This paper mainly addresses the relation between essentialism and philosophical method. In particular, our analysis centers on the anti-essentialist argument that proposed, given its essentialist bonds, the abandonment of the notion of method. To this end, we make use of the empirical evidence concerning essentialism provided by psychological research, which has shown that our proneness to essentialize is not a by-product of our social and cultural practices as some anti-essentialists have thought. Rather, it is a deeply rooted cognitive tendency that plays a major role in concept formation and so in our understanding of things. Thus, given that such inclination toward essentialism is certain to happen, we argue for a conception of method that, while not overcoming such tendency, avoids the presumed disastrous consequences feared by most anti-essentialists., Tento příspěvek se zabývá především vztahem mezi esencialismem a filozofickou metodou. Konkrétně se naše analýza soustřeďuje na argument anti-esencialismu, který s ohledem na esenciální vazby navrhoval opuštění pojmu metody. Za tímto účelem využíváme empirických důkazů o esencialismu poskytovaném psychologickým výzkumem, který ukázal, že naše snaha o esencializaci není vedlejším produktem našich sociálních a kulturních praktik, jak si mysleli někteří anti-esenciologové. Spíše je to hluboce zakořeněná kognitivní tendence, která hraje důležitou roli při tvorbě konceptu a tak v našem chápání věcí. Vzhledem k tomu, že takový náklon k esencialismu se jistě stane, argumentujeme za koncepci metody, která, aniž by tuto tendenci překonala., and Fernando E. Vásquez Barbra
The aim of this paper is to document Laudan’s rejection of the appeal to intuition in the context of his development of normative naturalism. At one point in the development of his methodological thinking, Laudan appealed to pre-analytic intuitions, which might be employed to identify episodes in the history of science against which theories of scientific methodology are to be tested. However, Laudan came to reject this appeal to intuitions, and rejected this entire approach to the evaluation of a theory of method. This is an important stage in the development of his normative naturalist meta-methodology.
Příspěvek je zaměřen na deskripci a analýzu souboru povelkomoravské a mladohradištní keramiky z lokality Kostice – Zadní hrúd v dolním Podyjí. Metoda zpracování keramického souboru spočívá ve statistické analýze dat. Zpracování rozsáhlého souboru keramiky přispělo k poznání produkce keramiky na jižní Moravě v období po zániku Velké Moravy až do sklonku raného středověku, zároveň se podařilo definovat základní vývojové fáze lokality. and The article provides a description and analysis of an assemblage of post-Great Moravian and Late Hillfort pottery from the Kostice – Zadní hrúd site in the lower Dyje region. The pottery assemblage was processed using the statistical analysis of data. The processing of the large pottery assemblage contributed to an understanding of pottery production in south Moravia in the period following the demise of Great Moravia up to the end of the Early Middle Ages; the basic development phases of the site were also defined.
Článek se zaměřuje na debaty o vztahu teorie, metody a praxe v meziválečné americké sociologii. Toto období je často vnímáno jako "zlatý“ věk empirického zkoumání, během něhož bylo zformováno mnoho metodologických přístupů. Na druhé straně, jak naznačuje zde rozpracovaná argumentace, požadavky profesionalizace a specializace vytvořily výzkumný model, jenž sice úspěšně analyzoval specifické problémy, současně však selhal v kontextu kkrize“ a "rozvratu“ americké společnosti, kdy se projevilo, že vědění, jež americká sociologie produkuje, je irelevatní ve vztahu k obecnému problému logiky vývoje společnosti., The article provides a historical contextualization of the debates on theory and method within interwar American sociology. This period is often portrayed as the “golden” age of empirical inquiry resulting in proliferation of methodological orientations. It is argued that the demands of professionalization and specialization within the discipline produced a research model which succeeded in analyzing specific issues, but failed to find (in the context of the “crisis” and “disruption” of American society) a convincing answer to the general question of the logic of society’s development., and Jan Balon.
The article focuses on social context and consequences of Descartes´s method. The method demands rejection of human society as an intrusion into the development of human rationality. Though a declared acceptance of human society in its historically established facility makes part of this rejection, it is necessary to defend oneself against it at first. The philosopher of method defends himself against society not only by means of isolation, but by external integration as well. When thus secured, he convinces the authorities not only about social harmlessness of his method, but also about its usefulness. He presents his method as ready to contribute a great deal to stability or to solid foundation of hitherto society. But even this cautious claim is guided by a pursuit of protection - now of the protection by authorities - for the benefit of the most important thing in the human world, the method itself, and the freedom of reason., Richard Zika., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The structuralist thought, which was at its heyday in the mid-1960s, soon became a target of criticism. However, as the article argues, at its inception, structuralism was intended more as a method rather than an all-encompassing mode of thinking. The original inspiration for structuralism came from Russian and Saussurean linguistics and, later, it was explored by Lévi-Strauss as a suitable method for anthropology and related disciplines. In this application, the emphasis is less on the structure conceived as a system of differences and more on its transformative character. Furthermore, not only the internal, but also the external relations of system are highlighted, which implies the use of comparative methods in anthropology. The possibility of studying cultural practices and symbols is enhanced when their similarities and differences are considered in terms of structures and sign-systems. The structuralist thought that denies individual agency thus appears to be a paradoxical misunderstanding of the original purpose of structuralism as a method; a science of cultural facts in their variability remains a contemporary project. and Patrice Maniglier.