The paper presents the results of the study of the sediments deposition process in a settling basin by using a k-ε turbulence model. The results obtained are than compared with the results obtained by using 1 and 2 D mathematical models and field measurements. In the first step, the settling basin is designed based on the formulae recommended by classical approach. The transition zone at the entrance of settling basin is then adjusted to satisfy more uniform flow at the beginning of the active zone. The flow velocity variation and bed shear stress distribution over the cross section area are furthermore analyzed and questions suggesting further development of mathematical models are identified. For the second step, a schematized settling basin is then modelled in three-dimensional laterally confined model for the purpose of dealing with turbulences that potentially bring more sediment to the side and to the end of settling basin. Finally, recommendations for the design of settling basin are given by analyzing the results obtained by both mathematical and empirical methods. By comparison of the results obtained and field measurements made in Indonesia, useful design recommendations are derived. and Príspevok obsahuje výsledky štúdia sedimentačného procesu v usadzovacej nádrži s využitím modelu turbulencie k-ε. Takto získané výsledky sú porovnané s tými, ktoré boli získané pomocou jedno- a dvojdimenzionálneho modelu a s terénnymi meraniami. Najskôr bol sedimentačný bazén navrhnutý pomocou klasických vzorcov. Prechodová zóna a vstup do usadzovacieho bazénu bol potom upravený tak, aby zabezpečil relatívne homogénne prúdenie na začiatku aktívnej zóny. Boli analyzované zmeny rýchlosti prúdenia a rozdelenie trecích napätí na dne v priečnych rezoch koryta a boli identifikované problémy, ktoré by umožnili ďalší vývoj matematických modelov tohto javu. V ďalšom kroku bol modelovaný schematizovaný usadzovací bazén ako trojrozmerný, na oboch stranách ohraničený model, aby sa dalo manipulovať s turbulenciou, ktorá by mohla potenciálne dopraviť viac sedimentov na strany a na koniec sedimentačnej nádrže. Nakoniec uvádzame odporúčania pre návrh sedimentačných nádrží, vychádzajúc z výsledkov využitia matematických aj emprických metód. Porovnaním týchto výsledkov s výsledkami terénnych meraní v Indonézii boli navrhnuté užitočné odporúčania.
The study deals with an archaic way of carrying burdens in Europe,
namely with carrying on the head. Various burdens are carried
placed or fastened¨on the head, on the top of the head, at the back of the head, and at the neck. The burden is put on the head directly,
or it is placed in various types of transport aid (baskets, pack baskets, wooden or earth vessels etc.) which are fastene in several ways on the head. This method of burden carrying, in contrast to other ways of transport, has not been a subject-matter of comparative analyses to date. An in-depth analysis and comparison of the hitherto published works, and the reappraisal of older research and iconographic and cartographic materials are supposed to help bring up a hypothesis about autochtonousness of this method to transport burdens in the Central-European space. Several authors considered the carrying on the head to have been imported to Central Europe from the Balkan Peninsula. and As this method occurred in Northern, Southern, and Western Europe, even on the British Islands, the Faroe Islands, and the Shetland Islands, we think that it developed independently, and it was always based on natural, cultural and historical conditions in particular countries and com munities. Several records and investigations point out a common way of transporting burdens in farming or on journey For this reason we mean that this method was common in the Central European space in the past, andit also developed independently there, as it did in the rest of the European territory. Based on comparative analyses it is possible to modify the assertions that carrying on the head was imported to Central Europe from the Balkan Peninsula. According to our findings and analyses, it developed in the Central European space independently, and it was significantlyinfluenced by natural conditions, forms of traditional occupations, and ethnical and social compositions of inhabitants, division oflabour etc., as it was in all parts of Europe. We used similaror identical methods of carrying and techniques of carrying the burdens on the head in all research locations. For this reason, we consider carrying on the head to have been a common way of carrying burdens in Europe even in the inter-war period. We can find residues of it in Europe even today, namely in Spain, Portuguese, Italy, and in the rural environment in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula.
Článek si klade za cíl zkoumat rychlost dopravy v době železné a pokusit se využít získané poznatky při poznávání organizace dopravy a obchodu, při interpretaci sídelních struktur i při obecném pohledu na vývoj starých společností. V textu je nejprve předložen výběr údajů z písemných pramenů od antiky po raný novověk týkajících se rychlosti dopravy. Tento výběr ukázal, že se dosahované rychlosti po celé toto období (až do zavedení železnice) nijak výrazně neměnily, proto lze pro modelování určitých situací v pravěké dopravě údaje z písemných zpráv, a to nejen antických, s opatrností využívat. Následně se autor věnuje hlavním faktorům, které (nejen) v pravěku ovlivňovaly rychlost dopravy. V závěrečných pasážích autor využívá dosažené údaje při rekonstrukci dovozu soli do Čech a hodnocení organizace osídlení Čech v době laténské. Vyjadřuje se rovněž k problematice geografického a sociálního prostoru. and The aim of the article was to study the speed of transport in the Iron Age and to attempt to use the acquired information to learn about the organisation of transport and trade, during interpretations of settlement structures, and while using a general view of the development of early societies. The text first presents a selection of information on the subject of the speed of transport from written sources dating from Antiquity through to the Early Modern period. This selection showed that transport speed throughout this entire period (up until the advent of the railway) did not change significantly, and it is therefore possible to use information from written sources (and not only antique) to model certain situations in prehistoric transport. The author then addresses the main factors that influenced the speed of transport in prehistoric times and in the subsequent period. In the closing passages the author uses the obtained information to reconstruct the transport of salt to Bohemia and for an evaluation of the organisation of settlement in Bohemia in the La Tène period. The author also deals with the issue of geographic and social space.
The essay explains Central-European traditional forms of manpower transport, in particular the ways to transport children. Carrying children using different transport aids has a long tradition and many common elements within the researched area, but we can also find many specific techniques and ways of carrying children as well as transport aids there. We can encounter regional archaisms and specifics there which make these ways of transport special. We focus on the oldest and most common transport mean - a wrap that - as a universal mean - served for carrying children until the mid-20th century. We record the ways of carrying children on motheer´s body - in front, on side or on back. The children used to be fixed in more ways as to their age, weight, and occasion to which they were transported (to the field, doctor´s, baptism etc.). We have noticed a special way of carrying children in baskets on mother´s back. Many of these described archaic ways are being revitalised, whereby original carrying techniques, and modern transport aids and materials are used. The essay summarizes results of long-term research and it compares them with materials published in the ethnographic atlases of Slovakia (EAS) and Poland, as well as with Czech works.
Transport and communication are phenomena which are based on significant human needs and which play a serious role in human life. The theme was also accepted in the course of research conducted for the needs of the Polish Ethnographic Atlas. Fieldwork made it possible to gather large source materials which were analysed using the ethnographical method. The display of information gained from memories registered on the maps of ethnographic fragments created (re)constructions of the former reality. (Re)constructions that did not take into account the context of common or individual involvement of the users. Such a picture of the past does not make a multi-dimensional view of the phenomena concerned. The application of new interpreting methods offers new knowledge to the researchers.