Úvod: Cieľom štúdie bolo analyzovať výsledky činnosti transplantačného centra v Košiciach. Metódy: Do transplantačného programu boli zaradení pacienti v kritickom štádiu obličkového zlyhávania. Na transplantáciu obličky bolo indikovaných 457 pacientov. Z metodík bola použitá plastika tepny, našitie tepny samostatne a našitie na spoločnom terčíku. Transplantácia (Tx) obličky vyžaduje predovšetkým techniku cievnej anastomózy - chirurgického spojenia ciev. Výsledky: Transplantácie obličiek sa v Transplantačnom centre Košice realizujú od roku 1988. Plastiku tepny sme vykonali u 22,3 % (102) pacientov. Z toho tepny našité samostatne boli u 5,5 % (25). Na spoločnom terčíku ich bolo 9,4 % (43). V 7,4 % (34) bola plastika realizovaná ako implantácia pólových renálnych artérií do hlavného kmeňa. Záver: Transplantácia obličiek je život zachraňujúca metóda., Introduction: The aim of the study was to analyze own results from Transplant Center Kosice, Slovak Republic. Methods: In total 457 patients in the end-stage renal failure were included to the kidney transplant program. Following techniques were used: arterioplasty, individual renal artery anastomosis and multiple renal arteries anastomosed on a common patch. The kidney transplant (Tx) especially requires surgical technique of a vascular anastomosis. Results: Renal transplantation has been established in Transplant Center Kosice since 1988. The arterioplasty of renal artery was performed in 102 (22.3%) and individual artery anastomosis in 25 (5.5%) patients. Multiple artery anastomosis on the patch was done in 43 (9.4%) and implantation of pole renal arteries to the main trunk performed in 34 (7.4%) cases. Conclusion: Renal transplantation is a lifesaving method in end stage renal failure., and P. Zavacký, Ľ. Beňa, M. Zavacká, M. Frankovičová
Úvod: Infekčná endokarditída u pacienta po transplantácii obličky je závažná infekčná komplikácia, ktorá zvyšuje riziko straty štepu ako aj mortalitu pacientov. Najdôležitejším predisponujúcim faktorom je imunosupresívna liečba – predovšetkým indukčná imunosupresia. Materiál a popis prípadu: V transplantačnom centre Martin podstúpilo v období 12 rokov transplantáciu obličky 250 pacientov. Z tohto súboru pacientov bolo 5 pacientov (2 %) po náhrade chlopne. Prezentujeme prípad pacienta po transplantácii obličky s rozvojom endokarditídy bioprotézy aortálnej chlopne mesiac po úspešnej transplantácii obličky. Diagnostika endokarditídy štandardnými postupmi (transtorakálne echokardiografické vyšetrenie, transezofageálne echokardiografické vyšetrenie, hemokultúry) bola neúspešná. Endokarditídu sme diagnostikovali raritne až pomocou PET-CT vyšetrenia s následnou zmenou antibiotickej liečby a úspešným zvládnutím tejto potransplantačnej komplikácie. Záver: Endokarditída po transplantácii obličky je vážna komplikácia, ktorá výrazne zhoršuje mortalitu príjemcov. Riziko rozvoja infekčnej endokarditídy po transplantácii zvyšuje aj indukcia, a to predovšetkým antitymocytárny globulín. Diagnostika iba pomocou PET-CT vyšetrenia je raritná, ale v prípade nášho popísaného prípadu, zásadne zmenila prístup k pacientovi a viedla k úspešnej liečbe. Kľúčové slová: endokarditída – indukcia – PET-CT – transplantácia obličky, Introduction: Infective endocarditis in a patient after kidney transplantation is a serious infective complication which increases the risk of loss of the graft and also the mortality of patients. The most important predisposing factor is the immunosuppressive therapy – mainly induction immunosuppression. Material and case description: 250 patients underwent kidney transplantation throughout the period of 12 years in the Transplant Center Martin. This set of patients included 5 patients (2 %) after heart valve replacement. We present the case of a patient after kidney transplantation with development of endocarditis of the bioprosthesis of the aortic valve one month after successful kidney transplantation. Diagnostics of endocarditis by standard procedures (examination by transthoracic echocardiogram, transesophageal echocardiography, hemocultures) was unsuccessful. We rarely diagnosed endocarditis only by PET-CT examination with a consequent change of the antibiotic treatment and successful managing of this post-transplant complication. Conclusion: Endocarditis after kidney transplantation is a serious complication which significantly worsens the mortality of patients. The risk of development of infective endocarditis after transplantation is also increased by induction, mainly by antithymocyte globulin. Diagnostics only by PET-CT examination is rare; however, in this case it fundamentally changed the approach to the patient and led to a successful treatment. Key words: endocarditis – induction – kidney transplantation – PET-CT, and Ivana Dedinská, Petra Skalová, Michal Mokáň, Katarína Martiaková, Denisa Osinová, Miroslav Pindura, Blažej Palkoci, Marián Vojtko, Janka Hubová, Denisa Kadlecová, Ivona Lendová, Radovan Zacharovský, Filip Pekar, Lucia Kaliská
The administration of creatine (5 g/day for one month) to 11 young active sportsmen affected their urinary excretion of creatine, creatinine, and thiodiglycolic acid (TDGA) as well as blood levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folates. The probands were divided into four groups, according to the amount of creatine found in urine, and of folates and vitamin B12 determined in blood. The changes of folates and vitamin B12 were mutually reciprocal. Each group utilized CR as donor of one- and two-carbon (1C and 2C) units by means of homocysteine (HoCySH), folates, and vitamin B12, in different metabolic pathways. In 10 men the creatine administration was accompanied by an increase of HoCySH level in blood, while in the last man, with accidentally discovered hyperhomocysteinemia, the HoCySH level dropped by 50 %. Differences between initial and terminal TDGA levels indicate that creatine affects equilibria of redox processes. Creatinine excretion into urine changed in the dependence on the extent of metabolic disturbances., T. Navrátil ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy