Hlavním postupem uplatněným v tomto textu je práce s reprezentativními příklady studií, jež se věnují tématu nerovností v účasti dospělých ve vzdělávání, zejména s ohledem na jejich sociální podmíněnost a dopady. Poukázáno je rovněž na politické, kulturní a psychologické souvislosti důvodů (ne)účasti dospělých ve vzdělávání. Text dospívá k náznakům toho, co by měly zohledňovat veřejné politiky orientované na cíl zvýšení participace dospělých ve vzdělávání. Mimo to jsou zohledněny obecnější příspěvky k úvahám o směřování výzkumu ve společenských vědách. and The main procedure applied in this article is a survey of representative studies dealing with unequeal participation of adults in education, especially in view of its social conditinality and impacts. Further the text focuses on political, cultural and psychological contexts of reasons for adults' (non-)participation in education. The text presents a brief outline of what should be considered by public policies aimed at increasing the participation of adults in education. Some general remarks about the importance of research in the social sciences are taken into consideration.
There are many inequalities measuring the deviation of the average of a function over an interval from a linear combination of values of the function and some of its derivatives. A general setting is given from which the desired inequalities are obtained using Hölder’s inequality. Moreover, sharpness of the constants is usually easy to prove by studying the equality cases of Hölder’s inequality. Comparison of averages, extension to weighted integrals and $n$-dimensional results are also given.
The hypergeometric distributions have many important applications, but they have not had sufficient attention in information theory. Hypergeometric distributions can be approximated by binomial distributions or Poisson distributions. In this paper we present upper and lower bounds on information divergence. These bounds are important for statistical testing and for a better understanding of the notion of exchangeability.
This article explores the nexus between the financialisation of housing and socio-economic inequality in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). In this context, since the post-war economic reforms, driven by deindustrialisation, the precarisation of labour, and dependent financialisation, housing loans have become a ‘privilege’ for a restricted group of people with high and stable incomes. Instead, the housing aspirations of Bosnians are generally met with the aid of consumer loans and the ostensibly cheaper FX loans that were introduced in the mid-2000s. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data, this paper highlights the enduring features of the polarised credit market in BiH. It particularly focuses on the period after the 2008 crisis when lending policies were only mildly re-regulated. FX loans never became the object of an ad hoc law to convert them to Bosnian convertible marks. This institutional approach has been unable to challenge the extreme class segmentation of housing finance and is still fostering indebtedness and precarious housing conditions among the lower-income segments of Bosnian society even after the pandemic.
V sociální a politické teorii dnes stojíme před úkolem komplexního uchopení paradigmatu globálních interakcí charakterizovaného pluralitou sociálních aktérů a zájmových konfliktů. Založení kritické teorie globálních interakcí je spojeno s řešením teoreticko-metodologických otázek i věcných problémů analýzy a interpretace. Jde o poměr kritické analýzy reálných procesů a normativněutopické projekce sociální změny. Věcné problémy jsou spojeny s analýzou předpokladů a překážek utváření globální společnosti a politiky a s tím, jak jsou vymezovány ve své komplexitě., In social and political theory today we are presented with the task of arriving at a complex understanding of the paradigm of global interaction in which there is a plurality of social actors and conflicts of interest. The grounding of a critical theory of global interactions is connected with a resolution of theoretico-methodological questions and of detailed problems of analysis and interpretation. At issue is the relation between a critical analysis of realistic processes and normatively-utopian projections of social change. The detailed problems are connected with an analysis of the assumptions and obstacles when creating a global society and global politics, and with the question of how they are to be defined in their complexity., and Oleg Suša.