujú, že značné množstvá sledovaných farmaceutík môžu byť odstránené z povrchových vôd prostredníctvom sorpcie v sedimente a že pozorovaný nízky rozsah desorpcie bude ešte viac obmedzovať ich mobilitu v povrchových vodách.
Hydrological processes play important roles in soil erosion processes of the hillslopes. This study was conducted to investigate the hydrological processes and the associated erosional responses on the purple soil slope. Based on a comprehensive survey of the Wangjiaqiao watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir, four typical slope gradients (5°, 10°, 15°and 20°) were applied to five rainfall intensities (0.6, 1.1, 1.61, 2.12 and 2.54 mm·min-1). The results showed that both surface and subsurface runoff varied greatly depending on the rainfall intensity and slope gradient. Surface runoff volume was 48.1 to 280.1 times of that for subsurface runoff. The critical slope gradient was about 10°. The sediment yield rate increased with increases in both rainfall intensity and slope gradient, while the effect of rainfall intensity on the sediment yield rate was greater than slope gradient. There was a good linear relationship between sediment yield rate and Reynolds numbers, flow velocity and stream power, while Froude numbers, Darcy-Weisbach and Manning friction coefficients were not good hydraulic indicators of the sediment yield rate of purple soil erosion. Among the three good indicators (Re, v and w), stream power was the best predictor of sediment yield rate (R2 = 0.884). Finally, based on the power regression relationship between sediment yield rate, runoff rate, slope gradient and rainfall intensity, an erosion model was proposed to predict the purple soil erosion (R2 = 0.897). The results can help us to understand the relationship between flow hydraulics and sediment generation of slope erosion and offer useful data for the building of erosion model in purple soil.
The paper presents the results of research of surface water and sediment contamination by the specific pollutants in the Klabava River Basin, subcatchment of Vltava River in Central Bohemia, Czech Republic. The analysis of spatial and temporal dynamics of the contamination is based on the water and sediment chemistry data from the long-term monitoring maintained by the Vltava River Authority completed by the own monitoring established in the Klabava River basin. The research revealed that the most important water and sediment contamination loads are mainly concentrated in the industrial area between cities Hrádek and Rokycany situated on downstream of the river basin. The performed analysis identified the cadmium as the most critical parameter as its concentrations in surface water exceeded the references limits up to several hundred times. However, pollution with the specific organic substances was still below the critical limit, except for the AOX indicator. The results of sample-taking in the river basin allowed analyzing the effect of extreme flood in August 2002 on the changes in the sediment load by heavy metals. Contaminated sediments were mostly washed out by the inundation and this resulted in significantly lower values than were observed in the previous seasons. Repeated observations however indicate that the pollution concentrations are gradually reaching their original values. and Článek představuje výsledky výzkumu znečištění povrchových vod a sedimentů specifickým znečištěním v povodí Klabavy. Analýza vychází z dostupných dat o chemismu vody a plavenin ze sledování podniku Povodí Vltavy a z vlastních dat získaných rozbory vzorků odebraných na síti účelově zřízených profilů. Pro hodnocení chemismu sedimentů byly použity standardní metody - porovnání s pozaďovými hodnotami geogenního prostředí podle Turekiana a Wedepohla a zatřídění do tříd jakosti podle Igeo. Z výsledků vyplývá, že zatížení vody i sedimentů je soustředěno zejména do oblasti průmyslového a sídelního uskupení mezi Hrádkem a Rokycany. Varovné jsou zde především koncentrace kadmia ve vodě, které v této oblasti překračují referenční hodnoty i několiksetkrát, silnou zátěž potvrzují i analýzy sedimentu. Znečištění specifickými organickými látkami s výjimkou ukazatele AOX nedosahuje kritických hodnot. Výsledky vlastních odběrů umožnily rovněž zhodnotit vliv povodně v srpnu 2002 na změnu zátěže sedimentů. Kontaminované sedimenty byly povodní vyplaveny a hodnoty, naměřené bezprostředně po povodni, jsou výrazně nižší než v předchozím období. Díky pokračující zátěži se však postupně vrací k původním hodnotám.
Whole blood surface tension of 15 healthy subjects recorded by the ring method was investigated in the temperature range from 20 to 40 °C. The surface tension σ as a function of temperature t (°C) is described by an equation of linear regression as σ(t) = (-0.473 t + 70.105) × 10-3 N/m. Blood serum surface tension in the range from 20 to 40 °C is described by linear regression equation σ(t) = (-0.368 t + 66.072) × 10-3 N/m and linear regression function of blood sediment surface tension is σ(t) = (-0.423 t + 67.223) ×10-3 N/m., J. Rosina, E. Kvašňák, D. Šuta, H. Kolářová, J. Málek, L. Krajči., and Obsahuje bibliografii
River runoff and sediment transport are two related random hydrologic variables. The traditional statistical analysis method usually requires those two variables to be linearly correlated, and also have an identical marginal distribution. Therefore, it is difficult to know exactly the characteristics of the runoff and sediment in reality. For this reason, copulas are applied to construct the joint probability distribution of runoff and sediment in this article. The risk of synchronous-asynchronous encounter probability of annual rich-poor runoff and sediment is also studied. At last, the characteristics of annual runoff and sediment with multi-time scales in its joint probability distribution space are simulated by empirical mode decomposition method. The results show that the copula function can simulate the joint probability distribution of runoff and sediment of Huaxia hydrological station in Weihe River well, and that such joint probability distribution has very complex change characteristics at time scales.