A large number of songs have been preserved in the Strahov Codex (ca. 1465/67-1470), an important collection of polyphony from the latter half of the fifteenth century. These songs were once generally regarded as cantiones in Latin or as instrumental compositions, but a detailed study of this repertoire shows that the manuscript is an important source of secular compositions, and especially of chansons. Most of these songs have been preserved only in this manuscript. Questions remain as to when they were composed and how they found their way into a manuscript that originated in one of the Catholic regions of Bohemia., Lenka Hlávková-Mračková., and České resumé na s. 270.
Johannes Tourout is known to us from several Central European music sources and from a Vatican document dated 3 July 1460, which mentions him as a cantor of Emperor Frederick III. The author establishes a timeframe for his period of activity in Central Europe (late 1450s before 1467) and postulates several hypotheses concerning the composers career. The author has reconstructed the personnel of the imperial cantors ensemble around the year 1460 and provides detailed biographies of its members., Pawel Gancarczyk., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 257, anglický abstrakt na s. 239.
Discantus and Altus part-books (sign. NM-CMH AZ 84) were made by the later binding of component parts consisting of four prints and five manuscripts from the 1540s through about the 1590s. For the first time, the professional community can familiarize itself with their external description and contents. Those contents consist predominantly of compositions intended for Vespers (Magnificat settings and hymns). Special attention is paid to two Magnificat settings Bohemian Christmas and Easter songs in the discant part. For each of the twelve songs, the oldest known incidences of their melody and text were identified, and transcriptions of the songs are also included. The discant part-book AZ 84 represents an indispensable source for the genesis of some of the songs (Všem věc divná, neslýchaná [To All Something Strange, Unheard-Of], Hory se zelenají [The Hills Turn Green], Plešíc již všecko stvoření [All Creation Now Rejoicing], Šalomúnovy postele šedesáte ostříhalo [Sixty Men around Solomons Bed]), Dagmar Štefancová., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 22.
Příspěvek Elišky a Jana Baťových je zprávou z mezinárodní muzikologické konference, která se uskutečnila v Certaldu ve dnech 4. až 7. července 2013., Jan Baťa, Eliška Baťová., and Rubrika: Konference
Zpráva z 40. ročníku mezinárodní konference MEDREM, uskutečněné 3. - 6. července 2014 v Birminghamu., Veronika Mráčková - Jan Baťa., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.
Zpráva Lukáše Michaela Vytlačila pojednává o muzikologickém semináři vědeckého týmu Musica Rudolphina k hudbě v době císaře Rudolfa II., který se uskutečnil v pražské Nadaci pro dějiny kultury ve střední Evropě dne 31. května 2015., Lukáš M. Vytlačil., Rubrika: Konference, and Cizojazyčné resumé není.
Studie se zabývá repertoárem polyfonních hymnů, zapsaných v rukopisném kodexu, uloženém v knihovně kláštera na Strahově., Veronika Mráčková., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 104, anglický abstrakt na s. 91
Upon closer study, the brief three-voice compositions by Johannes Tourout preserved in Bohemian sources of 15th-century polyphony with Latin texts turn out to be problematic. By analyzing the musical component of these compositions, the author of the study has determined that the works are contrafacta of chansons. At the same time, he has attempted to find the French texts for which Tourouts music may have been originally composed. Although the reconstruction is purely hypothetical, the results are an important argument in the current discussions of the musical culture of Central Europe in the latter half of the fifteenth century., Jaap van Benthem., Rubrika: Studie, and České resumé na s. 238, anglický abstrakt na s. 221.