The effect of constant temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C) on several biological parameters of Noctua atlantica (Warren), a noctuid endemic to the Azores, was studied using an artificial diet as food. At 5 and 30°C no eggs hatched. Developmental time (egg, larval, pupal and egg-to-adult) differed significantly at each temperature. Pupal weight (males and females) was significantly higher at 10°C and lower at 25°C. Adult longevity and the pre-oviposition period were longer at 10 and 15°C and differed significantly from those observed at higher temperatures. The mean number of eggs laid per female (fecundity) was significantly higher at 15°C, and lower at 25°C. Pupal weight (males and females) was positively correlated with larval, pupal, egg-to-adult developmental times and with adult longevity. Female pupal weight was also positively correlated with the pre-oviposition period and with fecundity. Temperatures ranging from 10 to 20°C are the most suitable for the development of N. atlantica, suggesting that this species is well adapted to the climatic conditions found in their natural habitat. The number of day-degrees required for the development from egg to adult emergence was 1428.57 D°, and 117.79 D° for the pre-oviposition period. Thus, N. atlantica can have two generations per year at high altitudes (550 or 800 m) in the Azores.
A novel method is described that allows us to study the emergence of
the modular neural network structure through evoliition. A preliminary design of modular neural networks is developed by evolutionary algorithm. The concept of emergence takes an important role in the study of the design of neural networks. The model presented in this paper rnight not only develop new functionality spontaneously but it could also grow and evolve its own structure autonomously. Network architecture emerges from an initial set of randomly connected networks.
Emergence of Coenagrion mercuriale and Ceriagrion tenellum was examined in a mixed population at their northern range margin in Britain. Mortality at emergence was quantified in C. mercuriale. Consistent with their larval diapause characteristics, both species had an asynchronous emergence pattern, typical of "summer" species. Daily emergence of C. mercuriale was positively correlated with the duration of sunlight on the previous day (controlling for season) and its emergence period was found to be shorter than that observed in its core populations in Central and Mediterranean Europe. No differences were found between the patterns of emergence of the sexes in either species. Sex ratio at emergence differed significantly from 1:1 (at 1.35 : 1 - males : females) in C. mercuriale but not in Ceriagrion tenellum (at 1.04 : 1). Body size at emergence declined more steeply with time in females than in males of C. mercuriale because large size may confer a greater reproductive advantage in females (larger females may be more fecund) than males in non-territorial odonates. Percentage mortality of C. mercuriale at emergence was low (4.9% including deformed individuals), the main cause of mortality being deformity.
Fyzikalismus jako metafyzická nebo ontologická koncepce si udržuje dominantní postavení od druhé poloviny minulého století až do současnosti. Tvrzení, že vše je fyzikálně konstituováno, je zároveň velmi těsně propojeno s mikrofyzikálním redukcionismem, který předpokládá existenci fundamentálních zákonů, na které je vše redukovatelné. V této souvislosti vzniká otázka statusu a možné autonomie zákonů speciálních věd. Stať se zaměřuje na základní fi losofi cké diskuse mezi silným, slabým a nereduktivním fyzikalismem, které se k autonomii zákonů speciálních věd staví odlišnými způsoby, z nichž však žádný nelze považovat za dostatečně přesvědčivý a úspěšný. Stať se snaží prokázat existenci univerzálního mechanismu emergence, jenž vede jak ke vzniku nových a komplexních entit, tak ke vzniku zákonitostí jejich chování, čímž je zdůvodněn autonomní status speciálních věd a speciálněvědních zákonů. and Physicalism as a metaphysical or ontological concept has maintained a dominant position since the second half of the last century to the present day. Th e claim that everything is physically constituted oft en accompanies microphysical reductionism, which assumes the existence of fundamental laws to which everything is reducible. In this context, a question regarding the status and possible autonomy of the laws of special sciences arises. Th e article focuses on the basic philosophical discussions between the strong, weak, and non-reductive physicalism that treat the laws of special sciences in diff erent ways, but none of which can be considered suffi ciently convincing and successful. Th e article seeks to prove the existence of a universal mechanism that leads to the emergence of new and complex entities and regulations of their behaviour, thus justifying the autonomous status of special sciences and laws.
Seasonal cycles constitute a major challenge for organisms since they may influence the genetic composition of a population, the species structure of a community and the interactions between organisms. Diapause is frequently used by insects to synchronize their life cycle with seasonal changes and is regarded as a key factor in the coexistence of competing species. Here the occurrence, abundance and emergence patterns of three poorly-known species of carnid flies (Carnus hemapterus Nitzsch, 1818, Hemeromyia anthracina Collin, 1949 and Hemeromyia longirostris Carles-Tolrá, 1992), which overwintered in the nests of several bird species at two localities, are reported and evidence of possible interspecific competition sought. Larvae of all three species were found in association with carrion and detritus. Both Hemeromyia species co-occurred in around 50% of the nests and Carnus with each of the Hemeromyia species at a lower rate (30-40% of the nests). Coexistence of all three carnid species was rare. We did not find any evidence of interspecific competition in the larval stage. Coexistence did not reduce the number of flies that emerged of any of the three species and the abundance of some species was even positively related. Species-specific emergence patterns and different habitat selection criteria (Carnus hemapterus seemed to avoid nests lined with vegetable material), which diminished the overlap between species were found. Such spatial and temporal segregation could facilitate the coexistence of these closely related species, which have similar ecological requirements, and might influence the seasonal dynamics of this poorly-known assemblage of insects inhabiting the nests of birds.
