V Akademickém konferenčním centru v pražské Husově ulici se 12. března 2014 konala slavnostní prezentace mimořádného čísla recenzovaného časopisu Teorie vědy s podtitulem „Věda, kultura, veřejnost“, které vyšlo u příležitosti 90. narozenin prof. Ladislava Tondla. and Adolf Filáček, Petr Machleidt.
Tato studie se zaměřuje na výzkumné otázky vztahující se k regionálnímu rozměru komunikace vědy v Praze, jejím dopadům a vhodným nástrojům. Pro vypracování studie byly použity analýza dokumentů a dotazník distribuovaný vybraným expertům. Výsledky naznačují, že regionální rozměr komunikační politiky a iniciativ pro vědu (SCIP) je v Praze relevatní. Avšak pozornost věnovaná této otázce národními a regionálními úřady je nedostatečná a vede k nedostatečné koordinaci mezi zainteresovanými aktéry. Dopady SCIP spočívají v povzbuzovaní zájmu mladých lidí o vědu, zvyšování obeznámenosti široké veřejnosti s otázkami vztahujícími se ke vědě a ve vysvětlování role vědy ve společnosti a problémů, jimž jako sektor čelí. Aby byly dopady komunikace vědy maximalizovány, národní a regionální ofciální místa by měla sehrát integrační roli. Vzhledem ke koncentraci aktérů SCIP by město Praha mělo aspirovat na rozvinutí vlastní politiky komunikace vědy., Regional aspects of science communication represent a potential asset and as such are quite suitable topic for further examination with respect to future social and economic development in Prague based on the city's main development strategies. Closer analysis of SCIP aspects at re-gional level can present a suitable complement for development of suitable measures and projects of the regional innovation and education policies. This study focuses on research questions related to regional dimension of science communication, its impacts and suitable tools. Document analysis and questionnaire distributed among selected experts were chosen as tools for elaboration of the study. Results suggest that regional dimension of science communication policy and initiatives (SCIP) is a relevant one in case of Prague. However, the attention given to this topic by national and regional authorities is unsatisfactory resulting in lack of co-ordination of activities of the respective stakeholders. Impacts of SCIP, as far as causality can be identified, lie in encouraging young people in their interest in science, increasing awareness of general public in science-related issues and explaining role of science in society and problems that science (as a sector) is facing. To maximise effects of science communication there is a space for national and regional authorities to play an integrating role. Given the concentration of SCIP actors, the City of Prague could aspire to develop its science communication policy in order to promote itself as a Central European centre of science., and Adolf Filáček, Jakub Pechlát.
The study compiled as a part of EU prject ProAct ("Practical Regional Research and Innovation Policy in Action - the Efficient Tools for Regional Catching-up in New Member States" (Regions of Knowledge - FP6). The regional practices of innovation policy in eight EU member states are presented in case studies, elaborated for one region in each country with South Moravia representing the Czech Republic. South Moravian innovation policy is analyzed in three fundamental dimensions: strategy formation, policy deployment, and practices at the programme level. These are the constituent elements of the process that was defined by the ProAct consortium as so called "ProAct policy learning cycle". THe benchmark methodology (The ProAct Benchmarking Framework) was applied in the case studies to explore good pracices in regional innovation and research policy. In the study, the role of South Moravian Innovation Centre (JIC - Jihomoravské innovační centrum) is highlighted., Jiří Loudín, Adolf Filáček, Michal Kostka, Kateřina Tydláčková., and Obsahuje seznam literatury.
The paper is describing the current state of intermediation services in CZ NUTZ 2 Region Prague, based on results of ongoing SUPER-SME Project of FP6. It is possible to identify an important role of itnermediaries in research, development, and innovation activities. The intermediation aims at otpimizing supply of scientific and technological services, with demad of RTDI companies and organizations or any other actors using or interested in using these services, e.g. national or regional stakeholders. S&T intermediary is defined as a public, private, or public/private (non-profit) instition with a mission of optimizing interface between supply of sicentific and technological services and demand of an enterpirse, groups of enterpirses, or any institution in this respect. Universities, research centrers, private companies, or technology transfer centers can play a role of S&T intermediary., Adolf Filáček., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The article deals with selected aspects of science and research policy of the EU (R&D policy) relevant to the development of innovation culture. Present changes in this field are related to the changes in production and distribution of knowledge, to the new goals and priorities in science and research of the European knowledge society, and to the new social, economic, and political challenges, presented by the broadening and intensifying global competition. The study points out the role of the central administration of science by the European Commission, the function of the Framework Programs of the EU, and its consequences for the science policy in the Czech Republic. and Adolf Filáček.