The NAKI project "The Benedictine Monastery in Rajhrad as a Cultural Phenomenon", whose main aim is cataloguing books from the historic monastery library hall and compiling the history and cultural influence of this prominent Moravian monastic institution, involves digitization of title pages of catalogued books, collections of graphic art and photographs, maps and atlases, as well as archival documents from the property of the Benedictine Abbey in Rajhrad. Digital copies of all documents, along with detailed catalogue records, have been made available online through the catalogues Aleph and VuFind, web storage Imageserver and the digital library Kramerius of the Moravian Library in Brno.
The article presents two likely and so far unknown compilers of the third edition of Koniáš’s Key from 1770. Their names have been revealed by a handwritten note in a copy that was originally a part of the library of the private collector Josef Bartsch (1731-1803). Concerning the first figure, the Jesuit Josef Kögler, the treatise describes his career in the Jesuit Order and the posts that he held. In the case of his co-worker Jan Kohout, the text outlines the possible connections that might help identify him precisely. and David Mach.
Zpráva Lukáše Michaela Vytlačila pojednává o muzikologickém semináři vědeckého týmu Musica Rudolphina k hudbě v době císaře Rudolfa II., který se uskutečnil v pražské Nadaci pro dějiny kultury ve střední Evropě dne 31. května 2015., Lukáš M. Vytlačil., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.
The article is a continuation of the author’s paper given at the professional conference on historical collections in Olomouc in 2013, which was published in the proceedings of the conference, Bibliotheca Antiqua.1 The author has corrected and expanded some of the data on the life story of Count Pötting on the basis of information from Pötting’s handwritten Diary from 1664-1674 (Diario del conde de Pötting, embajador del Sacro Imperio en Madrid). She provides an overview of the books that are known to have formed part of Pötting’s book collection (26 manuscripts, mostly codices comprising more units, and 46 printed books from the 16th and 17th centuries have been recorded as yet)., Jaroslava Kašparová., and Článek je pokračováním příspěvku předneseného na konferenci k historickým fondům v Olomouci v roce 2013, jehož písemná podoba vyšla ve sborníku Bibliotheca Antiqua.
The catastrophic floods in the Czech lands in July 1997 and August 2002 showed that historical flood memory had been lost. The little used sources to recover it include early printed books. This article brings a selection of several exceptional flood cases captured by printed documents from the 16th-18th centuries. Extant early printed books and the information that they contain (verified from other sources where possible) suitably complement and extend the potential of historical hydrology and meteorology for the study and documentation of early floods that occurred before the beginning of instrumental observations and measurements. and Jan Munzar, Stanislav Ondráček, Lubor Kysučan.