The Croatian society is still coping with traumatizing events (World War II and civil war) and memories of them. The politics of memory, articulated by Tudjman´s strategy of generational and memory reconciliation of the society in the early 1990s, led to the relativization and even promotion of the pro-fascist Ustashe regime, and simultaneously to the marginalization and stigmatization of narratives relating to the role of national liberation struggle within multi-ethnic partisan movement. This also included members of local Czech minority. The study shows how - despite this - the narratives concerning the partisan resistance are still alive in family memory, and they form, through generational transmission, a value alternative to the contemporary nationally-oriented state ideology as well as to the cultural presentation of Czech minority. Family memory works as an autonomous ”intimate space/area” of expatriates in Croatia, which is based on searching for a generational value continuities in the period of post-communist social uncertainties.
The study deals with the content and transmission of “images” connected with forced displacement and the relating processes in two three-generation families. The families were chosen based on the oldest generation´s personal experience with the forced displacement after World War II (a family of “deported” Germans living in Germany today and a family of German origin remaining in Czechoslovakia after 1945). The analysis focusses on family memory, whereby the authors ask not only about the content of memories of persons who are part of the “generation of experience”, but also about the transmission of these contents down to the generation of children and grandchildren, as well as about in which way the follow-up generations came to terms with the experience of the oldest generation. The authors point out the importance of family memory to create the identity of persons participating in that memory, and they demonstrate one of possible types of family remembering, whereby the youngest and the oldest generation are its major participants (transgenerational remembering).
In addition to fights at particular front-lines, war conflicts influence the otherwise quite calm life in the hinterland areas as well. This manifests itself not only in material poverty of the people living in the hinterland areas, but also by infringements of close and wider family relationship. The young men, who must go fighting, leave at home not only their parents, grand-parents, brothers and sisters and other relatives, but very often also their girl-friends, fiancées, wives as well as children. No one of them knows whether they will meet again. This is a big intrusion into existing and possible future family relations, of course.
On a particular example, the text follows two young people separated by the call-up order during World War I (in spring 1915), their fates, better said how their fates were passed on in family memories within the space of almost one century, namely from the World War I up to the outset of the 21st century. The reflexion of this family story passed down from generation to generation in its basic outlines, showed itself in a quite different light after almost one hundred years, than it was passed on through family gatherings and repeated narrations over a long period.
Literárny vedec Vladimír Petrík patril do výraznej generácie povojnových absolventov filologického štúdia na Univerzite Komenského. Prirodzene svoj kontakt s literárnym životom, literatúrou a jej tvorcami začínal ako literárny kritik v polovici minulého storočia, aby podstatnú časť svojho profesijného pôsobenia v slovenskej literárnej vede spojil s literárnou históriou. Čas aj aktivity jeho generácie prirodzene ustúpili na začiatku milénia mladým kolegom, medzi nimi získal V. Petrík odborný, kolegiálny a ľudský rešpekt pre svoju odbornosť a spôsob, akým sa vyrovnával s vývinom a jeho náročným spoločenským, hodnotovým a personálnym obsahom. Vladimír Barborík a Magdalena Bystrzak sa k osobnosti literárneho historika vrátili, spracovali a doplnili jeho nedokončený rukopis venovaný osobnosti Alexandra Matušku a vývinu slovenskej literárnej vedy v ich vzájomnom prepojení. and Vladimír Petrík belonged to a significant generation of post-war graduates of philological studies at Comenius University. Naturally, he began his contact with literary life, literature and its creators as a literary critic in the middle of the last century, to associate a substantial part of his professional activity in Slovak literary criticism with literary history. The time and activities of his generation naturally retreated at the beginning of the millennium to young colleagues, among them V. Petrík gained professional, collegial and human respect for his expertise and the way he coped with the development and its demanding social, value and personal content. Vladimír Barborík and Magdalena Bystrzak returned to the personality of the literary historian, processed and completed his unfinished manuscript devoted to the personality of Alexander Matuška and the development of Slovak literary criticism in their interconnection.
