The paper is describing the current state of intermediation services in CZ NUTZ 2 Region Prague, based on results of ongoing SUPER-SME Project of FP6. It is possible to identify an important role of itnermediaries in research, development, and innovation activities. The intermediation aims at otpimizing supply of scientific and technological services, with demad of RTDI companies and organizations or any other actors using or interested in using these services, e.g. national or regional stakeholders. S&T intermediary is defined as a public, private, or public/private (non-profit) instition with a mission of optimizing interface between supply of sicentific and technological services and demand of an enterpirse, groups of enterpirses, or any institution in this respect. Universities, research centrers, private companies, or technology transfer centers can play a role of S&T intermediary., Adolf Filáček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Czech “tramping” is primary Czech non-political movement and in the same time a pastime which came into existence at the beginning of the 20th century. It interconnected a stay in the countryside with romanticizing inspiration with American Wild West. Emphasis was placed on personal freedom and small amount of organization. It is also characterized by specific literary, musical and graphic production. This paper attempts to analyze specific features
of current campfire legends as a part of modern folk literature. It is based on material collected during a short survey. It seems that narration appearing in “tramping” environment has heavy though not absolute motivic relation to some more general types of narration of the youth such as the campfire legends and motifs related to legend tripping. However, they are spread in the ways characteristic for the youth by people who are much older. There is also a strong connection to the places visited by “tramps”. The existence of the legends is reflected within the movement. The stories can be turned into literature, parodied, or intentionally newly created as folklorism.
Přestože se mnoho výzkumů věnuje souvislostem tělesného a psychického zdraví, stále neexistuje shoda ve vymezení psychosomatiky. Názory na to, co je psychosomatická nemoc a jaké má příčiny, se historicky vyvíjejí a neustále se mění, stejně jako přístupy ke zkoumání psychosomatických obtíží. Při této velké roztříštěnosti pojmů se stává srovnatelnost výsledků výzkumů velmi problematická. V zahraniční odborné literatuře je psychosomatickému výzkumu věnována adekvátní pozornost. U nás se jedná sice o téma velmi popularizované, nicméně relevantní výzkumy v této oblasti jsou stále v začátcích a roztříštěné v jednotlivých oblastech medicíny. Tato přehledová studie si klade za cíl stručně nastínit vývoj názorů na psychosomatiku, podrobněji zpracovat směry vědeckého bádání v oblasti psychosomatiky, poukázat na diverzitu v chápání pojmu psychosomatika, ilustrovat aktuální trendy výzkumu v této oblasti a nabídnout přehled o výzkumu v psychosomatice v českém prostředí. and Despite the wide range of studies focused on the relationship between mental and somatic health, researchers still have not reached the agreement on the definition of the concept of psychosomatic. Views on psychosomatic illnesses and its causes are constantly changing according to historical context as well as research approaches. Due to uncertainties and conception ambiguity comparability of studies becomes very challenging. Foreign scientific resources focus on psychosomatics in adequate extent. Despite the fact that this topic is widely popularized in our country relevant studies are still at its beginnings and secluded in separate fields of medicine. The aim of this overview study is to outline the development of psychosomatic concepts, introduce the most influential directions in psychosomatic research, point out the diversity of understanding of concepts of psychosomatic, illustrate current research trends and provide a fundamental summary of psychosomatic research in Czech Republic.
Příspěvek se v první části věnuje utváření teorií a jejich významu pro poznávání a praxi. V druhé části se autor věnuje oblasti psychoterapie a popisuje dvě (meta)teorie – medicínský a kontextuální model – a jejich důsledky pro výzkum i praxi psychoterapie. and In the first part, the article focuses on the development of theories and their impact on knowledge and practice. The second part is dedicated to psychotherapy, the author describes two (meta-)theories – medical and contextual model – and their impact on research and practice in psychotherapy.