The expectation is that the phenology of an herbivore is influenced by abiotic factors and its own population density during development. In this study, we investigated how the pupal density affected the pupal traits and emergence of Thaumetopoea pityocampa moths over a period of 3 years in two clearings in a pine forest. The pupae were larger in years when the pupal density was high and in the clearing exposed to less solar radiation. There was no relationship between the time of pupation and pupal size. Large pupae were positively correlated with an early emergence of adult moths and a longer period of adult emergence. Up to 13.9% of the pupae developed without cocoons, especially in years when they were abundant, but this did not affect the emergence of the moths. Incidence of pupal diapause was density-dependent and only occurred at a low level in dense populations. Overall, our results indicate that gregariousness confers important fitness-related advantages in this species.
Searle’s conception of ontological emergence is a basis for his explanation of mind and consciousness in the physical world. In this article, I try to show that a closer examination uncovers some possible ambiguities in Searle’s conception of emergence. First, I try to show that Searle’s distinction between emergent1 and emergent2 leads to a distinction between a strong and a weak interpretation of a causal consequence of interactions among constitutive entities and that from this point of view the existence of emergent2 is improbable only in the strong sense. Second, I attempt to clarify Searle’s distinction between explanation and deduction of consciousness in his claim for the non-deducibility of consciousness . At the end I try to show in what sense is Searle’s concept of emergence loaded with a form of mechanicism, one which is being abandoned in more recent ontological conceptions., Searleovo pojetí ontologického vzestupu je základem pro jeho vysvětlení mysli a vědomí ve fyzickém světě. V tomto článku se snažím ukázat, že bližší zkoumání odhaluje některé možné nejasnosti v Searlově pojetí vzniku. Nejprve se snažím ukázat, že Searleův rozdíl mezi vznikajícím1 a vznikajícím2 vede k rozlišení mezi silným a slabým výkladem příčinných důsledků interakcí mezi konstitutivními entitami a že z tohoto hlediska je existence vznikajícího2 nepravděpodobná pouze v silných smyslu. Za druhé, snažím se objasnit Searleovo rozlišení mezi vysvětlení a dedukcívědomí v jeho tvrzení o neodvoditelnosti vědomí. V závěru se snažím ukázat, v jakém smyslu je Searleův koncept vzniku naplněn formou mechanismu, který je opuštěn v novějších ontologických koncepcích., and Vladimír Havlík
This informal essay, written on the occasion of 60th anniversary of Wienerian cybernetics, presents a series of themes and ideas that has emerged during last several decades and which have direct or indirect relationships to the principal concepts of cybernetics. Moreover, they share with original cybernetics the same transdisciplinary character.
In the current discussions about emergent entities there is a new topic in the problem of diachronic and synchronic conception of emergence. The diachronic conception emphasizes the emergence of new phenomena over time, the synchronic conception coexistence of new ''high-level'' objects or properties of existing objects or properties on a lower level. There is a general belief that these two concepts are conceptually different and yet they cannot find a unifying framework that would allow unifying them in a more general sense. I believe and I try to show that both concepts diverge and it is possible to create a unifying framework for them., V současných diskusích o vznikajících subjektech je nové téma v problematice diachronní a synchronické koncepce vzniku. Diachronické pojetí zdůrazňuje vznik nových jevů v čase, synchronické pojetí koexistence nových ,,objektů na vysoké úrovni'' nebo vlastností existujících objektů nebo vlastností na nižší úrovni. Existuje všeobecná víra, že tyto dva koncepty jsou koncepčně odlišné a přesto nemohou najít sjednocující rámec, který by je umožnil sjednotit je v obecnějším smyslu. Věřím a snažím se ukázat, že oba koncepty se liší a je možné pro ně vytvořit sjednocující rámec., and Vladimír Havlík
At maturity, the endoparasitoid larvae of several subfamilies of the Braconidae have to emerge from inside of the host to pupate. Although the hosts hormonal milieu and the timing of larval parasitoid emergence have been studied, no report has yet focused on the physiological state of the host in connection with the emergence behavior of endoparasitoids. We investigated the mechanism of larval emergence behavior in a gregarious endoparasitoid, Cotesia kariyai. The parasitoid larvae inserted their mandibles into the host cuticle and perforated the integument by moving their head-capsule backwards and forwards. The emerging parasitoid larva must have a physical support (an "anchor") with the terminal appendages in order to exert the necessary pressure to cut the host integument. Morphological observations revealed that each parasitoid larva was enveloped in a capsule just before emerging from their host. Eight and nine day-old parasitoid larvae secreted material around their bodies to form these capsules. This material consisted of acid-glycoproteins which coated the exuvium of the 2nd instar larvae. The haemolymph volume of the parasitised host also decreased in later stages and was dramatically reduced immediatly prior to parasitoid emergence. This final reduction of the host haemolymph volume is the result of absorption by parasitoid larvae. This mechanism allows the parasitoid larvae to create an anchor more easily. The parasitoid larvae could also adhere to each other with the glycoprotein. In addition, these capsules prevent the leaking of host haemolymph through the emergence hole; these holes on the host integument were plugged by the capsules after parasitoid emergence. Although the pressure acquired by the anchor was lost once the head of the parasitoid larvae emerges from the host integument, the parasitoid larvae crawls out of the host cavity using backward pointing spines which enable the parasitoid to grip the capsule and move forward via peristaltic contractions.