This review study deals with a phenomenon of adult children's caregiving for their aging parents and focuses on gender themes in this field. Findings of empirical and theoretical studies mostly of British and American authors are introduced. Based on both foreign and Czech literature sources the author provides a general view of the filial responsibility attitudes and the actual behavior. Starting from the fact that women (daughters in particular) form the majority of all caregivers, she presents some of the explanations for this state (socialization theory, theory of men's and women's different position in labor market, same-gender preferences theory) and at the same time arguments which do not fully support them. The attention is paid to the ways how men perceive filial obligation, in what circumstances and how they participate in the care of a parent. Caregiving is mainly viewed more as a natural feature than a learnt or gained ability which is supposed to make women more appropriate candidates to undertake it. The author discusses the future of intergenerational solidarity in general and the possible course of changes.
Projekt se zaměřuje na propojení multidisciplinárních specialistů se zájmem o výzkum a léčení transgeneračního přenosu traumatu holocaustu. Mnoho neléčených traumat z kolektivních katastrof se přeneslo na další generace. Cílem je výměna informací a zkušeností o této problematice v rámci zemí V4 a přinášení nových poznatků o léčení traumat pro židovské komunity a pro odborníky, kteří se touto problematikou zabývají. and The project focuses on connecting multidisciplinary specialists interested in research and healing of the transgenerational transmission of Holocaust trauma. A lot of untreated traumas from the collective catastrophe have been passed to the next generations. The aim is to exchange information and experience about this issue within the V4 countries and to bring new insights about healing of trauma for Jewish communities and for the specialists who work with this issue.
Sledování lidských rodů je složitou součástí psychologického zkoumání. Projekt Vyhnání, vykořenění a změna životní linie - mezigenerační studie se zabývá psychologickými dopady aktu zvůle komunistické tajné policie v Československu, tzv. akce Asanace. Projekt navazuje na kumulující se zkušenost s transgeneračním traumatem. Zaměřuje se na generaci přímých účastníků, disidentů, kteří byli nuceni opustit svoji zem v letech 1977-1984, dále na potomky - druhou a třetí generaci, kteří v některých případech žijí v zahraničí. Pomocí čtyř druhů metod (fokusové skupiny, hloubkové rozhovory, dotazníkové metody, modifikovaný Stroopův test) se snaží porozumět transgenerační transmisi traumatu, zkoumá vedle traumatické situace také resilienci a posttraumatický růst. Zajímáme se o to, jak se traumatická situace transformuje v průběhu let, co přináší do pokračující rodové linie. Vedle standardních výzkumných článků plánují autoři také shrnující monografii na toto téma. and Tracking the family lineage is a complicated part of psychological research. The project titled Expulsion, uprooting, and change of lifeline-intergenerational study investigates the psychological impact of the communist secret police terror in Czechoslovakia (so-called Action “Asanace”), following the cumulation of research and therapeutic experience with transgenerational trauma. It focuses on the generation of the primary victims, dissidents forced to leave their homeland between 1977-84, as well as the 2nd and 3rd generation of their offspring, some of whom live abroad. It aims to understand the transition of trauma, resilience, and posttraumatic growth using several methods (focus groups, in-depth interviews, surveys, Modified Stroop Test). We shall examine transformations of the traumatic situation in time and its aftermath in the family lineage. Besides standard research papers, the authors plan a monograph.
This paper argues that an examination of the literature suggests that many things go by the name of intergenerational learning. It can simply mean any form of learning – formal or informal – in which one generation affects the learning of another, or it can have more focused meanings, the most current perhaps being that of directing formal and informal learning towards dealing with a global demographic context of ageing societies, and therefore of the possibility of utilizing the talents of both young and old in helping each other. Yet two questions arise: are all the possible relationships within an intergenerational context utilized, and why should intergenerational learning not be used for a number of other major global and societal changes? This paper argues that the number of possible relationships involved in intergenerational learning could be expanded, and that more future-focused forms would also lead to the incorporation of other, more widely globalized issues as part of its pedagogic canvas.